Please help title National Geographic's January 2017 Special Issue
Please help title National Geographic's January 2017 Special Issue
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Suggestions so far include...
And How They're Destroying Our Culture
what about this avant garde fascism litmus test cover?
Married to a Sheikh: Turkey's Boy Bride Industry
Grab Xer by the Boipucci
This shit isn't new though.
Pic related: a transsexual urbanite who fuck up America.
and it's fallout faggotry
Aye my OC. You really like that half-assed shop I did don't ya?
Go crazy with it btw, do gods work.
Who cares? Take out the Establishment and everything else will fix itself.
1 more
How about
and the future he warned us of
nudes when?
add a helicopter
Kek, best
the "let's make it really obvious we want to eventually justify legalization of fucking children because the establishment has a fixation on sexualizing children as you can see" cover
In case you goys want to keep the main title here's another template
>The Wonderful New World of FAGS
Im a faggot and wont be making it far in life.
Know what? This magazine cover is actually against the board rules I think.
reminder to sign this petition to retract this degeneracy
>tfw no father figure
haha I love you for this.
I've been subscribed to NatGeo since I was a kid. Over 15 years of loyalty. I literally threw out this issue without reading it, and immediately called them up to cancel my subscription. Fuck that shit. I won't participate in the madness.
I love y-you t-too
This is a 9-year-old child, you raging degenerate. You're more fucked up than National Geographic. Unironically hang yourself, and don't forget to leave your favorite porn sites, videos, and pics open on your computer to tell your life story after you're dead.
Nice image friend
>Transcontinental Mail-Male
I have no reaction pictures on my phone but lmao that was pretty good
the point was to exaggerate (((their))) degeneracy you finnish fool
Slice Em' and Dice Em': An Oscar-Meyer Story
stay strong trains!
'The systematic destruction of men.'
How about "NatGeo triggers the fucking shit out of nu/pol/"?
You failed and your porn-addled brain has reached such a stage of degeneracy you're not even aware of your sorry state.
best I could think of
I might admit you're white once for that.
So you're trying to express you're turbodegenerate. It works. You really wear it on your sleeve.
if the "by 2050 we'll all be niggers" issue wasnt enough..
>the science of gender
>photo PNG
This one merited a save
I'm a part of what some people call the "alt-right" and it feels punk as fuck. It feels like an actual counter culture, or rebellion against the PC culture that dominates American colleges.
Oh my fucking god. I can see that libtards are taking advantage of confused children to advance the idea trans mental illness as normal. They shout bigot at anyone who disagrees with them as though it makes their insane arguments credible.
The Wild Fags Of Someplace I Hope Is Not in America
Oh God Its Somewhere Here in America Isn't It
Someone Tell Me Its In Afghanistan Or One Of Those Goat-rapey Places
This will be real in a couple years, or sooner.