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Craigslist Politics
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Damn I didn't even know this place existed
Inb4 phone post
Wtf they have their own Sup Forums boards?
Are you thinking what I'm thinking?
This nigger is so fucking close to getting it: atlanta.craigslist.org
This was a reply, I think.
They already took the red pill siouxcity.craigslist.org
What say you, everyone? I'm thinking that the Craigslist Politics forum is in need of some
Sup Forumstural enrichment
hey chicagobro
Ayy chicago
That's a nice cat. Did they found it?
Craigslist politics is pretty much Sup Forums lite.
>wake me up
kek, even has its own retard branch
Glad that public access production quality is still a thing. Cringe, sure, but comfy as fuck.
Hey, fellow Georgiabro.
hello follow GA bros
FUCK i was just about to post this. fuk u austin
lol wait I found this in Austin
yah im sure the reddit frog will make it epik xD
Wow. And this is in Jew York.
Holy shit check out these normie memes lads. This is like being on safari
>Move to Kansas
>We cuck ourselves so international firms will headquarter here
>Our state will soon be bankrupt
>Please join us
its not a meme unless its recognizable. this is just a picture.
Joe Biden is a meme
What part of Austin are you from?
not downtown
NW Austin myself
...why are there so many Austinites ITC?
Defaults to San Fransisco for me. Weird because I'm from Seattle
NW as well. pls don't stalk
I know you Jason
da fuq
Ahahahahaha dude look at this triggered lib. holy fuck this section is gold.
it's like Sup Forums for normies except no replies.
>not my name
Good, good, my cover isn't blown.
My craigslist is like a down syndrome version of Sup Forums
There's like a page-full of posts with some guy ranting about democrats but then I found this.
My city is known for having lost's of nutjobs, here's an example!
Land lord taking your stuff and call you nuts if confronted?
"This has happened to me:
- At 104 Sherman Ave S a land lord named Jay in Apt #10 would listen in to places, lace my food with drugs, and pissed on my teddy bears.
- At 109 Wentworth St S My land lord Apt #303 help or let people in my apartment. My new lava lamp I bought new at Wal-mart the seal was broken so the lamp no longer work but was safe on the self the whole time and there is no reason for the lamp not working, objects on shelves where taken and chipped then placed back in the same location for me to discover someday, and a new shower head I ordered on line was in my home in a shelf waiting to be used and gone. They do small things that they think no one can do anything about but you can! Also has renter help harass lone women Apt #505 #506 #607
- Good Shepard Home enters your place and messes with your stuff or lets land lords or any one that wants to mess with your stuff.
- I have heard that Hamilton housing dose this to old people that they can discredit.
- Ned Jenghiz of 125 Melrose Ave S steals people stuff all the time and gets away with this because no one fights.
The thing is, in this local area there is a program of renters and business owners messing with people on a certain list and will lie and discredit you if you call them on it but I'm here to tell you, You can do something. "
If anything happens to Sup Forums, are we all moving to Craigslist?
Sup Forums BTFO
Do your women like having old stinky white reich-wing men in them?
I would like to know what Putin's dick tastes like.
I always thought it was Sup Forumsacks who were spamming up the politics/rants section of Craigslist section
We should start inviting them to Sup Forums
Someone has been posting a bunch of these.
That where the real red pills are prescribed.
Damn guys...I think we might have really fucked up..
>the feral sociopathic bloodlust of a Christkiller
are they redpilled?
I live in a fucking hell hole
Yes, but the question is, which city?
>that random capitalization
Did Chris-chan write this?
I'm going to do an experiment: from now on, every post I make on Sup Forums will be copied and pasted from a political craigslist ad.
Liberal Propaganda
Oh, you're good.
Nobody gives a shit. Maybe k-rudd uses it for scoring dope occasionally.
Have you noticed that most libs have a dead look < MrPatriot > 2016-12-22 22:09
in their eyes? A clear indication they have no soul.
what it means to be Canadian
>Check area
>Nothing of interest
>Check London
>Someone calling leftists cunts
>Then calls them Jew hating cunts
I wonder (((who))) could be behind that. What is their endgame?
Wait- so I can fly my plane to my boat and they'd be tax exempt? Fuck off.
"gerbil dick" is a reliable standby on vancouver/pol
A jew loving right winger? Surely those don't exist!
I mean, unless you count every one that's ever been elected office in human history.
Other than those, it's inconceivable!
Man some of this stuff makes Sup Forums look normal.
Same one posted in Lubbock
Fellow OC fag.