SJWs being retarded thread

SJWs being retarded thread

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It's in the eyes, my friends. Always mind the eyes.


Ellen Fanning would make a good Poison Ivy

>Still reading comics

>being retarded
That's synonymous.

>I will trebuchet
Jesus even the leftists realize they've become such a copy paste meme they need a thesaurus to sound relevant

>tfw no insane jewess Marxist (((nerd))) to trebushet your dick
why live

Can you guess her word of the day?

wew lad I'm too tired to spell


wouldn't you see the picture before the tag?

The trebuchet is a wonderful piece of engineering and siege technology, please don't let SJWs turn it into a buzzword

Holy shit, it's true. I knew a girl turned sjw that has the same eyes.

Yeah, but maybe you can filter tags.

saved this gem.

there's actually a group on facebook called "I will trebuchet this man" or something and it's full of sjw stupidity, it'd be fun to infiltrate for the lols

I'm a part of what some people call the "alt-right" and it feels punk as fuck. It feels like an actual counter culture, or rebellion against the PC culture that dominates American colleges.

Go there and criticize the group for being problematic. Say trebuchets were used against peaceful invading groups when white men came to take back their invaded cities.
And that's racist.


There's nothing less punk than more fucking government. Leftism is shit.

It's funny because Nevada, Colorado, NM, Virginia, Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania are all the wrong color

This one is a favorite.



looks like she has the feminist fish mouth too

>Ellen Fanning

Poor womyn only winning half custodies

Is she bleeding out the eyes?


Fucking fathers have had to endure this for decades!

Good job user, my morning started off so well.

I posted this on my normiebook

My friend count went down by 15 within an hour, I shit you not

Gen Y in Australia is so fucking left it makes me sick

Who the fuck wrote this article?
>Half of the time
Its only on the fucking weekends wtf. Im about to go to sleep and Im pissed already.

Jojo reference

This type of shit makes my blood boil

Jesus Christ this is not a YRYL thread user. I am so fucking pissed reading this.

>Wondering if they're sleeping sweetly or if they're crying for mummy
When will women realize that the world isn't solely revolving around them?
It's like they want to be retarded & that no one takes'em seriously

What a fucking cringe artist, she's trying too hard to make trebuchet happen, plus seriously policing what people find sexually arousing is fine but under the grounds that its illegal or disturbing like pedos. If you support lesbians then people can be aroused by that you can't have it both ways. But that's women in a nutshell.

please tell me its all just a meme

getting a chubby over those mechanical beasts

>oh noes, she removed me from her digital list of (((friends))), most of which she knows nothing about or speaks to in the real world

Do people really think this kind of shit matters to others?

Wew lad
I too lost some FB friends from shitposting even tho I didn't even vote for Trump kek
Also IDK if this guy could be considered an SJW but he's still an idiot regardless

It's from the 2000 election. The left thinks they're gonna relive the Bush years. They're wrong - it's gonna be MUCH worse for them.

have a scottish trebuchet

It's been said a million times already, but why the fuck do they just create fictional problems? When has Trump EVER said anything about trans people? Or 'POC'?

And how is 'people of colour' any different to 'coloured people?

And WHY do they think they can have a passport that says they identify as whatever? This has never been the case.

Raging out because the government doesn't recognise them as a polygon or some shit. Jesus Fucking Christ I hate libtards.

Faggots. There is no such thing as the alt-right. That is just msm propoganda. Just call yourself a fascist and carry on.

I really do love trebuchets.


I like trebuchet wheels

Only retards would care for shit like this.
What's even more disgusting are those people with their "Yeah, he like, totally triggered me, so I deleted him from my "friend" list. Now PRAISE me"
This is a collective hivemind, where they always try to get a chance for stroking each others dicks for the most trivial shite that exists on this planet.
I wouldn't even call this narcissism anymore, it's something more.

Catapult here, trebuchets are losers

Ah that makes sense
Here's something from the 2004 election where the Bush winning states were considered "Jesusland" and the others were considered "United States of Canada." Some variations have Alberta in Jesusland

So it's just a libshit circlejerk? They think people care when they get removed from their friends lists, when in reality, no one gives a fuck and the leftists rally around each other thinking they've "won" something.

Wow man they are so fucking dramatic, it's crazy what if they actually ran into real problems or north america becomes the third world due to everyone they want in, what then?

little toy for babies

>I too lost some FB friends from shitposting even tho I didn't even vote for Trump kek
looks like i'm not the only one here smart enough to not fall for my own memes

It's a fallback phase. The last stance of a manipulative person trying to wrest back control over a mind they were hoping to parasetize.

Your entire post is spot on. They mark such trivial bullshit as a victory in their nonexistent brain.
That's why libshits are governments greatest ally, they're pawns in their game of chess since these lefties can't think for 1 sec, if what they're doing is really for a greater good. It's always about their own asses, that's how selfabsorbed they're, or atleast they behave like this here in germany, don't know for 'murican libshits.

Why do I never see right wing versions of this meme from when liberal presidents were elected?
Could it be that the right is more mature?


Well, I can tell you that it's only going to get worse because of the college system here. I ended up going to college in my late 20's because I did my 4 years in the Navy, then worked in the radio industry, but I digress.

Attending college at such an age, with all my life experiences under my belt, was an eye opening experience. They don't teach you to critically think in college. This is literally the modern college system:

>Memorize material for test
>Take test
>Forget all material memorized
>Repeat for new material

This is literally mind control and strengthens your pawn hypothesis. And this is actually starting in elementary schools now, so by the time they get to college, they don't even know how to question it or realize that they're being manipulated.

Ive see. This pasta before
Also checked


Care to remind me what POC stands for?
I can only think about "pieces of crap" when I read it.

people of color

Person of Color

>kinetic manlets trying to be relevant

People/person(s) of color. If you call someone a "colored person" you'll get a ton of salt, even though it's literally the same thing.

Omg I can barely stand. I've never been this scared in my life.

Oh, thanks, looks like I wasn't that far off.

I know, that's just super fucking cringe worthy. God I just want to fucking hit her.

>this gif

>look how close i'll be when hillary wins

It's the only way a liberal can say "black person." Gotta shame all the existing words and rename everything so as not to offend anyone. Carlin nailed it decades ago.

I shit you not it's because "People of color" puts "people" infront of "color" where as colored people puts emphasis on color over people.

No need for correction, your definition stands.

>orange sticks = male domination

Why am I not surprised?
Only a liberal cuck would put so much emphasis on a word, instead of its meaning.

When I see stuff like this I honestly have a hard time believing this people is serious.

Can't she see those thinks are there to signal where the road ends when it snows?
Does she really believe what she's saying?
I'm at a loss of words.

So she shared something she doesn't like publically. And then deleted the person she stole it from. Makes sense.

There is a place in the world where the leftist and liberal ideas runs strong. It is something of the Marxist idea, but it was fueled by war. It corrupts all that walks on its surface, drowns them in the ideals of the leftist—it corrupts all life. And it feeds on ignorance. Karl Marx knew the power of such places… and the power in making them. They can be used to break the will of others… of normal people, promising them equality, and turning them to Socialism. The World Wars were a series of massacres that masked another war, a war of conversion… culminating in a final atrocity that no Person could walk away from—save for a few.

This is overly dramatic as well, though.
Also a bit unrelated to my post, I'd say


When hypergamy goes wrong

I've always thought refugees were supposed to stay only temporarily until they can go back home and rebuild their nation. The Syria conflict is almost at an end, but it feels like these refugees are preparing to stay here instead of going home.

Judgefag here
I stopped awarding custody (full custody) to moms a while ago. Unless the dad is confirmed abusive or the dad doesnt want them. Those are the only two times i would grant the dads not to be the full time parent and the mom sees them on weekends.

>denying your innate desires
>i know better

member refugee camps? what ever happened to those?

when did we start just importing them en masse

That was great also checked.


>Trebucheting people
At least she got good taste

>Transgender girl in elementary school


Implying a woman can make a trebuchet.

>And this is actually starting in elementary schools now, so by the time they get to college, they don't even know how to question it or realize that they're being manipulated

So, if I say that common core is only part of a bigger scheme to keep the new generations dumber than the previous ones, could that be true?

Also yes to the college agenda, I realized the same thing; they don't try to really teach you anything nowadays, they're just testing the obedience of everyone. Who's going to blindly follow their leaders is the new good people in this day and age. If you question anything, be sure to feel the wrath of higher ups.

Faggots, all of you. Ballistas are the best!

Is she actually a nip, or did she CULTURALLY MISAPPROPRIATE that last name?

Coz she looks like a fat weeb slut.

That gif is full of fail. I hope you die screaming!!!

we need to auschwitz these sjws


>sjw who know what a trebuchet is

she googled it ofc but i'm impressed