You LITERALLY cannot make this up
You LITERALLY cannot make this up
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not an argument
I hope he starts a nuclear war. Am i the only one?
YUGE gold-plated nukes with T imprinted on them for Trump. Take a lot less than 4 minutes to fire.
i like this just because it scares people.
There's a nuclear expansion in my pants if you know what I mean
nuke chyna
Neither is yours
>Lol I hope Trump starts WW3, MAGA amirite guise? I'm so depressed anyway I wanna die clutching my waifu pillow xD
Trump has gone full big boss mode and I love it. He is going to be elite guards with him 24/7 now.
The meek should fear the strong.
I see no wrong into this.
>Obama pays Iran to build Nukes
Simply amazing Policy, Barack
>Trump wants America to build Nukes
This is a lot to glean from a 140 character message.
Do you know literally anything about our nuclear capability? It's in a very sorry state and needs to be replaced. Maybe not by building a huge cold war stockpile but certainly some new missiles or bombs while destroying/reprocessing the old.
I love it.
>Sup Forums is one person
Regardless, nothing will happen.
He's just taking credit for a 10 billion dollar nuclear weapons "modernization" plan that Obongo started.
Really the only part of our military that needs to exist in a large capacity if we weren't starting pointless foreign wars for Israel.
More nuclear powers - less war and more peace.
Only warmongers dont want nuclear expansion, peaceful people would wand more peace on this planet.
Trump is a reasonable money person, he doesnt want to spend money on building the NWO, he wants to chase wars and run business.
Sounds great for you and us.
Well, we should. Our nuclear arsenal is outdated, and I'd rather we have neutron bombs ready to be used instead of plain old fission nukes that will release radiation and make it a pain in the ass to occupy any land taken with it.
>Germany bringing the heat
Africanized Germans are savage!
Even captcha's got bantz
Enjoy your irreversible demographic shift brought forth by the mass import of young migrants. We shall see who falls below 50% first.
Also Putin said it first and Trump was just reacting to that. Not that I have anything against Putin the savior of the white race.
But yeah the Trump nuke will have the power of 10,000 Tsar Bombas, it will be a planet ender.
Let's nuke Turkey together.
>set to defy the precedents of the 44 Oval Office occupants who came before him
Why didn't George Washington use nukes against the British?
>not wanting a nuclear winter and a mini iceage that'll make the world g8 again
>Trump advocates modern nuclear tech
>Media doesn't report our tech is 30 years old and obsolete
>Trump is insane warmonger and going to kill us all
>Media forgets to mention Obama had already announced expansion/revamp plans
Obama supposedly started or wanted to start a lot of things
>generalization is only allowed when we do it!
1. America bullshits the world about disarmament while continuing quietly and hoping it will slow other countries or just shut up the hippies
2. Other countries continue developing their own program regardless. Many such instances.
3. Putin announces increasing nuclear arsenal earlier SAME day
4. Trump responds in kind.
You want the 80s back and American might? This is it. You can't have the powerful rehetoric without the powerful bit.
All that is happening is transparency.
If you don't believe that then you have to keep up with everyone else to maintain the MAD standoff anyway.
This. Much of our military equipment, including our nuclear weapons, uses technology older than almost all of our active duty military personnel.
This. This is the chess game. Again.
Also Notice Obama announced he's deleting the Muslim register because trump can't have a Muslim register because Muslim registers are racist?
wait Wait WAIT
Did Trump actually advocate nuclear war or was it closer to something like upgrading or modernizing the nuclear arsenal?
I can never trust the press nowadays.
Why not rods from gods
Liberals are so stupid and bad. Maybe it would have been best to elect Hillary so that every American could experience real suffering and hunger.
Don't even joke like that.
(((fake news)))
Exact quote from Don:
>The United States must greatly strengthen and expand its nuclear capability until such time as the world comes to its senses regarding nukes
It's finally happening. Isn't it? This is the day of the rope. I never thought I'd live to see this day.
They literally made it up. From leddit:
>I question the media's habit of reporting on the President-Elect's twitter feed, for a lot of reasons. It's hard to extract any serious plans or commitments from a 160 character post. The article even says:
>>Mr. Trump has offered no further details on his plans but he has hinted in the past that he favoured an expansion of the nuclear programme.
>To me, this means "We don't really know what he meant." If his recent tweets about Air Force One and the JSF are any indication, he seems to be voicing an opinion, rather than an actual policy.
>That being said, I'm curious what Trump means, or thinks he means. Nuclear modernization is widely discussed already. President Obama's administration has set the stage for this, and even increased funding for nuclear weapons in 2017. (Which OP's article seems to ignore, given its statement of "This is a radical departure from President Obama's current policy.")
>And the nuclear arsenal is woefully out-of-date. To be sure, we (probably) have the most capable nuclear arsenal in the world, but much of it exists in aging infrastructure (silos, hangars, bunkers, etc), and most of the electronics in our nukes haven't been updated since the 1980's. The Navy is planning a to replace the Ohio class SSBN with a new fleet starting in the 2030s. The Air Force is currently funding development of the B-21, and the 2037 bomber is still on the roadmap for a replacement for the B-52 and B-1.
>Overall, I guess my point is that this seems to be a total non-story. Between the President-Elect's habit of tweeting deliberately controversial comments and the existing plans to modernize the article, this doesn't seem like any kind of departure from existing plans.
>Granted, Trump has been rather cavalier in his discussion of nuclear weapon usage. But Trump seems to do a lot of posturing and make a lot of untrue claims in debates, so I can't really take anything he said in them at face value.
Why would this be a bad thing?
No, nuclear expansion guarantees there will be less war. What do you think the point of having nukes is?
you have to go back, but first give me that link
if you haven't noticed, mudslimes don't give a shit if they blow up so long as they take us with them. King Nigger said Iran can have them now
I just assumed everyone on Sup Forums who legit voted Trump just wanted another HAPPENING.
Is this incorrect?
Fuck yeah, we're going nuclear. How long till we make it further out into the stars?
Liberals don't understand deterrence. It is annoying, but you can't talk sense into them.
The only thing that worries me about this is the possibility that our new tech is less secure than our old stuff. I'd rather not have the Gold Codes posted on Sup Forums, thank you very much.
Not as bad as this OP
Yes, because there has certainly been less war in the last 60 years.
Except for the Korean War, Vietnam War, Soviet War in Afghanistan, the Six Day War, Desert Storm, War on Terror, Balkans War, Syrian Civil War, Yemen Civil War, Sino-Indian War, Invasion of Georgia, Invasion of Ukraine, Iraq-Iran War, Falklands War, Africa (somalia, congo, rwanda, libya, etc.), Indochinese Wars, Invasion of Grenada...I think you get the picture.
stupid nigger nukes kept bigger nations from fighting.
All those countries you just mentioned are memes. Notice Sino-Indian no nukes because they were both afraid of the other.
and how many nukes were used?
wait so is Putin controlling Trump or are they going to nuke each other?
why cant the leftists make up their minds on this?
Gonna close Gitmo any day now.
He still has like a month to do it right?
Didn't Obama make a plan to spend a trillion dollars on nukes?
>No, nuclear expansion guarantees there will be less war.
If you can't follow a simple conversation then you should probably just shut the fuck up.