pic related
Our No.#1 priority should be closing humanities courses
- Art & Art History
- Religious Studies
- Creative Writing
- Development Studies
- Education
- Ethics
- Gender Studies
- History
- International Relations
- Journalism
- Political Science
- Psychology
- Sociology
- Anthropology
there's already financial repercussions in graduating with 1/2 million in debt and no ability to get employment with that diploma. it's a self correcting problem.
>Art & Art History
>Religious Studies
These are fine, just reduce the amount educated to realistic numbers (85-110% employment)
As above, in addition reform and implement scientific standards
>Political Science
>Creative Writing
>International Relations
combine these into an eldritch abomination just to see what happens
>SJW: But if you don't name the 64+ genders you are a bigot and a fascist!
>Canadian kek: one day, and it's going to be very soon, we'll give you a proper treatment and shut your lying dirty feminist mouth
I don't know what it's like in other countries but the US should get rid just get more specific undergraduate law and medicine training degrees too, a lot of people go into these useless humanities/fake science fields of study and their only outlet thereafter is law school.
Journalism wouldn't be terrible if there were a legal equivalent of a BAR exam or certification (for lawyers) for it, at least in the US, not sure how it works in other countries. Psychology isn't useless as a graduate degree in many instances, but other than that is shit. Education pretty much is shit, I think a lot of philosophy majors I've come across are much better teachers than any education major I've ever known, if they'd want to make it effective they'd probably need to completely retool how it's taught and have higher standards so that retards aren't teaching
Depends on how you run a humanities department or course.
Most the departments at my university decided quite a long time ago to actually give a shit and operate with dignity and require effort on the part of the student. Getting a history or anthropology degree at my university is rather hard and requires a lot of time and effort to do well in a class as the professorship expects you to give a shit.
Not all departments in this world are ran well and not all professors are fit to be professors but why throw the out the baby with the bathwater?
Dank meme.
If you go to a regular ass in-state uni then the debt should max out at like 30k~ which is easily paid off if you make roughly that per year. It's only when you go to the over priced private universities or out of state that really fucks you. It's also STEM memelords that have the same issue as well, to be fair.
>Getting a history or anthropology degree at my university is rather hard and requires a lot of time and effort to do well in a class as the professorship expects you to give a shit.
Lie. Not a single USA university is worth saving except medicine and STEM courses.
That will do nothing. The ideas are already out there and people who never go to college still get sucked into leftist ideologies. You have to win the war of ideas, then the culture war, then an actual war.
Shutting other ideas down is weak, especially those with any traction. It makes you look afraid. Instead of destroying others why don't you build yourself? That is what Peterson talks about all the time. Try to fix yourself before you fix others.
all social science should be abolished
Pls don't get rid of art, just fix it by restoring method ie make it hard again. That'll thin out all the retards, leading to fewer, better artists and an unsaturated market to support them. This will lead to an overall increase in the quality of culture.
humanities are a time waster and jewish cash grab.
You will never see scientific standards in psychology.
>get rid of history classes
Never go full retard
Just ban teaching of history within the last 100 years
Not a lie my fellow amerinigger
Most STEM courses suffer in roughly the same way as a lot of humanities courses do.
>Bio fags will have to deal with fierce competition for shitty jobs even with a MS because of failed med-fags and the industry for biology being generally poor
>Most Chem students will end up working for $12/hour at a shitty lab even with a MS
>Physics students will be lucky to land that $12/hour lab position
>Bio-Chem requires a MS to even reach the minimal lab positions
>Math cucks will end up in low level finance and business positions that anyone with a degree can get
>Tech fags have to compete with Raj Bandalandabad and Ho Chi Mihn
Engi students are the only ones who don't get a raw deal aside from hating their lives because being an engineer sucks dick.
Unfortunately this is true. Too many quacks are in the field who blatantly ignore putting any effort into being actual scientists or are paid off by big pharma.
Social science was created by your people
me on the left
Pissed off English grad here. Towards the end of my time in university, I witnessed more of these cultural marxist shitheads infesting my major and forcing their agenda. It was horrible to be around, and you'd think these cunts were produced in a factory somewhere.
That said they are ruining the major. Which leads to my next question: how do we save English? Reading comprehension and writing are two valuable skills that must not be subverted by these subhumans.
>Bitch about how useless BAs are
>Complain media is full of leftist propaganda
Some of you are going to have to bite the bullet
so torn after watching this guy. i don't want to be a right wing extremist but i also want white people to have a homeland and a place to preserve their heritage.
It has to end.
Not sure why art history needs to go or history, but they definitely need it be revised because they are used to set fucked up narrative.
Peterson's our only weakness
When will people learn that accounting is the ultimate major?
> going into the field you studied
Nigga, are you retarded? You study a STEM major to go to law school, medical school, work on Wall Street, etc. You stress transferable skills, and in the end you make out better than most people who waste their time studying political science, psychology, business, etc.
>pajeet with a wig
Whenever something gets political just cut it. If a subject can't handle only presenting facts then it has no place in academia.
Ideally, anyways. Avademia is a liberal shitfest no matter what department you go to. Have fun writing grant applications when you're all white males.
>i don't want to be a right wing extremist
Hi leftypol
Jordan Peterson also has much disdain against commies
He speaks a hell of a lot more about them then he does against the fascists
To be straight STEM is rather crap for transferable skills into non-STEM fields. These fields focus heavily on rote memorization and technical/lab capabilities and not the soft skills needed for something such as law, medicine, and business.
Most STEM-Lords I've met have zero capacity to comprehend things that aren't raw numbers or rote memorization. Their writing is like that of an autistic eight-grader, their capacity for soft skills in non-existent, and they have the personality of a brick wall.
Usually it's argued that the "pure logic and reasoning" you find in STEM courses counts but honestly it's meme tier hogwash because they don't want to admit that humanities is better for soft skills while STEM is better for technical skills for that specific STEM field.
>Learn to program
>Never be out of a job ever again
Also what you said depends on what you're majoring in, STEM is a large field.
So this is how people who were too dumb for STEM comfort themselves. Interesting
No. Instead...
Close: Creative Writing
Gender Studies
All others
>against the fascists
because the communists are fascists + LGBT + degeneracy.
he wants equilibrium and decency and knows that overwhelming rightism will be as bad as rampant marxism. but it's overwhelming leftism that's the problem now so he's doing his part to push right.
If you can learn and get certified in a few solid programming languages you're set for life but the issue remains that many areas of STEM do suffer from over crowding or lack of demand. Humanities are in the same state but a tad worse.
>Just because he doesn't want to study STEM means he can't do it.
Yeah, let's implement a mandatory knowledge test for the media that totally won't be jewified
Fuck off shill, thought crimes won't be a thing
sounds like a nihilistic ninny, happy just to pay the centre ground because what is the point in having strong opinions.
Hey whatever helps you sleep at night brainlet.
This. They've always comforted themselves like this.
So they assume every stem person has a shit personality, approach them like they have a shit personality, then wonder why stem people hate them and don't want to talk to them which furthers the impression that they have no personality.
Found the /sci/ autist.
>learn to program
>compete with Pajeets and Chinks for 80 hr. work weeks with an average salary at best
It's simple. Just get rid of student loans and scholarships for the humanities.
You want a luxury degree that doesn't increase your job prospects? Pay for it up front.
It's true user, everyone who's better than you at something is a no-life neckbeard with a mental disability and everyone who's worse than you is a retard. You're the perfect one, I knew you could do it.
Yes universities need to be basically nuked.
When automation becomes more pervasive it's going to be interesting to see how cucks and cuckservatives will try to maintain their power.
They're basically doing that via house prices and usury at the moment.
anything that stems from "critical theory" needs to be axed. everything else is fine
Man you tell that anonymous poster on an imageboard site what's up
Wait isn't this the poo from the hugh mungus video?
Isn't that what you've been trying to do all thread?
critical theory is useful at explaining the world and making predictions
don't close them; cut funding, yes
*public funding
Nah, it's just that board is writhe with borderline r9k tier memelords who can only throw around the word "brainlet" because they themselves are too unintelligent to say anything else.
Hell even Sup Forums has degenerated to simply using "cuck" and "degenerate" ad nauseam but at least Sup Forums has two words going for it.
Some schools are quite skilled at making you think that debt and no career prospects is worth it.
We need to make non-productive graduates as much a liability to them as they are for the rest of the country.
You can go straight into a career from most Engineering degrees or Computer Science though
all that post did was inform me that you have zero understanding of peterson's views or nihilism as a concept
psych major reporting in
feels good knowing I'll be able to land a job at starbucks straight out of college
Correct. Trump should end federal aid to students who pursue worthless degrees. Cucks can pay for their BA in sociology out of pocket.
Defunding them is enough
I don't get why Sup Forums wants to implement thought crimes
Academics can do whatever the fuck they want in whatever field they want, and if one student gets aid to study something marginally useless like theoretic physics that likely will make no difference in life for a very, very long time, then someone should be able to study psychology with federal aid
>but psychology hasn't made any progress at all
Right. Because therapy has helped nobody ever for no reason.
No don't do it burgers.
Stupid liberals getting those useless degrees are what fund our fancy tech for STEM.
Also, where in the fuck do you get 500k from? If you can't pay off college debt, that means you just went to a meme tier university and were too fucking stupid to have a life plan
it's from the Frankfurt School. I don't care how useful it is, anything from there must die
Who the fuck said anything about thought crimes? I'm with on this, taxpayer money shouldn't be used to subsidize degrees that contribute nothing.
>being an engineer sucks dick.
The secret rings are cool though. >like that of an autistic eight-grader
Lol you LARPER faggot. Enjoy your BA.
not an argument
nobody wants their tax dollars supporting cultural marxism. why fund your own demise?
Keep the Classics (aka Ancient Memeology).
I don't give a shit what you think is an argument or not. cultural marxism is cancer and needs to be purged.
you're just an ideologue spouting hatred against your imagined bogeyman
lol you legion of losers aren't having a blip on academia
nothing is imagined. read anything from Herbert Marcuse and then maybe you'd know what you were talking about
actually most of them will find employment with the gubmint or at "non profits"
you're just as bad a communists that spout "read marx, you don't know what you're talking about"
you can't back up your own argument so you play a cute little trick and move that weight off your shoulders by claiming the other person is the ignorant one
What this guy said
great idea, pure brilliance
Thank you for putting this into words. It's so frustrating to deal with everywhere on this site.
fuck your sophistry. you're defending something you know nothing about, you're totally ignorant of it. if you had actually read Max Horkheimer (the founder) or his disciple Marcuse you might have something to say.
but instead you accuse me of exactly what you are doing. it's called sophistry so fuck off and read a book.
I graduated journalism and I agree. I mean it's different here but it was such a commie infested lair that it actually made me even more right-wing than I was before. I got a cozy job now can't complain tho, but I am one of the really lucky. most of my classmates are unemployed.
Trump must do this. We must meme this into existence.
>complains about sophistry
>"read X or you don't understand my point!!!111""
Pick one faggot
>If you go to a regular ass in-state uni then the debt should max out at like 30k~ which is easily paid off if you make roughly that per year.
No. Try 60-80k
clinical psychology
art can be studied on it's own it doesn't deserve a spot in uni
religious studies too
Biofag here, that's true, here microbio, anatomo pathology, Clinical biochem, inmuno and genetic (engie/clinical) are """"(((medical fields)))""""
And yes we can get our asses in that jobs, but the exam is way HARDER than the resident medic exam.
>Art & Art History
>Religious Studies
I'm ok with these, maybe Art half n half
What is >Development Studies?
Journalism is ok-ish, we should just ban WaPo and the likes
let me define sophistry for you since it's obvious you don't know what it means. "is reasoning that seems plausible on a superficial level but is actually unsound, or reasoning that is used to deceive."
I wasn't complaining I was making a correct observation.
you're defending something you clearly know nothing about it. I mentioned Horkheimer and Marcuse because I assume when a person defends something they know a little about the subject. it's not my job to bring you up to speed.
you clearly don't, I called your bullshit and suggested you learn something before acting like you do.
so double don't more on your bullshit. maybe it'll make you feel better about yourself
>i also want white people to have a homeland and a place to preserve their heritage.
that makes you a right wing extremist these days
Panik reaction!!!
Ban Ban Ban
How about you Start winning with ideas and actions instead of jerking it to tranny porn you piece of shit.
>ban education becuase I don't like it !! >:((((((((
Are you retarded? Like yeah Art History is fucking retarded. But no reason people shouldn't be able to study it if that's what they want to waste their money on.
oh okay, you actually are just retarded
Classical studies, History, Theology, English, Foreign Languages and sociology (to keep in all the retards to stop them infecting the other arts) are all that's needed
The only undergraduate degrees that I think really ought to be abolished are Journalism and Media. Those ones just offer bad deals for starry-eyed students and they don't realise how useless their degree is. If they want to go into that sort of field, they should get an apprenticeship. Oh, and business too. It's not the sort of thing that should, or can, be taught as an undergraduate degree.
Aside from that though, there is value in everything, and every field produces useful research. GRANTED, some fields are more useless than others. English is pretty pointless, as is pure maths and the like. But they still have value. Besides, who am I to tell people what they can and can't study?
I don't know how it works in America, but honestly your teaching sounds meme-tier. I studied politics from 16-18 in a qualification called an 'A-level', and there was no bias in the teaching or anything. I got a very good knowledge of current affairs and political ideologies, and every student was encouraged to think independently.
Let's not forget, universities are not solely job factories.They are also places of academic pursuit, for learning things that may not directly lead to a job in that field. And that's ok, because four fifths of all graduate job do not require a specific degree subject to have been studied.
I wonder what Sup Forums thinks of my degree. I'm studying Law, which is an undergraduate degree in the UK. Hardly a useless social science, I'd say. Though if I do say so, I think Law is the most valuable social science.
Funding this is just saying "Yes Michel Foucault and progressive writers, please destroy western society".
We must ban destructive things to our culture. Either that or we let them destroy everything in the name of "liberty".
Reminder that degeneracy is not a First-amendment issue.
Are you saying that governments should be run like businesses for profit? That if it doesn't contribute to the GDP, the state shouldn't invest in it?
This is why I'm against public education funding. You don't fund it if you don't like it.
If it's publicly funded, then yeah, just like you said. No reason why people can't waste their own money on it, though.
This is a strawman. You've taken "doing literally nothing" to be equal to "has no effect on GDP", which is obviously not the same. There are all sorts of beneficial things a government can do that have no obvious effect on a country's GDP.
>- Art & Art History
>- Education
>- Ethics
>- History
>- International Relations
>- Journalism
>- Political Science
>- Psychology
>- Sociology
There is nothing inheritly wrong with liberal arts. The problem is they are so watered down that all the tards that want to study them do. There should be a national governemnt quota in all of these (non-deficient) fields +rigorius testing that will slash 95% of the current places. That way some of those diciplines could potentially regain their prestige over several decades from the libshit irl shitposting.
>inb4 libarts fag
I'm compsci with an appreciation for art and history
>- Religious Studies
>- Gender Studies
Those have to go, though.
There should never exist liberal arts university. If people enjoy it they can study privately and hire private teachers in their home.
The only thing humanities/social sciences graduates are good for is to act as cautionary tales for future applicants.
t. a poli sci graduate