>tfw they were right
Tfw they were right
>tfw no, they weren't at all
Is the Earth still the center of the universe, Christfag?
So delicious. So nutritious. Its texture that of the finest Persian tapestry. Its fragrance akin to an eccentric cheese of le cordon bleu. My tounge wrapping gently around its entirety causing my neurons to depolarize by opening ion gated potassium channels in which calcium flows down its concentration gradient to stimulate the corpuscles on my tounge as I separate the skin from the shaft. Ever so gently I tossle his black-cock foreskin between my lips in a fashion similar to tasting a fine wine. This fine wine however is all mine :)
How does it feel to call a Jew your Lord and Master while being sure to give lots of tithe.
Desert religions are fun aren't they.
>tfw they were right
explain how they were right. what about the last quote is right at all?
Begone, ye demon of ignorance.
thats a stupid meme because there isn't a point of reference at all
>don't be a national socialist it's anti Christian! Science is racist! We're all one people!
The original Jewish lie strikes again
> Fucked herself with Osiris' severed penis
> "The Virgin Isis"
> being this retarded
>A Christian is trying to ignore what old Christians saints say about Pagans and their beliefs.
Tell me more about how the writings of old Christians were wrong? Pic very related.
>"evolution is the root of atheism, communism, etc..."
How the fuck is this kind of mentality an argument FOR religion or anti-evolution ideas?
This is purely an ideological argument and not based on any facts at all. It's essentially the same argument that people like Peter Hitchens and Milo give for being a Christian. Peter Hitchens literally said that the only reason he believes in the resurrection is simply that the Christian religion dictates that he must believe in it. In what way is that proof that a man can rise from the dead? Same argument here.
Sola Scriptura, goat/motherfucker.
what do you believe in? don't give me a religion. do you think we are alien? im not being condescending i just want you to explain what you believe.
How is evolution the root of communism or any lefty ideology for that matter? Leftists believe that everyone can be exactly the same and basically deny evolution. Next time you see a leftypol thread post the iq tests song and watch them get triggered
darwin was a christian. so was mendel, the monk who formulated the first laws of genetic inheritance.
the real root of atheism is judaism
The product of an unknowable unseen being, as with all life and matter.
so are we real or simulation? do you think humans can ever be capable of recreating life or matter?
How are those bad things?
>racism gets brought up again
>Nazism is bad
We aren't one people. There are clear mental and physical differences between the races
For example why has it been that no matter where they are most Africans have been and continue to be completely backwards Technologicaly? Why can't they even maintain and or copy basic things that tge Europeans not only left them but tried to teach them how to make/maintain?
>so are we real or simulation?
the brain is just an organic computer
>real or simulation?
Red herring. Not an argument
>humans recreating matter?
Can certainly try. We created the world's simplest genome, so sky's the limit.
not an argument
Mayhaps they thought it was some sorta bad juju or something.
why is it anti-christian and not anti-religion?
ok since the video you have provided is 2 hours long and this thread will be archived by then, where did humans come from?
what is the video's explanation for it?
Most likely some pseudohistorical drivel appealing to that specific person's specific brand of their religion. I take things objectively, ignoring a religious explanation to a scientific question; after all, science is inherently agnostic.
wait so do you not believe or buy the documentary that you gave me?
I think it raises some good points (ex. Evolution leads to genocide and societal decay, and is generally too much extrapolation woth very little evidence to back it up otherwise) and some bad ("my specific denomination's specific belief on this topic is TWUE), but that's how most docs are.
I'm a part of what some people call the "alt-right" and it feels punk as fuck. It feels like an actual counter culture, or rebellion against the PC culture that dominates American colleges.
yo are you still there?
Yep, but not for much longer.
There is an enormous amount of evidence to support evolution, the problem is when it comes to explaining how it works we're grasping at straws.
A good analogy would be gravity. We know it exists, but how it works is still theory.
>american education
alright well i just want to say this documentary is very good. if the sources are cited correctly, which i assume they are, then there is no way evolution is real.
>Evolution is a fairy tale for grown-ups.
Tell that to the bacteria that evolve to resist antibiotics.
I'd recommend reading the structure of evolutionary theory by stephen jay gould. It's an excellent read and very in depth. If you don't understand evolution it's fine, don't dismiss it because you don't understand it.
It's all about framing
The crimson pill. I agree OP.
Here's a great takdown I read years ago about the fallacy of Evolutionary Psychology
have you watched the documentary though?
I'm watching it now.
You don't see the bacteria turning into dogs, do you?
It's just a mental framework to keep goys the way they want, wouldn't want us deeply unwinding our consciousness.
More often then an explanation evolution is used as an excuse or hurdle to shut ideas down.
im on 41:47 so far
He vast majority of churches, Catholic included, believe evolution happened.
Wether it did or didn't isn't really the point. It makes no difference to the morality God instilled in us, or the message He gave when Christ. And to earth.
So, I don't really care if evolution happened or not.
I think it's scary to think that humans are going to evolve into something we won't recognize.
but you have no idea if that is even possible or not.
But you do see humans turning into an immortal cell line.
Is this entire thing about darwanism? Evolutionary biologists world wide support darwinian logic but darwinism is not the framework for modern evolutionary theory.
well the title of the doc is "darwinism's downfall" so you are right. this doc might be beating a dead horse
however 1:08 might be a big part of this doc. we should wtch the entire thing.
There is already a lot of misinformation in this documentary...the oldest birds in the fossil record were flightless. Not to mention punctuated equilibrium.
Perhaps. It's pretty well accepted that the structure of modern evolutionary theory has a component or two of darwinism but if darwin built a house, and this house was evolutionary theory, it has been bulldozed and rebuilt by modern scientists and scholars. I must confess I'm already losing interest from not only the false information but the extrapolation of quotes out of context.
but how do you know this is false information and extrapolation of quotes out of context?
ITT: edgy teens
>Is the Earth still the center of the universe, Christfag?
Its the center of the human universe, noob.
dude look how deep i am for talking about god lmao
>source of racism
Based Darwin. Social Darwinism is quite literally the master race ideology.
please post a version of this image not mean for ants, it seems interesting
What the fuck is wrong with you?
ATHEISTS NIGHTMARE proves evolution is fake in 2 minutes.
No, RELIGION is a fairy tale for grown-ups, you ironical shit spouting retard. Whichever retard that quote's from. And also you.
More proof:
Next time I try to prove evolution to a Christian, I'll be sure to used something like grape jelly so they can understand.
Neither Jesus nor Horus were born on December 25th
Peanut butter & banana sandwiches taste pretty good, you ever try that?
Actually earth is the Centre of the universe. Our observable universe.
That just proves how ignorant Americans are of what nazi germany was like. Germany and Italy were officially Christian nations in WWII; America has been the atheist country since WWII
transitional fossils? transitional fossils? transitional fossils? transitional fossils? transitional fossils? transitional fossils? transitional fossils? transitional fossils? transitional fossils? transitional fossils? transitional fossils? transitional fossils? transitional fossils? transitional fossils? transitional fossils? transitional fossils? transitional fossils? transitional fossils?
They should be Billions. But they barely exist. Oy vey!
>Religious retard talking about Fairy Tales
Top kek
Do these people realize how hypocritical they are?
Who says that it was not God who started the evolutionary process?
Checkmate communists.
>darwin was a christian.
he stopped believing in god when his daughter died
Losing traits is still evolution
not quite.
I realize now something I have not understood just a few years ago, namely how difficult it is, once you believe the theory, to return to the creationist outlook. I know objectively that the elegance of the theory of evolution is deceptive, and that one understands more if one adopts a creationist basis of life, but I find it hard to completely return even as I say it.
I realize therefore that while I dismiss atheists as obviously full of shit, I understand why they say what they say. They are trapped in a golden cage of very elegant, seemingly obvious and reasonable sounding views on the world, that are simply and plainly false.
I imagine that the way out of this scientific materialism requires probably very good reasoning skills.
Not everything gets fossilized most of corpses get devoured by other beings and absorbed into nature
>approaching 2017
>still believe in invisible sky people
>implying cuckstianity isn't the fairytale for grown-ups
As opposed to the incredibally rational belief that nothing exploded into everything for no reason, and magically formed sentient life.