Brit/pol/ - GOOD MORNING edition

>Don't be cowed by terrorists, urges Theresa May

>Merkel may as well have driven the lorry herself, says UKIP donor Arron Banks

>Poll shows majority of voters want Britain out of EU soon as possible

>Spain rejects Nicola Sturgeon's plan for Scotland to stay in single market

>Prince Charles says listening to the will of the people risks return to 'horrors of the past'

>King Charles III: Is the Queen getting ready to hand over the reins to her son?

>Leading Muslim reformist: Hope not Hate are orwellian bigots

>Soaring numbers of pensioners will spend Christmas in A&E

Other urls found in this thread:


Nigelposters are cucks

Morning, lads.

Hello my fellow Brits! G'day and how do you do? Haha yeah fuck those Potato niggers and polish amirite? Me and the lads were down at the pub talkin bout how much we hate those micks when some cute lass walked on by and showed me her cunt.

Me and the lads had a good laugh at the roast beef situation down south


Morning lad.

Do you think May will trigger article 50 before March, lads?

Brit/pol/ is kill.

It's 7am. Only b Wagies are up now. Even YKTD is in his NEETsleep

No u

>before march


>ywn go fishing with ol' nigey and have tons of pints with him and hate the globalists


Before end of March?


I wonder if 2017 will be as good as 2016 desu.

2016 was the gathering of warriors against the darkness. 2017 will be when the first real fight begins.

>Peter Hitchens mother killed herself.
Ouch. Didn't know that.


Don't be edgy, lad.

Brit/pol/ isn't a Nazi general, we are mostly small-c conservatives.

Brit/pol/ isn't for you.

Man, you guy's healthcare will become top notch with all the money the brexit side promised it.

Maybe you can get a deal with India. The EU wanted to sell them food but the only thing India wants from a trade agreement these days is to send their workers abroad. But that will not be a problem for you guys with your secret trade negotiations technique. I must admit I was surprised, you couldn't get a stop for immigration when you had the best options for negotiations but now you say you can get one with the EU anyway for even less.

You also need to get some production running. Most of your export is services, financial services to the EU market.

>we are mostly small-c conservatives

Jews in Europe are fucking immigrants. Get out civic filth

Ignore the other Britposter. Most people are conservatives and quite a few are either extremely right wing or are in National Action

In other news Facebook died.


>or are in National Action

I bloody hope not, that's a terrorist organisation. Brit/pol/ respects the rule of law.

Who /lastdayofworkhere/ and the office is bloody empty?

Goin home after lunch lads, fuck it.

Also I'm definitely in love with a girl I sometimes see on the bus. This morning however I saw her go into a building round the corner from mine.
Proceeded to find out which companies were in there and then check out all their employees on Linkedin. At what point am I officially stalking?


Fucking kill yourself out of this thread.


How about approaching her and saying "hello"?
fucking autist

Too obvious.

Good luck getting laid

My place is chucking everyone out in about an hour and a half.

>At what point am I officially stalking?
About a sentence ago, lad.

I'm already in a LTR with a kid, so this is all just fantasy anyway.

Then everyone ever is probably a stalker.
I remember at university we tracked someone down on FB with only the back of their head to go on.


I hope ya being ironic chum

Fucking hell, Ivan, don't put ideas in his head! Over here the recognised way to flirt is to awkwardly avoid all contact or if you have to have contact just be a cunt to the grill. Then go home and wank. Anything more is literally rape.

>Then everyone ever is probably a stalker
Yep. Shitlords.

Compiled by leading academics in their fields ranging from trade to migration, the report concludes that:

* immigration will be fully under UK Government control, with restrictions resulting in a large fall in EU migration and pressure to cut non-EU migration

* some industrial sectors will get special deals for EU migrants

* the UK will no longer be a member of the single market and probably not the customs union

* trade in goods will be covered by a Norway-style Free Trade Agreement or a low tariff schedule

* Britain can sweeten its deal with continuing payments to the EU budget and preferential access for EU workers

* EU states are unlikely to offer any major concessions to London and Britain is in a ‘weak position’ to negotiate

* “support for the British has declined significantly even amongst London’s erstwhile friends” and there’s “little or no evidence” the EU 27 will allow Britain to “have its cake and eat it”

* Boris Johnson’s Foreign Office has been “marginalised” amid fears officials had “gone native’ in Brussels

* the law on the ‘Article 50’ process for Brexit will allow May to negotiate ‘divorce’ proceedings and a future new deal in parallel, with a transitional deal most likely.

Oh you're definitely a creepy stalker, but I'd do it too. The sweet feeling of stalking your admired on the internet.

>pressure to cut non-EU migration

Relatively happy with that.

I'd rather we just cut off all ties 100% than end up with something even more complicated

Instead of failing at a negotiation, just don't negotiate at all, except demanding they do as we want or get nothing.

Britain Stronk

>* some industrial sectors will get special deals for EU migrants

>* trade in goods will be covered by a Norway-style Free Trade Agreement or a low tariff schedule

>* Britain can sweeten its deal with continuing payments to the EU budget and preferential access for EU workers

>* the law on the ‘Article 50’ process for Brexit will allow May to negotiate ‘divorce’ proceedings and a future new deal in parallel, with a transitional deal most likely.

Just another proof that Tories and Kosher Sharia May are cucks.

>Brendan Cocks to deliver (((Channel 4))) alternate christmas message!

mfw i called this a week ago

Is Dr Mordred are guy?


When most people think of a scientist, we picture a man wearing a white lab coat. When we think of engineers, we think of men wearing hard hats.

The same can be said across all STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths) industries, where women are not only grossly underrepresented in education and the workplace, but in the images used to represent those industries.

While there are many obstacles as to why so few women end up in STEM careers, a glaringly obvious one is lack of representation.

If girls can’t see women occupying certain spaces, those spaces remain more difficult to access. In fact, according to research by WISE, an organisation inspiring more women and girls to build careers in STEM, the proportion of the STEM workforce made up by women has decreased from 22% to 21% since 2015.

That’s why Getty Images has released a set of striking and aspirational images to challenge the image of STEM industries and make them more inclusive to all, particularly to women and girls.


I know we have no time for these pathetic attempts to get more women into STEM, but I'd unironically love a STEM professor girlfriend. I love reading about STEM, I'm just not smart enough to do it as a career, so it'd be ebin to be able to share my interest in my partner's work.

I think he was photographed with another woman quite soon after Jo "died for nothing" Cox's death, as well.

tunnocks teacakes desu

>I think he was photographed with another woman quite soon after Jo "died for nothing" Cox's death, as well.
Yeah it was the nanny, apparently they have been shagging each other.

>STEM girlfriend
From my experience at uni, I can tell you that they're either trannies, fat, or autistic. There were a few qts who ended up dropping out.
Also I had a tranny chink lecturer once.

I think the "girls don't like STEM because there are no girls in STEM to begin with" is the wrong way round.

I did Mech Eng at university, and out of 145 people on my course, I think 11 or 14 were girls. So when I hear that like 20% of people in STEM are women, I think back to how they made up

No reason not to have women in STEM IF they're competent and capable, same as men.

t. Engineer/Scientist

In 2012, Sara Winter helped to form a radical abortion advocacy group in her home country of Brazil. The group, Femin, is known for protesting topless, sometimes violently, in front of religious institutions and government buildings.

Recently, though Winter, whose real name is Sara Fernanda Giromin, had a change of heart. Catholic News Agency reports she now describes her abortion advocacy as a “huge mistake.”

Giromin said she feels betrayed by the movement that she once supported. Many turned against her when she changed her opinion about abortion and apologized for her actions.

“You have no idea of the reprisals I’ve been a victim of coming from the feminists,” she wrote on Facebook late last year. “I’m afraid of even stepping out on to the street with my baby, but I have faith that all this is going to go away.

“I understand I made a huge mistake, and I ask forgiveness from the bottom of my heart. The way to achieve public policy changes for women has nothing to do with mocking people’s religions,” she added.

I share this experience.



Pick one.

Member of staff brought me some American lager for Christmas

I don't drink lager, it makes me belch like a frog

However it is going to spend the next six hours staring at me from my desk

Should have got some American IPA


Pretty immoral imo

brown ale > pale ale desu

Just made this OC

does it work?

Change it to 'oppose mass immigration' and change the guy to Brit/pol/.

tbphwy I like pretty much all ales, except when they start getting really dark i.e. porters and stouts. Hobgoblin is probs the darkest I'll go.
Brewdog Punk IPA is my flavour of the month though.

LMAO guys, I had no idea the internet here was so cucked. Attempting to view any form of age-resricted material on broadband requires a 'credit card verification', and failing that you have to go into the telco shop and show id.

What the fuck guys, I hope Australia stays away from whatever the fuck is going on here.

>oppose mass immigration

No, they're not mutually exclusive.

Porn makes men weak.

Morning faggots, still in the EU?

The more lager you drink, the more used to it you get and eventually you'll begin to enjoy it

Most people don't start particularly enjoying beer until one day you crave nothing more than a nice ice cold crisp kronenberg

This. Just don't end up addicted and become a homeless alcoholic waste of space.

Good morning.

or a case of them

Porn is the Jews tool at completely destroying western civilization.

Earn more than a teacher if you're a homeless alcoholic these days in the right cities, it's good money

IPA's that are real hoppy taste flowery and bitter. I haven't found one particularly appealing

Or I could just not and drink beers I actually enjoy instead

I'm fond of stouts desu
eyy lamo

Not much of a life though is it.


Berlin truck slime got JUSTed in Milan.

flexible hours and great holiday though mind you

Don't you guys wish you were a part of schengen?

Erotic art is ancient. Modern porn is degenerate though

Or you could not drink lager and instead drink good beer


What did he mean by this?

The day of the results of the MEP election in 2014 was the day I knew we'd leave the EU

IPA is currently popular with the kind of people who consider 'man buns', flannel shirts and shaped moustaches to be cool. ie. hipsters who haven't realised 2013 is over yet

they realize pretty quick they'll be surrounded by nerd permavirgins in a lab working on their own for 30 years and getting a cat.

a lot of pubs IPA is literally all you can get. There was maybe 2 or 3 pubs in the whole of Sheffield that had stouts no joke.

Oh, I wouldn't know since I'm not a faggot who cares about who drinks what

>tfw no advent calendars in the colonies

My condolences

>tfw too intelligent to enjoy a good stereotype

You memeing lad?
We have them here, even though they immediately melt outside of the fridge.

Whilst that's true for physics, engineering is surprisingly full of chads and other normies.

t. studied both

I've never seen them in the states. Do Australian ones have deadly spiders inside some of the days and you take that risk?

Pretty irrelevant m8

white people stay colonizing

these lefties accusing "far right" of using "tragedy" for political capital is pathetic

of course if something happens because of a political decision you criticize it.

in the same way lefties use the banking crisis for "political capital"

I jewgled around and it seems quite a few americans have them.
Do you live in commiefornia?

Not intentionally but sometime they crawl inside and lay eggs in the chocolate