>(((global))) (((warming)))
(((global))) (((warming)))
Other urls found in this thread:
((Cloud level temperature))
((Atmosphere level temperature))
>fringe weather phenomena
>"welp, that disproves 90% of the world's scientists"
ITs climate change now m8o
Outliers are statistically irrelevant.
If you came here cause you heard this place had anything to do with Trump's victory, you've been had.
Literally wasting hours trying to debate with autists and trolls, learning every acronym and stupid trend so that you can "blend in", creating a persona, when actually nobody gives a shit. Giving this place tons of traffic and exposure, and increasing "what you dont like".
If you think changing the minds of a bunch of autistic social freaks who dont get pussy, is important, then you must be a little autist yourself. If you think Sup Forums is stupid, just go, you being here actually makes this place stronger, even if you are pushing an opposite message. Hiro is laughing all the way to bank while you all battle each other, with 0 impact in the real world.
Face it, constructive conversations dont happen here and you know it. If you want to influence people, you can do 1000x more having a constructive conversation with friends or family.
There is no message and no narrative here, you faggots should have known better. Also this place, want it or not, is going to have you in the end, beware of where you're walking. But if you dont want to listen, be my guess, waste your time battling nazi trolls
It's climate change, you bigot.
And the world's average temperatures have increased in the last 50 years so this is a stupid example.
maybe if it was a story about snow levels in Finland being 2% higher than normal or something
snow in the fucking Sahara?
get real m8. this is game, set and match on the fake news that is global warming
In the desert it goes below 0 Celsius (freezing point of water) at night.
So, if it rains at night (rare) it creates snow.
kek, Trump was right
We had this thread the other day and it got derailed by someone who apparently didn't know what science was.
It's the fucking trees and the oceans we should really be worrying about desu.
Your inability to parse words at a 5th grade level is showing.
I ate a delicious ham sandwich. I now declare an end to global hunger.
>oh no arctic is at record high global warming must exist ;(
>ignore the fact that over 50% of the wold is experience record low temperatures
The entire last month has been the coldest december i've experienced since I was a child. that was over 25 years ago.
I believe Tokyo saw snow for the first time in 50 years
>it snows in the fucking sahara but not where I live
I just want to live the "comfy winter" meme just once.
Just once let me feel it in my home state
looks like a mcflurry...
Whoa there, goy. We cant tax trees.
we're pushing a carbon tax
>>"welp, that disproves 90% of the world's scientists"
it literally does. they said we were warming and we're not.
You are wrong.
Global warming isn't real but "it's snowing in X" isn't a good argument against it. Warmer air has more of an ability to hold moisture and therefore precipitation would go up (ending droughts?).
>90% of scientists agree that the climate is changing
>none of them can say if it's caused by humans or not
No, it was that it snowed the earliest in 50 years, it often snows in tokyo on december, but almost never on november.
Stop with the fucking 90% scientists meme. Look it up for yourself that that's a myth. Shouting out that number doesn't even provide anything.
90% believe what? What does each say should be done? You have nothing other than to say B-BUH MY 90% which is known to not even be fact. Fuck off
so just to be clear, the coasts of New York, Britain, Netherlands, Italy will all be underwater, but the Sahara will be filled with penguins and reindeer?
You are wrong. Last year was the highest global temperature. The earth is getting warmer because of man's interference.
>chooses outlier land data temperatures as basis of argument
>70% of earths surface is ocean
Fucking kek
>hey guys, this room is getting hotter, the heater is on
>"no it's not, see, i just put ice in my glass of water. my glass of water is getting colder therefore you're wrong"
If you came here cause you heard this place had anything to do with Trump's victory, you've been had.
Literally wasting hours trying to debate with autists and trolls, learning every acronym and stupid trend so that you can "blend in", creating a persona, when actually nobody gives a shit. Giving this place tons of traffic and exposure, and increasing "what you dont like".
If you think changing the minds of a bunch of autistic social freaks who dont get pussy, is important, then you must be a little autist yourself. If you think Sup Forums is stupid, just go, you being here actually makes this place stronger, even if you are pushing an opposite message. Hiro is laughing all the way to bank while you all battle each other, with 0 impact in the real world.
Face it, constructive conversations dont happen here and you know it. If you want to influence people, you can do 1000x more having a constructive conversation with friends or family.
There is no message and no narrative here, you faggots should have known better. Also this place, want it or not, is going to have you in the end, beware of where you're walking. But if you dont want to listen, be my guess, waste your time battling nazi trolls
>guys here's how it doesn't work
>*proceeds to type everything they say doesn't work*
Do you faggots even know how cold desserts can get during the night?
Global warming is fake.
Read the posts here from macrobius.
jews control the weather via devices like harrp and the hebrewnomicon.
you're aware 90% of scientists used to believe in Greek Gods right?
scientists change with the culture. the culture of this time period is global warming. scientists grew up when they were told in school to collect tin cans to save koala bears and pandas.
every scientist believes what they believe, because they think all other scientists believe it. ask any one scientist on their own, "have you personally found out that global warming happens". they'll all say no.
They may be underwater. And the sahara will still be a desert. Temperature has nothing to do with it being classified as a desert. Although, just a few thousand years ago, the Sahara region was a verdent tropical rainforest. I'll let you research why it is not now.
It's like they think backing global warming is some sort of rite of passage for every pre-scientist in the world to become real scientists
Like the moment you graduate college and get a job at a laboratory for, idk radiology or something, they ask you if you believe in global warming on the job application
>majority of scientists agree man-made climate change is happening to a significant extent
>worldwide agreement on this issue except America, possibly Australia
>America 20th in math, 27th in science
Thanks for contributing to our degeneracy, you're the reason other countries mock us.
Global warming is a religion, not science. Read the topic I posted here: Most climate "scientists" do not understand physics or math.
Imagine if any scientist in this current state was asked if they believe in man-made climate change or not. That isn't even a question even if they had counter evidence. They would suddenly become a laughing stock and their entire career would be down the drain in an instant.
Most scientists don't promote the concept of discovery and intellectual challenge to find the truth in the world. They promote "this is how i was taught, this is what i based my career on, i don't want to have to deal with changing text books, these are MY FACTS now and you have to believe them without any opposition."
are you retarded?
>hey guys, the world is getting hotter, the look at the temperature on the thermostate, 90% of my facebook friends agree and they are vegans
>no it's not, the heater is on, its snowing outside
my understanding of climate is the "climate" is the average of the weather statistics from the previous 30 years for a given area.... which means the climate is NOT some force, it has NO power, and exerts NO control over any weather event. as with any statistical average when the numbers being used constantly change then obviously the "average"(climate) also constantly changes... also i never see a margin of error given when claiming some single temperature as the global temperature, my opinion is we do NOT have the ability to measure the global temperature with the precision being claimed (hundredths of a degree)
>Muh (((scientists)))
end this meme
There's a difference between a belief from antiquity and data arrived at from mathmatical models and scientific methodology derived in the last 200 years from enlightenment thinking you cup of lukewarm faggotry
>links to a fucking blog post with relevant links going to breitbart and chemtrail conspiracy sites
Your power level is showing, and it's not impressive.
Majority of political scientists for one also thought Trump had no chance of winning.
Thank you for continuing to be an absolute follower in any aspect possible.
You fool. If part of the world gets warmer then obviously some other part gets colder (the Sahara).
>still 0 (you)s
Retards can't comprehend the idea that upper atmosphere heating affects jet streams and changes climates
>What the fuck is thermodynamics
This is why people who dont have a basic understanding of physics shouldnt be allowed to have opinions
>Global Warming.
What's really going to dick you up is when you realize the Earth is fucking FLAT.
It's all a hoax.
>comparing political 'science' to actual science
That guy was the most retarded person I've seen on Sup Forums to date.
so if we hadn't have caused all this global warming, we would be in an ice age?
good thing polluting the planet has saved us from going extinct
fucking global warming reeeee it's ruining our deserts
Scientists of any kind still create a stigma of what you are supposed to follow and not deviate from it in any form.
>Deciding to not refute or give any thought other than spouting out cuck
Truly intelligence at its finest
this is what happens in global warming u idiots
The basics of heat transfer, thermal radiaton, and radiation emissivity varying with wavelength isn't too hard to understand, its just the republicucks in this thread haven't made it past algebra.
It's sad desu
Wow so you're completely retarded to the point that you don't know what constitutes an ice age?
We have ice at the north and south pole.
We are in an ice age.
Unfortunately your 3rd grade education has probably only covered the SIGNIFICANT ice ages in history like the one that created land bridges and all that.
Current year delivers again.
Cucks stand up to defend Jewish extortionists.
Read the actual posts. From macrobius. Particularly the most recent ones.
Give me a break. In global warming, high areas of snowfall will occur in rare areas. This is just further proof of climate change.
Speaking of all those things, read the topic I posted here:
Reminder that we are at the end of an ice age. The temperature is supposed to rise.
It's climate change now, goy!!!
The climate is changing and if you don't let your government give your tax dollars to the global schlomo organisations then you're an andi-semide!
Say what you want but leftists go crazy literally every time there's a hot day somewhere. SEE? SEE? DON'T YOU SEE NOW????
Death, taxes and temperature. I for one would encourage any warming and in the unlikely event man can help, fully support any effort to that end. Of course this is all about a global taxation scheme, not the climate.
(((they))) are here
All of this discourse is moot when you ignore the fact that geoengineering via chemtrails is going on.
Hmmm.... scientists conducting experiments without regarding all of the variables involved within the data. Doesn't that mean that all those experiments results should be taken with a grain of salt until the geoengineering chemtrails are part of the variables being regarded? Yes. Yes, it does.
>no evidence of curvature
Thats why you cant see past the horizon... because its curved. Idk why im responding. This is obvious bait
Allow me to correct myself... I'm looking at some of the links you've posted, specifically by Macrobius, to understand the argument he's coming from. I probably won't be able to digest all of this new viewpoint in time to comment on it in this thread.
Not making a conclusion that what you've linked is correct, but thank you for sharing.
I know, "fuck goybook," and all that, but I haven't found the video elsewhere. The video is taken from a recording of a conference at the CFR and the person on the pulpit admits the use of geoengineering going on. You owe it yourself to watch it if you're following the subject of climate change.
Our system thinks your post is spam. Fucking filters.
The earth's upper atmosphere is split up by wind jet streams caused by the friction between "warm" tropical air and the colder arctic air.
The contrast between the warm and cold sections used to be great enough that it caused very powerful, fast jetstream winds that formed a near perfect circle around the arctic keeping those arctic airs near the poles. As (((GLOBAL WARMING))) has warmed the arctic airs substantially the contrast has becomes weaker and thus the jet stream winds have also become weaker, as the winds slow they no longer make a nice tight circle around the arctic but a wavy meandering snake like jetstream that bends and dips south and north in unpredictable manners. The arctic airs dip down into places they've rarely been before, the tropical airs do the same on the other end.
I'm a part of what some people call the "alt-right" and it feels punk as fuck. It feels like an actual counter culture, or rebellion against the PC culture that dominates American colleges.
>Not recognizing pasta
(((Colder temperatures? CLIMATE CHANGE, not global warming)))
>Not long-term weather patterns.
>Man made.
huh, kind of like how conservatards lose their shit whenever it's cold outside...
if an ameeican posted this i might not be so sure it was a bait
As someone who's career is In climate science, this thread gave me cancer. It's fucking real and the science behind it is not middle school level so you won't have your opinion changed by reading about it in msm or on /pol.
>the science behind it
You mean the computer programmers behind the computer predictions, which still haven't come true. New York was suppose to be underwater by now.
Either way I don't give a fuck, I won't have any kids, and if I live long enough to be affected by the changes of global warming. You can bet your fucking ass I'll have the tech to not give a rat's ass about it lel.
The only people who voted for Trump are rural and suburban retards.
City people all voted for Hillary.
I wonder if, when it happened 37 years ago, it was due to man-made global climate change.
It actually happens on a schedule, not unexplained. They only weird event that was mostly known before was the snow in Egypts capital Cairo
Except the earth is a closed system, so irregular cold means that it is less warm during the summer.
China has the most scientists in the world. They outnumber all other scientists in the world, put together.
Chinese scientists say man-made global warming is absolute bullshit.
Beware claiming "most scientists believe/agree" arguments. You will always lose thanks to China. Disregarding Chinese scientists will just let other people disregard your hand picked experts.
Science always sucks when politics gets involved.
Also, it isn't science unless its testable. We have trouble testing "man's activities are contributing measurably to climate change". If this was easily measurable, everyone, even CHINESE scientists, would then have to accept it. As it is, what we have scientifically measured can easily fit into other hypotheses that do not involve human agency. So at this point, it is a battle of politics until science can disprove that it is all just natural variation and natural trends.
Fuck me, some of you are really, really fucking dumb.
*majority of peer-reviewed scientific literature agrees that climate change as a result of global warming is real and man-made from hundreds of years of high-volume fossil fuel emissions
Listen here you stupid goyim, its called climate change now. Get your facts straight.
As if any of their supporters actually care about the truth or will change their mind by a new development that proves them wrong