Is National Catholicism the perfect state ideology?
Is National Catholicism the perfect state ideology?
Nice pharmacy logo on the top left
Yet another abrahamic theocracy
because it's worked so many times and nothing bad ever comes of it
There is no such thing as a perfect ideology
shut up eternal anglo. Go fix your teeth before talking.
So a Theocracy?
no, white nationalist Islam is the perfect state religion
holy shit
How would that even work?
Why would you want to be a part of a Jewish desert religion at all?
why did you attack our embassy
try again fedora
If we did we wouldn't be fighting isis
> pharmacy logo
Amerlards, please don't post again, you are too stupid to live.
I'm a part of what some people call the "alt-right" and it feels punk as fuck. It feels like an actual counter culture, or rebellion against the PC culture that dominates American colleges.
>a literal spider-monkey thinking he can talk down to me
enjoy your ringworm, favela nigger
Sorry but Generallisimo Franco digress
Every law would be based off the commandments of god in the bible
I can smell your rotten anglo mouth from here
Stop being a Freemason and I'll teach you.
What does that have to do with nationalism?
Franco was literally the perfect leader
>promoted national unity and cultural values
>opposed jews/freemasons/zionism
>didn't go full retard like hitler or mussolini
Enjoying your $6,000 average salary ivan
I genuinely think that favela country should be annihilated, what a fucking disgrace and shithole, even worse than ooga land
is this u?
Salazar vs Franco?
I know it is tempting to cast doubt on modern criticisms of the religion, but what about old Christian saints saying things like pic related?
How do you really argue that these things, which are in writing, do not truly reflect what Pagans at the time believed?
They were both Catholic but Salazar brought prosperity to Portugal. He was literally the answer of The Blessed Virgin's plead for Portugal in Fatima
also i fully support trump but you'd have to be talking out of your ass if you believe the guy is christian
>divorced and remarried 3 times
>cant name a single bible verse
>says he "equally" likes the old and new testament
>openly talks about pursuing sex with women
>supports abortion and gay marriage
Catholics are race mixing cucks so no.
Catholics gave us Mexico.
Protestants gave us Australia.
Think about that.
Russia never produced ANYTHING worth of value to human civilization
Not a single philosopher, not a single scientist, not a single paint artist, not a single romancist.
Plus your language is barbaric and ugly just like your people.
Even when something good happens in your Country when you see who did you realize it was not by russians. It took the Cossack to do something worth like this:
Australia is majorly Catholic though.
Truly can't get any better.
Nice favela education pedro, why you even try to use your monkey brain, you know your country is a third world shithole and still defending it with some delusional claims about "muh famous persons". And by the way, you don't even have your own language, monkey.
>Russia never produced ANYTHING worth of value to human civilization
Said the actual fucking monkey.
keep in mind this portuguese author is worth more than the entire british ''culture'' including Shakespeare .
tfw no tengo ni puta idea de cómo decir "based" en español
I could rip a favela monkey like you in half.
You know that's true.
Your country barely produced a good philosphy in hundreds of years of existence.
Never produced a good writer.
The best anglo speaking writers are from the United States.
Your empire was nothing but a huge tribal sex party. Even the indians and chinese produced more wealth than your people.
Jesuits are scum and Catholics are all fucking stupid. REMINDER FAGGOTS
You can't buy your way into heaven, you have been tricked.
>Your empire was nothing but a huge tribal sex party
What did he mean by this?
would you bite me with your rotten teeth?
>who is Chesterton
>who is Belloc
>who is Haydock
>who is Tolkien
>who is Card. Newman
C'mon, don't talk nonsense.
Maybe if you are poor.
Anglos were the first to bring Sexually Transmitted Diseases to western europe. This is perhaps their greatest achievement.
You listed only polemicists. Name a good writer instead.
3 Reichs;
Only 1 had a state religion (Romans) and it was based on the Greek gods, so no, fuck Catholicism, right-wing dictatorship is the answer not religion but if we were to establish state religions then Roman would be best.
Tolkien, Newman, and Haydock are polemicists? Huh, news to me.
Dickens, seeing as its Christmas and he has been on my mind. Dickens was an excellent writer.
Listen to yourself, you're acting like an idiot.
The thought of biting into a favela nigger just made me dry-heave
You must be riddled with parasites, have an inch thick layer of grime all over and you probably smell like a wet rat.
>And for any faggot about to tell me "errrr the romans were Catholic"
No, idiot, they had their own pantheon based on the Greek one, when they changed to Catholicism they crumbled because it's cancer.
>Tolkien, Newman, and Haydock
Obviously they are better than what Russia produced in their entire existence but Tolken and Haydock are clichéd
You're name-dropping a few good Catholics, leaf.
>he still adheres to Gibbon's disproved thesis
kys, historically illiterate bong. Also, if you really want to copy the Romans, you'll need some Romanitas, which the average Sup Forumsack will find disgusting.
Do you even know who Haydock was? He was the one who gave us the singular commentary on the DR Bible. Please explain to me how he was in any sense of the word clichéd.
Argentina I believe could fall into this category very easily, the argentine triplet of bishops has the ability to stop a president from taking office, if they wanted to. they essentially have the ability to affect policy based on who they will support.
my nigga how do you even have internet, you basically live in somalia 2.0
I meant unoriginal. Sure he was important figure because his translation and his commentaries but it was not something new. Commentaries to the Catholic Bible are present in our world at least since the year 300.
>kys, historically illiterate bong.
You might want to take your Utah state education somewhere else, your dirty jeezues is so pathetic that believing in that spastic brought down one of the largest empires in history
No, I suspect you aren't actually familiar with Haydock and now you're inventing some nonsense to weasel your way out of a corner.
Look, don't be an idiot. There have been some excellent English authors who have contributed enormously to Catholicism, both in works and in deeds. I say that as an ethnic Portuguese and devout Catholic. The idea that England has produced no literary or artistic culture of note is pure fiction and something only a liar, an ignoramus, or a malicious fool could claim.
Take away the Jesus came back to life hocus pocus and sure, the system works. He was no savior, just a patsy for the jews and roman empire's many problems. Numbers predicted it with the whole 'scapegoat' thing.
Kek doesn't deal in necromancy.
Maybe if you like licking nigger feet like the pope does.
>Romans worship the old gods (Greek)
>Romans conquer more of the world than anyone before them
>Romans make the mistake of switching to Catholicism
>Roman Empire collapses
Coincidence? Nope. Catholicism is degeneracy.
Forgot one:
>sold his nation to the IMF
>There have been some excellent English authors who have contributed enormously to Catholicism
The only one I can think of is Haydock. Tolkien was a mystic.
>The idea that England has produced no literary or artistic culture
I said pretty much none. Sure Britain produced good writers such as Shakespeare but other than that their culture is filled with hedonism and paganism.
I read Chesterton. While a good critic of modern society I don't think he was a devout Catholic or a good writer of morals and values.
he attained christ consciousness
No user, codifying Christianity was the only way Constantine could hold on to the empire.
Nice Catholic written and bias history you're spouting there, learn that in public school history class?
>Because we know all of them are unbiased and truthful *sarcasm*
He converted to Catholicism because he experienced miracles. It has nothing to do with "securing the existence" of Roman empire.
This is a modern secular myth.
>christ consciousness
So did keanu reeves doesn't mean anyone not on drugs is gonna talk to him three days after his death. ዳዓማት conquers all.
>Tolkien was a mystic.
I would ask you to qualify that because that's not immediately apparent to me. Unless you're trying to suggest his legendarium was some allegory for profound Catholic truths, which he would have denied.
>Sure Britain produced good writers such as Shakespeare but other than that their culture is filled with hedonism and paganism.
I'm sorry? And this is coming from Brazil whose entire identity revolves around football, bimbos, and trannies? I mean, if you want to reduce the entirety of English history to a crude mischaracterisation then I see no reason why anyone shouldn't do the same of your country.
>While a good critic of modern society I don't think he was a devout Catholic
No, but you, who has done scarcely more than insult and denigrate others ITT are surely the exemplar of Catholic virtue. Motes and beams, my friend.
I see no reason whatever to doubt Chesterton's faith and I find it hard to believe that anyone could deny or miss the presence of the Moral Law in his writings. Have you read "The Man Who Was Thursday"? Have you read "The Ball and the Cross"? If so, I simply cannot believe that you could ignore the fact that both, in content, point towards the Logos, and by extension the Moral Law.
kill yourself philistine
Fuck you. Chesterton is the greatest writer of the last century. He can say in a sentence what it takes others an entire book to do.
Have you ever read Monteiro Lobato? if you are a portuguese it's easy to find his books.
He was better than Tolkien. If you like fiction/fantasy I'm sure you'll like him.
have you ever read Fr. Félix Sardà y Salvany? his works is published in Spanish, portuguese and english. You'll find more deep analysis of morals and modern society than in Chesterton.
>The Man Who Was Thursday
This was a great book dealing with modern society, nihilism, destructive values of secularism but not an apologetic work of Catholicism.
>I see no reason whatever to doubt Chesterton's faith
Chesterton praised Buddhism and eastern mysticism. I'm not saying this to attack his work personally I'm just showing you.
His major work in my opinion was the Biography of St Thomas and St. Francis of Assisi.
The rest of his work is a good critic of modern values and secularism but not more than that.
Have you read What is Wrong With the World? There is so much depth to his words that I find something new each time through.
Wait wait wait, what writers of note has Brazil ever produced? Portugal doesn't count, if you love them so much then you wouldn't be an independent country. Don't ride of the success of Euro countries and attribute it to your own favela nigger.
Take away the denomination specific nonsense and yeah, pretty much.
There are no female adeptus astartes, fake picture is fake
"The poets have been suspiciously silent on the subject of cheese."
C-chan is in Sororitas sabbat-pattern power armor.
Right now Saint Celestine is "leading" a Black Templar crusade, so it's not that un-canony
Yes. He captured the spirit of women's rights, socialism, etc better than most people of his time but as I said there are deeper works regarding the problems of modern society.
I dunno. Will the pope be a muslim foot fetishist or will he actually be Catholic?
These denials are all not legit...
every single bullitin in that list is searchable and correct corresponding to the correct documents...
check yourself before you shrek yourself, jew shill.
Are you the same user spamming usa in the nuke threads?
>unironically being a Catlick.
>being abrhashit
i agree. cmon op assyrians created rome
That sounds great, but how do you reconcile nationalism with all being on in Christ, neither gentile nor jew?
Wow wth this thread is irrationally hostile and shitposty, almost like some people here are getting paid to shame and squash the egos of people who have original thoughts that might lead to the development of new ideas :^)
STFU faggot. KYS.
>"National" Catholicism
>answeres to thirdworlder in Italy
Protestantism is really the only non shit religion in Europe.