If this picture is enough to get the government of Russia to ban the game, then perhaps Pooptin is too fragile to be a good leader
If this picture is enough to get the government of Russia to ban the game...
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No fucking way Putin banned overwatch?
Blizzard btfo.
Russians need a strong leader to tell them what to buy and look at. Freedom isn't for everyone.
They didn't ban the game. Just that comic.
Gaming is degenerate and should be publishable by death if seen playing one over the age of 30
Why did they make her gay?
It's not about fragility, it's about the slippery slope of degeneracy. Peterson covers this well.
Because this is Satan's world and he controls the jews
Oh look it's this thread again. I wish gays would go play with their children.
>effective marketing
you dance good goy
I think their heart is in the right place.
Create national unity by completely rejecting Media and ideas that do not fit with the established policy and culture.
I like it more that "diversity" people need to be unified and share the values of their neighbors to cooperate more effectively.
They treat it as an assault on their political/national stability and they should.
Sexual liberty is a weapon.
honestly, Tracer's haircut should have been a dead giveaway that she was a carpet muncher
We didn't ban anything.
We just have a law that forbids homosexual propaganda.
And as this comic is clearly nothing else than a blatant homosexual propaganda, Blizzard has refrained from publishing it on russian Overwatch website, and instead put up a message there saying that this comic cannot be displayed because laws.
>muh freedoms
Jesus fuck why did they turn bestgirl gay
Do they need to expand their market to that little niche that bad
>tracer best girl
>not mercy
They didn't ban anything. Blizzard cencored they're own comic in Russia.
>a country bans an image
>some dolt assumes it's because it hurt the leader's fee fees
It was banned because it disgusts a large cross-section of the Russian population, you literal idiot.
>Showing a female character kiss another female character = propaganda
Mercy a shit doe
The leaf is actually right. It's illegal to promote faggotry in Russia, not illegal to be gay. It's basically Putin saying, "Look fags, get in the closet, do what ever you'll do, but don't prance around in our face."
is best girl still het?
I'm pretty sure that blizzcucks did this because of Nostalrius.
It is. It normalizes degenerate behavior and gives young kids the impressing that people out there do this so there might be something ok with it.
Don't even plant the seed and the tree can never grow.
It offends a large cross-section of the US population. But it's OK to hate those people, because they have different opinions.
>what is propaganda
They made tracer a carpet muncher cause her ass is too fat. She is too attractive to be sexy hetero so they pull this shit.
Seriously would it matter if everyone found out the pyro from TF2 was trans?
He didn't. Just the comic, and it was a self-censorship from blizzard. OP is a faggot
>strongly implying it is not.
>information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view.
>used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view.
>to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view.
>promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view.
>or publicize a particular political cause or point of view.
>a particular political cause or point of view.
>particular political cause or point of view.
>Liking the same gender in a stable, monogomous, manner is degenerate
>Ayy lmao everything I don't like is propaganda
>abhorrently implying I don't like it
And it's fucking nothing.
And judging by butthurt, it's actually a good thing.
And though I like vidya, I have never played in any of blizzard's games(yes, even wow and diablo), so they can fuck themselves. And this would be a win-win.
>tfw i was in love with tracer
>she helped me through my depression
>i would always imagine her and me cuddling and she would hum as we fell asleep
>then this comic came out
>Liking the same gender in a stable, monogomous, manner is degenerate
Have you ever met a fag? Not like a "Lol I'm bi" fag, but a straight up cock loving faggot? There is no such thing as a monogamous faggot. Shit, they even joke about it among themselves. It's a decadent culture that emphasizes degenerate behavior.
Don't try and apply a western standards (The same thing (((liberals))) like them work against) to a group that seeks to bring it down.
Fuck. Just look up a documentary on bug catching if you want to know how fucked it is.
I reckon its freedom of speech that ruined your country. Youre allowed to shit on any and everyone so much that youve become passive to anything that you should be concerned with.
Its not an issue per se because Overwatch is a new IP so in my eyes they aren't rewriting history on this one.
However what Marvel do could be considered propaganda in that a demographic that is less than 10% of your population now represents it as Captain America. This would not slide in the reverse and the fact there isnt more outcry over blackwashing concerns me.
The game is trash and Putin just used the lesbian thing as a cover to ban that shitfest
Well at least they know their audience.
Hey do you guys learn English just because or like, is it uncommon to be an English speaking Russian.
I am one and have met plenty. Most normal ass gay dudes aren't ever seen or heard because we feel no need to fall into the "gay culture" so we just look and come off as heterosexual. It's one of those situations where you have the vocal minority being the most commonly seen but it's not a minority but a vocal half.
The degenerate behavior is also not locked into just gays. I have met a near equal number of heterosexuals who partake in party culture, fucking anything with a cunt no matter how used or diseased, and generally being very anti-monogamous.
This works as a comedic representation of the two halves of "gay society."
They didn't ban the game though, they just blocked the comic.
Stop trying to normalize abominations. Also grow up OP you fucking faggot, you're not 12 anymore stop playing video games.
Animefag just get out of Sup Forums. This isnt a place for faggots
I'm a part of what some people call the "alt-right" and it feels punk as fuck. It feels like an actual counter culture, or rebellion against the PC culture that dominates American colleges.
>It is. It normalizes degenerate behavior and gives young kids the impressing that people out there do this so there might be something ok with it.
So why didn't they ban all media with "degenerate behavior"? Why single LGBT out?
>Bitching about anime shit on Sup Forums of all places
I had TV on the other day and I'd say about 70% of the people on commercials were black, mulatto, or some weird nigger mix. Even the TV shows were filled with non-whites. They just make sure they pick ones who are lighter skinned, it's very subversive
And 3 out of the 4 commercials I've seen on youtube lately were all black people.
When i was in school it was a mandatory class. But everyone learned it just to get good marks. That means they knew nothing other than "London is a capital of Great Britain".
The ones that you're encountering here probably learned language themselves so motives might be different.
>being on literally an anime board
>complain about anime anyway
Anime is degenerate. End of discussion.
I imagine it's the same way Americans learn Spanish, do just enough to get though and never think about it again unless it's your specialty.
better than getting APED, I guess.
Its normalisation. Most likely the same cause of any weird porn you might like. You had exposed yourself past a point of no return.
We have the same diverse television casting but all I see irl is a sea of like skinned individuals
Sup Forums is not an anime board? Ever heard of Sup Forums?
That makes sense, the game itself doesn't have any of that gay propaganda in it anyway (especially because it doesn't matter for the gameplay).
See image for reference
Because they need the advertising.
>And as this comic is clearly nothing else than a blatant homosexual propaganda
except its only like 1 page of the comic. is any media displaying a homosexual couple propaganda?
Your point? This entire site is fucking beyond saving.
>banning degenerate media
wah wah wah muh free speesh right?
At least they didn't make the real best-girl, Mercy.
If only we could ban all Blizzard shit entirely.
would you rather she get BLACKED by Winston?
Game was not banned you fucking retards.
Blizzard's writing team used to believe it was good. Then they tried just shitting out everything they could think of in WoW and found that the less they tried, the more money they made. So they hate their fan base and have enough money to be able to cockslap them at will.
Keep in mind that before the game came out, SJWs were crying that Tracer was too much like a pinup girl and that made her sexist. So they pulled the offending art and put out even more blatantly pinup-inspired art. Then they re-released the old art again.
Now they do this to stir up the right.
Because they hate their fans and have infinite money.
Mercy's chatting with the retard cyborg naturo, consider her a lost waifu.
Basic english is primary foreign language taught in our schools. Still most people dont remember shit from school days. So if some russian learned enough english to understand it, it's most probably for the matter of convenience.
Personally, I learned english mostly from vidya, kek. Kind of explains my bad writing. And I probably one of but just a few russians who likes your language, strangely it sounds melodic/comfy to me.
it was blizzard itself, and just the comic
every country should ban blizzard as a whole tho, also
>a strong leader allows degeneracy
yeah no
>mfw eights for apes
Stop playing games for dykes and tumblerinas
Fuck Russia, Fuck Homophobia and Fuck Bigotry
But comrade, gorillas have 4cm/1.5 inch long dicks.
He can rightfully be cucked by someone with a micropenis.
>SJWs were crying that Tracer was too much like a pinup girl and that made her sexist.
that was so dumb, it was literally one person who complained and blizzard was like "okay whatever we'll make a better pose" and a million people were like "OMG SJWS CENSORING EVERYTHING"
Sticking dick where it doesn't belong is definitely your thing, isn't it, fag?
Maybe next year they can make Winston fuck a consenting child.
>implying that wouldn't be truly progressive
Tracer needs to cheat on her girlfriend with a young boy gorilla, in order to show how progressive beastiality and pedophilia are.
God yes
i dont know, its a special gorilla, thats bigger than usual and from the moon. So maybe he does have an ENHANCED DONG.
Your English is better than my Russian user. It's tough learning languages.
i mean technically a dick doesn't belong in a mouth at all but blow jobs are still good with you, right?
they didn't ban the fucking comic FFS
Blizzard restricted access to the comic in Russia because they were afraid in would infringe the law about gay propaganda
if they wouldn't there'd be a slight chance of russians officials banning it (though I doubt anyone would care)
but with blizzard being proactive people DID show attention
that's exactly what making tracer lesbian was aimed ad
getting fucking attention
thank you, you swallowed it full
I don't have a dick, but funnily enough I probably have bigger balls than all your "men" put together
>another girl (male)
The game is about diversity. It's propaganda. The creator said it was. But I'm sure you know more about it than him. I'm waiting to see people appluad the newest wheelchair bound pre-op tranny character, who moonlights as a camwhore with HIV.
we learn English just like any other foreigners to integrate with international culture
it's basically a mandatory subject in all educational establishments, primary and secondary
English is more simple than Russian, it's nothing to be ashamed off to be bad at the latter.
Technically you're a descendant of a maple tree. But somehow you can make children with humans. How weird.
You're 30% fat, 56% white, and 100% retarded.
And then we'd have the redhead cucking Tracer with the gorilla.
Amazing. Progressive.
>banning blizzshit games
i wasted 3 years of my life on WOW
these do nothing good for the youth
>best girl
>not Mei
>Bitching about anime shit on Sup Forums of all places
If I had a fucking dime..
Your kind is true degenerate. It's ok to enjoy some animes that are action-based, but if you go beyond into moe shit you're just a fucking degenerate and you know it. The fact that you have that image saved proves what little testosterone you have left in you, faggot. You've been played by the Jew.
>other country tries to preserve its culture by banning shit they deem degenerate
>Sup Forums throws a fit
We should do it like muslims and drive a truck into a crowd in russia because they disagree with our values. God Emporer Trump would want it that way! Allahu USA!
Wish we'd do the same here, I'm tired of degenerate faggots rubbing their insanity in my face, especially by the kikes over at Blizzard.
such big size of balls probably means you have cancer
please sick immediate medical attention
>implying there's anything wrong with that
There is nothing wrong with cultural, political, economic, and militaristic imperialism.
>Reasons to live
Thank you kindly. But you wouldn't say this, if you'd seen my writing when im tired or sleepy, it's a mess.
And obviously russian language is harder to learn than english. I bet our word suffixes and endings gave you seizures, kek.
>Xenophobic Japs are controlled by the Jews
>Everything I don't like is degenerate
If Blizzard wants to go out of its way to make a faggots propagenda piece instead of a video then it can accept the consequences and any of you who say otherwise are brainwashed bitches.
if girls kissing girls in insanity i don't want to be sane
Fuck you and fuck faggot pandering.
> government of Russia ban the game
You sure like memeing, dont you?