Was there a better kebab remover in history?
Was there a better kebab remover in history?
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No one with better style. He nailed their towels to their heads when they refused to take them off in his court.
>Spent majority of his life in Ottoman and Hungarian prisons
>Got triggered at any notion of debate or anyone who disagreed with him
>Commited acts that were condemned by literally every Christian ruler in Europe
>Literally less than 1 year into his reign he gets assassinated because of how much of a mentally unstable dick he was.
oh and his entire "campaign" failed, and his lands were TURKED for 400 years
He was the ruler they deserved, but not the one they needed.
He removed kebabs by making kebabs. So yes and no.
He still made kebabs into kebabs
he was a not a good ruler, but no one inspired fear that could turn a whole army away like him
Pretty much any Iberian monarch.
I just realized that kebabs the food are named after the impaled kebabs they resemble, whoa.
I always thought it was funny he actually looks like a kebab himself
Why hasn't there been a good film about this man?
Mel Gibson should direct it and make it 90% brutal torture scenes.
Russia And Austria-Hungary.
Vlad gets 1 point for persistence, 0 points for results out of 10.
He technically decimated Persians and Arabs (and Khwaresm), not the kebabs/turks.
Vlad was one of the legendary kebab removers. Much like our (late) friend in the pic.
They are all kebabs.
Didnt genghis actually convert to Islam or some shit? Doesn't that make him a Kebab replacer not a Kebab remover?
>yfw the corpses of ISIS members start being found strewn throughout deserts in the Middle East
>yfw they're drained of blood and impaled on long spikes
>be so fucking based your living memory becomes one of the greatest monsters to grace print and film ever
>Genghis Khan, and the following Yuan Emperors forbade Islamic practices like Halal butchering, forcing Mongol methods of butchering animals on Muslims, and other restrictive degrees continued. Muslims had to slaughter sheep in secret.[30] Genghis Khan directly called Muslims and Jews "slaves", and demanded that they follow the Mongol method of eating rather than the halal method. Circumcision was also forbidden. Jews were also affected, and forbidden by the Mongols to eat Kosher.[31]
You might be thinking of Timurlane.
> This mustachio'd gentleman slaps your gfs ass
> then whispers in your ear "I got my moniker Impaler from my episodes on Bang Bus.. not from warfare"
>What do you do
No he followed Mongolian shamanism. He had some spiritual advisers that were Taoist.
Yeah I must be remembering wrong, my bad amigo thanks for correcting my memory.
No wonder he is remembered and celebrated as a hero in Romania.
You shut that immediatly. Gengish was true Sup Forumsack. He removed ashkenazijews from Mongolia (pic related, Soros, Maria Ambravonic, Rothschilds etc are ashkenazis) permanently after Blood Libel - the pizzagate shit of newborn ritual murder.
He himself was strong believer of blue sky and nature, shamanistic persona, with tolerance and appreciation toward theistic religions. He had islamic engineers with him, and christian court with islamese people too. Religion was not main point of him, but well-being of people through means not even questionable.
His grandson was good too, Kublai that is, who civilized whole eastern asia.
No, he was the best.
One and only, Vlad Tepeš Drakul, The Dragon.
Will there every be a kebab remover as based ever again?
>nails turbans to the heads of kebabs
>literal forest of Kebabed kebabs
>cooking and feeding kebabs to each other cartman style
>so scary that monsters based on him are still popular 1000+ years later
>highly educated in most aspects
>one of the first to deus vult
>BTFO ottomans multiple times
Here user have a rare pepe.
that is one exquisite Pepe
>become vampire
>can't be around crosses
>move to muslim country
>each muslim killed means another vampire who will kill more muslims
>people ask why vampires exist
>God works in mysterious ways
That's a nice pepe
Persians are white you ignorant fuck. I bet you think Iran is occupied by solely muslims. Persians are being held hostage in their country by the Arab regime which is destroying their economy.
>Once he gathered all the beggars of his area for a feast and burned them down afterwards. The villain believed that he killed two birds with one stone – freed the country from the beggars and saved the beggars themselves from illnesses and suffering.
>his face when
In all fairness those creatures based off of him are kinda faggy nowadays.
The only welfare program that works
>The Ottoman Sultan, Mehmed II, ordered Vlad to pay homage to him personally, but Vlad had the sultan's two envoys captured and impaled. In February 1462 he broke into Ottoman territory, massacring tens of thousands of Turks and Bulgarians. Mehmed launched a campaign against Wallachia to replace Vlad with Vlad's younger brother, Radu. Vlad attempted to capture the sultan at Târgovişte during the night of 16–17 June 1462. The sultan and the main Ottoman army left Wallachia, but more and more Wallachians deserted to Radu. Vlad went to Transylvania to seek assistance from Matthias Corvinus, King of Hungary, in late 1462, but Corvinus had him imprisoned.
Hungarian faggot didn t want to remove kebab with based Vlad
tbqh he was pretty weak ruler. His cousin, Stephen the Great, was better. He was actually the only reason why Vlad got backvhis throne.
>assasinated after 1 year
Depends how you look at it. He had several reigns.
He went retard when he attacked poland , they could have make anti kebab alliance And march to costantinople
>t. Purest white genes in europe
95% of Iranians are indistinguishable from Arabs and Pashtuns. You are not white.
That's not how politics work. He was between 3 large powers and had to manage his alliances so that he won't get cucked by either of them.
Also, if I'm not mistaking, Poland was supporting one of his pretenders.
>The original Aryans not considered white
Yes. Do not speak
There is very high chance you being nignog.
> Russian empire fought kebabs nonstop, dozens of wars
> kebabs managed to stalemate only a couple, loosing territories and their sattelites
> eurocucks interfere and start crimean war, saving kebabs from utter removal
> ottomans fight against cucks in ww1
Thanks, europe.
western peasants have no based hero to relate to so they mooch off romanian warlords.
stephen the great, michael the brave, mircea the old were greater than vlad the impaler.
I'd say Jan III Sobieski should take that title, with at least an honorable mention for Charles Martel.
The original Iranians have miscegenated themselves out of existence thousands of years ago.
There is none higher. Order of the Dragon.
Assyrian here. When the british gave us support we took all of Iraq for them.
I love him Sup Forumsros
Vlad was ok, but back in those times it was easier. Pic related however...
quads of qualiity
have some extreme esoteric knowledge
when the british took iraq we claimed it for them*
Feciorul ăsta știe carte.
nume de staruri porno
wtf I hate mátyás now
No, he's best. Proud to be wallachian.
Vlad vs. TYT. Who wins?
the Sultan literally shit himself and died after he saw his armies impaled.
>This is Romania today
I'm so sorry Romanian anons
she's being used in a troll campaign against the autist president.
if she will be pm she'll be gone by easter.
the story is too long, complicated and boring.
she's nobody.
she was used the same way some time ago but as a minister.
did i say she is a nobody?
but niggers can't read
>Let russia get even larger when it already got most of poland
It doesn't take a genius to figure out why they stopped you
Burgers don't understand deception
stupid question
Wow, have Romanian politics really not changed in 600 years
andrew jackson
Russians did the most damage against the Turks.