Disrespectful little boy is trashing up the neighborhood and a real man calls him out on it.
Momma calls the cops then chimps out.
Daughter chimps out.
They go to jail.
That's how we roll in Texas.
Y'all have been warned.
Disrespectful little boy is trashing up the neighborhood and a real man calls him out on it.
Momma calls the cops then chimps out.
Daughter chimps out.
They go to jail.
That's how we roll in Texas.
Y'all have been warned.
Thank god we don't have that kind of monkey problem here
>Thank god we don't have that kind of monkey problem here
Slavery was a mistake
yea but so many of you are ok with hispanics
it was the daughter that made it physical, if she hadn't, and the mother kept pushing her point rationally, the white guy would've been arrested.
I live around fuck tons of niggers and I dunno if I'd rather be around niggers or spics
No, ending it was a mistake
Niglets literally sound like apes when they squeal like that.
Why was the daughter trying to start shit with her mother? I can't understand nigbonics.
Ahaha did the copper tell that baboon that she should teach the kids not to litter?
Based fucking civic responsibility.
My parents told me that back in the good old days in England if the local bobby caught you fucking around being a miscreant as a kid they would smack you round the head, take you to your parents, tell them what you did and then your parents would rattle you for it too.
Also to be a police officer in the UK you used to have to be at least 5'10.
What the hell did I just watch? They need to learn to speak.
It's very satisfying when the cameranog finally gets arrested.
Not neutering them was a mistake
This poor black woman calls the police because here son was assaulted by a white male and she's the one who gets beaten and arrested.
this is racism pure and simple. and I hope that white supremacist cop gets charged and fired.
You will
>Whites aren't a majority in Texas
>Lesbian is mayor of biggest city
>Allows Austin aka South Portland to exist
>Went Trump by the same margin as Ohio
Texas is cool but you being the bastion of everything free and good is a meme.
Always like my based Texasbros. Never change, Texas.
Those comments made my brain hurt.
One of them called white people monkeys. I think they need to look in the mirror and see who really looks more like a monkey.
why can't you guys behave?
Texas has too many brown people. They almost went blue this election. Only a matter of time.
Texas is doomed and even the wall won't stop it
You a pigass bitch on my life bitch
Some Mexicans are bro-tier. Mostly ones that can trace their families back a few generations. They hate immigration as much as anyone else.
How did they go red then?
ya but you fags all bitched out when this great american was sweeping the streets
top-tier cuckoldry desu
poor attempt but here's a (You)
Fuck off Pedro
>More than 800 Latino registered voters nationwide were polled between August 7 and 10.
>Eighty eight percent said they favor legalizing undocumented immigrants
Whites voted like 75% red and a higher percentage of them showed up. Browning Texas until it turns blue means the end of the Republic.
I'm a part of what some people call the "alt-right" and it feels punk as fuck. It feels like an actual counter culture, or rebellion against the PC culture that dominates American colleges.
Choice pasta user!
>Only a matter of time.
no the only ones that are decent are the first generation immigrants. Everyone beyond that is raised to hate white people and blame them for all their shortcoming in life just like blacks. For every "bro-tier" mexican there are hundreds of second and third generation anti white la raza petty criminals.
Majority of spics are "legal" so Trump's deportation squads and the wall won't change much
Slavery is the worst thing to happen to the united states.
When the US started out we were determined and ruthless. Nothing was going to stand in our way. When we got slaves we created a system of basically automated work, the wealthy fucked the working class by getting robots (slaves) because of this there was tension and also people felt these slaves had feelings at it was wrong. This was the start of our multicultural joruney.
It softened us to foreigners, we couldn't treat them ill they were still people, they still hurt so it softened our ruthlessness. It even lead to civil war where we killed ourselves over the people as well as for economic reasons.
Because of this we were too tired to wipe out the brown plague of mexico (there were plans to go and kill them) and because of the soft spot we got over niggers we now let these shitty spanish speaking fucks into our country and ruin it from within, because blacks weren't doing enough damage.
In a world without slavery we would've wrecked to the west, been rested and wiped out all those brown fucks and set our sights on canada after. (imagine no canadian posters on pol) Now it's not ethical and it's too late to start wars in the name of conquest. We are fucked all because some rich assholes wanted to buy some slaves from (((them))) and America will probably become brazil 2.0 in 200 years unless something crazy happens. Trump will help delay but I don't know what the future holds.
when you disagree with a nigger they chimp the fuck out. it makes any civil discourse impossible.
I don't know... there's under 60 million legal hispanics in the usa... and ere was 12 million illegals in the USA back in 2000... and with deportation lifted... most experts think there's 30 million illegal hispanics in the USA... there's no way it's still 12 million.
So 90 million hispanics, 30 million of them are illegal. It's not a majority... but atill a lot.
Good luck executing that
Executing it is the easy part.
Putting up with all the Liberal whiny asses will get a tad old, though. But it must be done.
Possibly hit by an outboard motor on a boat?
the comments on this video make me sick
fucking niggers
Shark attack?
I don't think you understand how easy it would be, but it's impossible with the political climate.
that massive jump cut around 1:50, wanna bet she got physical with him for grabbing her daughter and got herself arrested?
you know something like happened, these nig nog know they can cash in.
They are apes.
Where is the father?
why put your hands on a 7 year old? makes no fucking sense
and the cop arrested them for talking?
that entire situation was fucked up
and now it has millions of views.. as if the black community wasn't pissed off enough already by bogus shit, and then they had to go and do this
Man, I hope she got raped in jail.
>didn't get travyoned
I kinda feel bad because they are sincerely upset, and yeah the white dude probably shouldn't put the kid in a chokehold.
But that was seriously funny as fuck holy shit I laughed out loud
>err thing is on live bitch
>cop calmly arresting entire family
>okay, you're going to jail too
>slavery was the worst thing to happen to the U.S.
I completely agree. We are still paying the price for our ancestor's decision to bring slaves to the US. We don't even need white guilt, because we're paying the fucking consequences.
Just like Germany cucks itself with guilt from WW2, the US cucks itself from the days of slavery. We think we have to set the record straight but letting in any niggerspicgook that wants to roll onto the shore and make some money.
Fuck that shit. Those stupid fucking cotton plantation owners should have just HIRED LOCAL. YOU FUCKED US IN THE ASS YOU STUPID REDNECK FUCKS