Look guys, you know what to do:
You can refresh to vote multiple times. Do it for Mike.
Look guys, you know what to do:
You can refresh to vote multiple times. Do it for Mike.
Actually, bump again to negate leaf faggotry poluting the board.
>Live results not shown
Fucking waste of time
It's time to turn the fruits into vegetables, and to generate an alternating current for alternative life-styles.
make it happen
I'm a part of what some people call the "alt-right" and it feels punk as fuck. It feels like an actual counter culture, or rebellion against the PC culture that dominates American colleges.
I want this to happen.
"Thank you, we have already counted your vote."
I don't think they'll let you vote more than once.
That guy banned race and disability based abortion
I'm a part of what some people call the "alt-right" and it feels punk as fuck. It feels like an actual counter culture, or rebellion against the PC culture that dominates American colleges.
Clear cookies and try again.
Someone wrote a code to spoof the system and vote multiple times. Other anons said it was legit, but I never downloaded it because I dont personally trust it.
>I wonder if anyone saved the thread tho.
Mike "Zap the Trap" Pence is my hero 2bh
This should be fun
I sincerely doubt that you or anyone is part of something imaginary
but I can believe that you are mobilizing useful idiots into visible positions so they can make your political and legal plans a reality
and I hope you can believe that we are aware of you, and know how to stop you
Mike "If you jerk it, fire up the circuit" Pence
>Thank you, we have already counted your vote.
Are you sure we can vote multiple times?
Please do stop them, my posts are obviously satire.
I've explained it in another thread, and everything posted by
have a bump
how do you know about this website?
Mike "kill all faggots" Pence
Why does Leslie Nielsen hate faggots so much?
6 milion votes for Mike Pence.
P.S. : the choose of the number was totally random.
>That guy banned race and disability based abortion
Good. Killing children isn't a treatment for disabilities. Medical science is built upon the idea that you try to fix people instead of throw them away because you don't know how.
There is already bot for this.
>treating down syndrome
Bump around and stuff
I did it and now I'm making this post so the thread gets bumped once