How do i stop drinking alcohol? I've gotten to the point where i scab cigarettes off people then sell them for a dollar each around town to buy a bottles of wine and beers everyday. I'd rather not take medication or any drug related methods. Is there some mental hack that can help me?
How do i stop drinking alcohol...
Just stop, man. Shit, what's wrong with you? How's it so hard to not go out and do some shit? Fuck
Get a job, pinko faggot.
It's the aussie curse. I'm the same, mate. Got some VB in the fridge looking so good right now.
Oi yeah nah that's fuckin heaps sick aye
Are you a literal hobo? How are you using the internet?
I do go out and do shit. I drink. Didn't you read my post dick knob?
Abo detected.
Get a job,you can buy yourself beer just by working an hour.
>if rather not take medication or any drug related methods.
You're already self medicating with alcohol. Get real professional help you irresponsible idiot.
I got made to go to meetings a while back but its not compulsory so why should i go?
invest your centerlink buying ice in bulk, chop it and sell it to all the other degenerate bogans in your joke of a country, then you will have all the money you could ever want for that VB
Dude that's the most pathetic thing I've ever heard, that's literally what hobos do your no better than a filthy hobo, go get a job you filthy degenerate
Take mushrooms, respect them, you're not doing them for fun, have a profound learning experience about your actions etc, if that doesn't help you, try ayahuasca. This is the quickest mental hack that will help you rid yourself of addiction, research it, ayahuasca has been used to treat and cure addiction all over the world, mushroom basically has the same effect but weaker, it can seriously help you. Do your research before trying, etc preparation
>I scab cigarettes off people then sell them for a dollar each around town to buy a bottle of wine and beers everyday.
Just sounds like some healthy Australian supply and demand to me
Straya is ancap brah.
found a pic of OP
nobody needs to go on a mental journey to drop a bad habit. All you need to do is re-map your reward pathway through good ol' rigorous training. This is why people say "start lifting weights" because it gives you something else to do. A different activity that gives equal reward that is better for you. This is how I stopped watching porn. I started lifting 3x a week.
There's literally nothing wrong with being abo
They take Australian traditions to the extreme:
extremely racist
extremely alcoholic
extremely violent
extremely funny
Dude cigarettes are expensive now start charging $2-3
no-wonder you cant make decent money
Lean to economy
weed helps
heard kratom helps too but that might have a small chance to open the door to a new set of problems
Just don't do it. If you need a mental hack, pretend it doesn't exist. Pretend the liquor store went out of business and it's just not available. Did you go a day without it? Then you can go another day without and keep that going.
I'll trade your computer/phone for a bottle of vodka
>im what you want me to be now
Its ok user tour normal
Been trippin' balls weekly for the past two months and have had no urge to drink.
Try two hours, this is Australia
Alcoholism causes magnesium and omega 3 deficiencies (look it up). Supplement those two and you'll stop getting that nagging feeling that you need a drink. I recommend magnesium citrate.
Was going to say isn't selling them for $1 over there a discount? How much is booze?
stop scabbing smokes you derro
have some self respect and sell your arse instead
its been shown to cure alcoholism m8 google it, if you can't find any take shrooms or order 1p-lsd online
Money is tight and I quit drinking. I was drinking just about everyday for 2-3 years. It's possible.
Life goals
Go to AA
I have a job but they haven't rang me for 4 months
costs me 10 dollars a month
My body is naturally beautiful, don't need to lift
You'd be surprised how many people pass on the 2 dollars. One dollar works 90 percent of the time. 3 dollars gets me a bottle of red
Ok ill try tomorrow
That sounds stupid
Used to take that regularly about 5 years ago. If anything it increased my drinking more
This is why I don't want a living wage here in the US.
You might be deficient in B vitamins. Try supplementing, friendo.
teaspoons of soy sauce?
Wtf. This is an after Christmas problem. I'll be sinking lots of vb cans on Sunday.
Fucked if I know how to stop drinking. If I go a few days then my mind is settled, I don't want it so bad but I do it anyway.
yeah true but i got put in the local hospital mental ward twice before during the holiday season due to alcohol related incidents. I don't want it to happen again.
Smoke weed nigga
go to rehab
It's always easier to not do something than to do something. People who are addicted to mild drugs like smokes, alcohol, caffine, weed etc are just faggots who have no self control or self respect.
Next time you want booze just don't do anything. That's literally all you have to do. Stay home, play some videogames, watch a movie.
Easiest solution is to kill yourself.
replace alcohol with something else as equally disgusting to alter your consciousness, such as cough syrup. Cough syrup is an excellent replacement for alcohol as it features similar consciousness altering qualities, such as increasing consciousness vibration rates.
I also suspect that cough syrup can be used to contact aliens, which is an additional bonus.
Start drinking turpentine instead. Much cheaper.
Don't forget to use white bread
ah good old blou trein
You just have to stop. If it is really hard try talking to other people who have gone through it. There is no magic way. If you are doing shit like you are doing it might be time to talk to ther people.
are you an abbo?
what happened to "hurr americucks don't into insurance lel"
get on anabuse and you'll puke if you use hand sanitizer or naltrexone and you'll stop feeling as drunk and it won't tick that box that temporarily solves your problems.
main thing is therapy
Tablespoons of man the fuck up is what you need.
Seriously if Abbo's and white trash can buy piss while on centrelink you must be utter trash to have to scab darts off people and hock em around town to school kids.
>i scab cigarettes off people then sell them for a dollar each around town
you sound like a motivated entrepreneur. keep on truckin'
Fish oil and selenium helped me quit a few times, though I'm drinking again.
It still helps me sleep a lot more than if I didn't take it.
it will destroy your life then you will quit, many such cases