now that trump won, can we just leave this cancer of an organization? we wast billions of tax dollars on yuropoors who wont pay their fair share. if not for them, we could be stocking up on better weaponry with the money we use to support them. the only alliance that should remain in place is with Britain, considering their the only ones who can put up a fight over there anymore
Fuck nato
>the greatest military alliance in human history
>"hehe lets abandon it because i have a mancrush on putin and he helped drumpf xD"
fuck you
>the greatest military alliance in human history
>only bombed a bunch of Serbs and leeched off of Reagan
out, hillshill
and yknow defeated the soviet union and has held russia back from expansion ever since but those are minor details
>held russia back from expansion
the only thing thats held russia back from expansion is their crumbling military
>>the greatest military alliance in human history
Kek. Like pottery
and the fact that invading the baltics would result in a world war
yes and thats why they wouldnt to it regardless
I dream of the day Australia leaves NATO
why did you guys even join in the first place? its like hopping on a sinking ship just to be included
>>the greatest military alliance in human history
s-surely this is bait
Feels good not being in (((NATO))), man.
i never said that
you want this autist
The US should just leave NATO. Congress can pass a bill withdrawing from the organization. Let them have their own army.
Your Country is also wasting million on taxes in the project where you life with your mother nigger
>leave this cancer of an organization
While we're on the subject
One of the biggest advantages of war, is to have allies to coordinate, and share information with. Why throw it away?
because Sup Forums is full of a bunch of edgy russian sympathizers
Allies ≠ Occupation
Most people here are anti-Israel and anti-globalist.
Anti-NATO and Russia are just somewhat aligned with that.
You are paying nato to ignore your war crimes