Greens have made some ground in recent times in major Australian cities, particually Melbourne, now they want to fight to bring about the end of capitalism.. discuss
Aus Greens
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It will tear their power apart and allow their much more numerous enemies to win.
gulag first, then shot when they grow tired?
The sooner they're in the ground the better
This is hilarious, the Greens started to moderate their position and started to gain power... only for the extreme elements essentially tearing it apart for them not being "Left Wing Enough".
It's like they don't like getting elected into parliament!
agree with this, they will likely in-fight like they always do, and their 10% vote will dissolve pretty rapidly. Seen it happen countless times before, will likely not be able to take hold. unless they suddenly become a lot less fucked in the head.
I hate the two party system but everyone other fucking party besides labour and liberals is fucking retarded
I dunno I quite liked the motoring enthusiasts platform
Friendly reminder that Lee Rhiannon, Greens Senator, is the daughter of two founding members of the Australian Communist Party and got a Bachelors of Revolution at the University of Moscow in the 1970's.
>Lee Rhiannon
And that isn't even her real name.
That would make a good porn star name.
Recent satellite image of Cuckaroooistan
"In 1977, she studied Marxism at the International Lenin School in Moscow."
>care about something being done about foreign ownership
>care about the environment
>care about globalism
>care about ending the 2 party bland and stale Labor/Liberal meme
>hate SJW
>hate socialism/communism
>green is also my favourite colour
fug the Greens were so close
based pauline getting fired up over the mudscum 6:00 onwards
Nice selfie, cunt
Why do I have the feeling the end of capitalism always means death by socialism?
Triangle inside a triangle. PEADO logo alert!
It drives you mental a moderate Greens without the mudslime arse licking and open borders desires could've been good.
i love you Aussie cunts!
This is all too true. Are either of these former Anglosphere even savable anymore?
Hell maybe Communism will save Straya by uncucking with a flawed ideology that will inevitably kill off the Libcucks. Sort of like how Poland became the bastion of Europe by suffering the the long term effects of post Soviet rule and becoming a shit whole that migrants don't want to go too.
So join the greens and counter that by pointing out how major green political victories have been capitalistic ones. You'll actually fucking get somewhere, because internally the greens are limp wristed as fuck.
....and this makes no sense because they were opposed to the FTA with china, which is the cause of the housing crisis, and had nothing to do with the collective shitting the bed state governments had over affordable and community housing. I mean they're under the same spll as everyone else thinking that ngo's do anything positive compared to government housing initiatives but you can't help that level of fuckwittery until everyone is sick of globalism.
Kys greens
I unironically supported the Greens for years until becoming aware of the muslim problems and social justice horseshit. Were they always the cuck party that preached the "wage gap" and "white privilege" or did I just grow out of lefty blindness?
you just grew out of the lefty blindness, they were always cancer. How could you be brainwashed by that crap in the first place anyway?
>He came back from the green pill
If your voting based on which party believes in inconsequential shit like the wage gape and white privilege desu I'm not surprised
Pretty much just their environmental policies, and my being a fag naturally allured me.
>muslim problems
They only want 30k a year and they won't even all be muslim. Besides this muslims are really a non-issue as long as you don't have a UK level understanding of multiculturalism.
>social justice horseshit
Whats wrong with social justice?
They are in fact the last political party to acknowledge Israel. They only did it a few years ago.
>Whats wrong with social justice?
It's white genocide
I think the party's leadership realises what an intellectual and political dead-end SJW politics is (it's identity politics after all). They've done a decent job of keeping the SJW ohort of their supporters on-side and engaged. The problem is that they haven't done a good job of convincing prospective voters that there's more to the Green platform than hysterics over injustice.
Over the last decade I would say the party's biggest failure is also one shared by Liblab: the refusal to discuss immigration policy, and its social, economic and environmental effects. Talking about how many people should be admitted annually, how much of a rort the 457 program is, etc. will probably broaden their appeal. Their message should be that importing large numbers of people to stoke domestic demand is fake growth; the country should lay the foundation for real growth instead.
Social justice doesn't necessitate that you have sex with blacks
>They only want 30k a year
That's 30k welfare parasitizing, easily radicalized migrant savages who want me hung from a crane too many, and 95%+ will be muslim.
>Whats wrong with social justice?
Language police, feelings before facts, rampant censorship and dictating creativity etc, to put it as simply as possible. It's the cancer that is polluting the west and making us vulnerable enough to open our borders to medieval barbarians and silence objection by labeling everybody that disagrees a racist, islamophobe, bigot, xenophobe so much the words have lost all fucking meaning.
Social justice = more gibmedats for niggers
We need to keep that cancer out of our society as much as possible. Muslims and Niggers are not the equals of whites and never will be.
This country has become an example of autism going too far.
>Social justice = more gibmedats for niggers
In our case, even at its worst, it would still cost less money than our current offshore detention and asylum seeker processing.
>That's 30k welfare parasitizing
>He hasn't taken the immigration red pill yet
Unskilled immigration is almost always economically beneficial in the long run, besides this number is only 10k more than it currently is
>easily radicalized migrant savages
Higher crime rates for sure with the first generation immigrants however assimilate muslims like the US did and you'll have more muslims than evangelical christians supporting gay marriage within a generation or two. The initial shock is well worth the eventual economic benefit of both the host country and the migrants.
>Language police
Yeah thats pretty fucked up but it balances out with drug legalisation desu
>feelings before facts
>right wing
>more gibmedats for niggers
>Implying I don't want to gib
>think the party's leadership realises what an intellectual and political dead-end SJW politics is (it's identity politics after all).
Well now this is exactly what I've wanted to hear for 3 years now. I've been rather biasedly looking for traces of just this (and only have Ludlum's soft removal from the spotlight and that other chicks hard removal from the spotlight to show for it). What leads you to this conclusion?
I don't care how much it costs as long as they're not let into our country
>Wanting to give niggers more of your tax money
Why don't you just move to Germany if you want to be a niggers bitch that badly?
I wore my MAGA hat to the July election and the Greens doorguy handing out slips looked slightly mad and then when I walked out I took his little greens sign thing as a trophy and he did nothing. They're a living joke.
>it balances out with drug legalisation desu
Unless you actually come from an under privileged area and you know weed is fucking shit for people. The only positive to legalisation is it would fuck over the bikers.
>"Advanced countries go to great lengths to restrict the immigration of unskilled workers. Yet,because unskilled migrants (and it would appear skilled migrants, too) are imperfect substitutes to their native counterparts, and because the capital stock and the economy tend to expand roughly in line with the expanding population, the long-term impact on wages and employment of natives overall is almost certainly positive."
>"But, on the positive side of the ledger, the list of benefits is long: unskilled migrants complement native skilled workers and many unskilled native workers enabling them to specialize in more highly paid jobs; they benefit owners of capital; they raise demand in key sectors such as housing, health care, travel; they reduce the cost of providing non-traded services enabling, for example, the highly educated to participate in the labor force instead of carrying out household chores or caring for children and the elderly; they are essential to firms competing in labor intensive activities such as agriculture and garments; they appear to boost economy-wide productivity in the long-term because of the scale, specialization,and flexibility they contribute to production. Most arrive young, single, and eager to work, and become net contributors to the government budget over decades, and though most stay, many return to their home country, often without benefiting from pensions available to native workers. And so on.
>I don't care how much it costs as long as they're not let into our country
Well jesus aren't we sensitive and emotional.
didn't have mine then but got it for qld elections next year will be a good laff
I've often debated with family and friend about going into politics.
Australian Workers Party, AWP.
Core policies would include:
>Run the country for the benefit of the working class and SME's (small medium enterprises.)
>Huge cuts in government positions and legislation, streamline the bureaucracy.
>A scaling tax rate base don number of full time employees. The more people you employ FULL TIME the greater tax incentives you receive.
>complete budget rework prioritizing the core necessities. Medical, Schooling, Employment.
>A Civic National standing, all legislation and government policy must be based around one core belief, "How will this benefit the people of Australia?" These benefits would need to be fully quantifiable.
>National resources would slowly be nationalized and developed. All contractors will be Australian based and all employees will be Australian citizens.
>Resourced that cannot be nationalized will need to show clear benefits for not just local populations but national benefits before developments are approved. This would be to prevent facades like the GLNG project where the only beneficiary are the Australian government.
That's just some key point off the top of my head but i'm seriously considering having a run. I think with the right media coverage we could pick up a huge amount of support.
>Why don't you just move to Germany if you want to be a niggers bitch that badly?
Well if they're poor why not?
>The only positive to legalisation is it would fuck over the bikers
And saving literally millions in enforcement and jailing as well as granting people greater personal liberty. I'd legalise all drugs given the chance.
>assimilate muslims like the US did
They self-segregate in city suburbs, form muslim ghettos, reproduce like rodents, indoctrinate their offspring with their lunacy, and become festering shitpits where assimilation is impossible and produce all radicalization.
Besides I'd rather we do something about our own unemployed citizens, and those living on the street before we mass-import slave labour.
>And saving literally millions in enforcement and jailing
Not true, given how many people would go off the fucking rails entirely, and cause further strain on our health system. God forbid we ever actually point out how weed really messes with people though. Instead we get the insipid "Muh alcohol" excuses.
>Well jesus aren't we sensitive and emotional.
Not at all. Statistics prove that mudslimes make any country they enter worse. They don't assimilate, increase crime in the areas they move to, and don't even bother to get jobs, leeching on the welfare system for years. They're a cancer the leftists desperately want to see grow because of a pervasive anti-white agenda.
No niggers. No mudslimes. We don't need them, they don't offer anything of value and make our country worse with every one we let in.
>1 in 10,000 have a job
What happened to the nigger yelling money money money at the camera as he walked to Europe.
>Most arrive young, single, and eager to work, and become net contributors to the government budget over decades
Leftists are naive enough to believe this horseshit. Sad.
He got his gibmedats and lived happily ever after on the tax dollars of white Germans
You really need to die.
>muslims are really a non-issue
Until they actually become an issue and people are dying because of your ineptitude.
>Whats wrong with social justice?
>everybody is equal, but some people aren't equal enough and deserve things from the the people who are more equal.
I've thought about getting into politics myself, but I'm a shit public speaker and wouldn't even know where the fuck to start
>hey don't assimilate, increase crime in the areas they move to, and don't even bother to get jobs,
But they do and have already here, we just planned things a lot smarter than the other countries because we weren't fuckwits about it.
The lebs turned out to be awesome overral, and the Bosnians were a bit fucked up but too to not being in a constant siege like ducks to water. Literally the only major problems we've had are our states being blind to every other states problem with Sudanese.
The sudanese are fucked.
who coulda thunk it
I know where to start and how to gain support but i have far too many skeletons in my closet. I'f id had a better upbringing i would defiantly have a crack.
I'm considering running a proxy but it seem like alot of work.
>The sudanese are fucked.
They're legit responsible for 90% of the crime in my suburb. Niggers, not even once.
I want to get into politics in some form. Just contacted an alternative media outlet for a journalist position. He said his writers currently are letting him down, but he'll see after the Christmas if he wants to let anybody go.
Wish me luck desu, I'm a breddy gud public speaker and good at debate. Want to become a more redpill Lauren Southern but a less autistic Richard Spencer.
Wouldn't be very defiant if you had a good upbringing though XDDD
>tax euros
Key is to focus on Australian ideal In a nationalist sense without the advert racism we have now.
can always creep that in afterwards.
Good luck in your position.
fair point
>advert racism
You mean like that KFC one with the Jamaicans?
They're more assimilated into mainstream culture than many natives in the US
>Besides I'd rather we do something about our own unemployed citizens
Yeah, import thousands of unskilled workers who will improve the life of the currently unemployed
On top of the excise and the fact that it probably wouldn't cost that much given how few users actually develop a dependency we'd almost definitely come out far ahead
Alright write your own paper debunking the meta study of unskilled immigration impact on host economies and I'll believe you
>Until they actually become an issue and people are dying because of your ineptitude
People are going to die because we could've taken in more immigrants boosting our economy giving us more resources to be using for healthcare and police. But you'll lose your shit every time four people die in a terrorist attack.
>everybody is equal
I'd prefer that we all have equality of opportunity yes
>some people aren't equal enough and deserve things from the the people who are more equal
not everyone has equality of opportunity
There is a pro-workers party in the making which is trying to get registered in time for the 2019 election:
Their platform is mostly built around having the government use its full policy space to get the best economic outcomes - get unemployment lower via "Functional Finance" fiscal policy and have a job guarantee policy to catch the rest. Your ideas sound pretty similar or at least compatible.
I don't know if this is the real deal but it's certainly an improvement from the anti-muzzie meme squad of parties that has emerged in the last few years.
I'll check it out thanks.
Pfft, we're not canada yet, our fags can't marry, we're shoving refugees onto a shitty island and we're winning that proxy war.
I have this little fantasy about being the one faggot senator of some nationalist right-wing anti-muslim party, thus giving them a leg to stand on when it comes to dodge being labeled X-phobic by the SJWs and media. Triggering the Greens like Pauline did/does would be delicious.
Shame the closest I'm likely to get is arguing with retards on the ABC facebook page though desu
Importing mudslimes who will kill people, commit crimes en masse and leech off welfare for generations is not the answer. I mean, leftists would fucking love it if it was because they're salivating at the thought of replacing white people with brown skinned savages, but if you like Australia and western civilization then we need to look elsewhere.
I would much rather Australia died white than have it become another degenerate shitskin Islamic trashheap in 3 generations.
I want to discuss things beyond Australia. I think Australian politics are boring as fuck just because we're so irrelevant.
Which outlet mate?
They'll just start calling it an alt right party lol
>Importing mudslimes who will kill people, commit crimes en masse and leech off welfare for generations is not the answer
Alright but it statistically balances out to an eventual net positive
> I mean, leftists would fucking love it if it was because they're salivating at the thought of replacing white people with brown skinned savages
>but if you like Australia and western civilization then we need to look elsewhere
Yeah and I want the highest living standard possible for all Australians which is undoubtedly achieved through immigration
>Australia died white than have it become another degenerate shitskin Islamic trashheap in 3 generations
It would be meaningless though, because nobody seems to be able to agree on just what the fuck the alt right is
>right wing trying to organise
Yeah, we had them here in SA for a bit. I think sexual assaults increased by several orders of magnitude and several cab businesses nearly went broke because the Sudanese drivers just turned into rape machines as soon as they saw a woman.
So we kicked them out and shut down the program to bring them here.
Now I find out other states started bringing them in and are now like "What do?" Well you could have seen what happened to us m8's
Actually don't want to say because they're so small, they have a total of like 4 writers including the owner.
become the australian shapiro but without the sneaky jewness
They come from a backwards shit hole, it's not really surprising. It's a shame they'll turn their stupidity into a culture and propogate it through their teen lovers bastards.
>The lebs turned out to be awesome overral
Not yet, their still fuckwits and semi-criminal. Won't chimpout, just overcharge you for work they'll never do and dodge taxes.
I really don't get that image.
What's it's trying to say?
>Yeah and I want the highest living standard possible for all Australians which is undoubtedly achieved through immigration
This is objectively untrue. It increases crime, puts downward pressure on minimum wage, makes it even harder for unskilled native Australians to find work and doesn't do anything for the overall health of the economy since the future of Australia hinges on us being able to transition to a highly skilled workforce producing high tech goods and not having a workforce of niggers picking apples.
The leftist myth of immigration being good for anything needs to be stamped out. Mass immigration has destroyed every single country that has attempted it.
No more shitskins. Keep them out, and hang the traitors who try to argue to let them in.
Hi Alpha Aussie
i can actually see you leering at everyone in this thread and patting yourself on the back through my monitor mate
there's a reason why most people here dislike leftists, and you are it. when someone can tell how smug you are just by reading your posts you've gone too far
I like Shapiro, but fuck I hate lolbertarians.
btw if you're that greens tripfag shithead please just put on your trip to make it easier to laugh at you
i love his pretrump debates
+ the fact if anyone has travelled overseas, you would know how good aus compared to majority of the world and wish it not be overrun by hordes of parasites seeking to invade