Why is Sup Forums against Muslim refugees if it's the only realistic way to revert a society back from feminism and thus saving the west from destruction?
Why is Sup Forums against Muslim refugees if it's the only realistic way to revert a society back from feminism and...
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You got my attention. Just post the rest alongside whatever it is you're posting about, I didn't even read it.
I'll answer that when you give me sauce on the woman
Right now I have no arguments to islam got anymore?
theyre not white
Heathen old gods of the Norse are rising, you cucked leaf piece of literal shit!
lel, poor user. the bottom of the picture is cut off
here fampai, have fun
Who the fuck photoshopped a dick onto her? Fucking faggots.
Haha yes my friend
>we should cure a disease by strapping a bomb to the patient and blowing them up
I'd rather deal with retarded white people than retarded brown people who will kill me somehow.
I knew it
>Lauren Batchelder is a trap
I knew it.
>backwards pedo inbred goat fucking retarded crazy violent shitskins are anti degeneracy
How do you figure?
>let the west be consumed by a foreign religion and have all our standing traditions and values erased and replaced
>saving the west from destruction
Tired of this cuck logic.
Feminism is going to win
>it's the only realistic way to revert a society back from feminism
No, it is not, so you're post is....SHITPOST
ive discovered i need glasses
...after eye bleach
You don't bring a rabid dog into your house to deal with mice
where's the dick?
good lad
I guess I'm gay after all.
What's with the deflated balls?
hormones i guess
Every heard the saying throwing the baby out with the bathwater?
>implying they aren't already consumed
Tired of this delusional logic
All Muds can either leave the fucking countries they ran to, drop their religion, or get a fucking bullet. Islam is a Terror group, not a religion. Even the mother fucker that sells you lottery tickets secretly wants to cut your fucking head off.
They are destroying the world. Hah, religion of peace? Yep - piece of you here, piece of you there.
Fuck Mudslimes, fuck Islam, Fuck Muhammad
Shooting artificially high amounts of estrogen and androgen blockers into your veins will do that to your bodies biggest test-producing glands
>the only way
m8 really? ffs this is some low quality b8.
>Save the west
Caus its been working in the east hasn't it. Jesus to think I once respected canaduh before visiting this board
either secondary to hormone therapy or orchiectomy
well developed phallus suggests it's not a congenital anomaly
Because we don't need mercenaries to fight our culture war, leaf.
>1 million single young men
>imported from counties where they are taught in their houses of worship that western women are whores and chattel and exist for your abuse and pleasure
>Angela Merkel: "What could go wrong?"
Because it injects a narrative that is different and with its own agendas. Current feminism is a representation of radicalization that has been refined and enhanced over the years much like a strain of crop or a breed of animal for example. Problem is with all such focus into a specific is that it eventually becomes unsupportable. Most of the turkeys we eat are bred to be big and as a result poultry farmers have a lot of dead turkeys nowadays because the bird's muscle/chest growth makes it unable to support their weight nevermind the blood flow and oxygen needs.
Point I'm getting at is in comparison, the current trend of the feminist movement is radicalizing at such a fast rate, that its possible for things to come full circle. Case and point is a stupid tumblr post I see on here every now and then where being a gay man is somehow mysoginistic.
That being said, a plausible hypothesis would be to throw fuel on the fire until it burns itself out from a lack of oxygen or fuel; whichever comes first. Islam is more like trash in this regard; Its not supposed to burn but it does and extends the life of the fire no matter how long. Problem is, now you have shitty burning trash everywhere.
>the only realistic way
False dilemma much?
Feminists are bad enough but I'll take them over a nation of edgelord rock worshippers any day.
because muslim are actually degenerates
they diddle children and will rape women in public and throw acid in your race
> photoshopped
At that point there will be nothing worth saving left.
I can't tell anymore.
The price is too high. There is a more cost-efficient way to deal with the problem.
>the west being replaced by another race, culture and religion will save it
I'm a part of what some people call the "alt-right" and it feels punk as fuck. It feels like an actual counter culture, or rebellion against the PC culture that dominates American colleges.
The only way immigration will work is to only let in women
Women can accept authority and integrate successfully in Christian Europe
Men should stay back and rebuild the country
wtf i'm a faggot now
we all are, heshe is hot a fuck
Digits of truth.
Because Arabs have outdated and unchangeable views and traditions. They rather beat their views and imprisone women in their homes then let them becoming useful member of society.
I'd just wiggle around for a minute and get her pregnant. I swear, my dick isn't that great, its like swimming in the pussy, but she'll get pregnant from my high potency swimmers, fucking sticky fucks.
i knew if it had a dick it would be an ugly mess. why cant feminine traps have nice dicks
hmm, im not even that mad
At least it's uncut. Cut fags look disgusting.
Ill talk to you if you tell me where you got that pic. And as a bonus if you give me some GTA SanAnderas cheat codes then ill be your internet gf.
>Why is Sup Forums against Muslim refugees if it's the only realistic way to revert a society back from feminism and thus saving the west from destruction?
listen to this first
ohshit lol nvm, still works
why couldn't it haven't been a fucking woman just this this fucking once
Because they are shitskin untermench. No one cares about the religion.