We Are Taking What Is Ours
So delicious. So nutritious. Its texture that of the finest Persian tapestry. Its fragrance akin to an eccentric cheese of le cordon bleu. My tounge wrapping gently around its entirety causing my neurons to depolarize by opening ion gated potassium channels in which calcium flows down its concentration gradient to stimulate the corpuscles on my tounge as I separate the skin from the shaft. Ever so gently I tossle his black-cock foreskin between my lips in a fashion similar to tasting a fine wine. This fine wine however is all mine :)
Taking in punch of spics?
How is Canada not ours?
That map is pretty dumb.
Why would we want any of that shit?
canada must be conquered. trudeau would love it.
No way, there will a spic trail of tears.
For one, the largest silver mine in the world is in north messihole.
For another, Cancun.
canada and mexico are both ours
we proved this with the banana republics and alaska
So just do what we do in the middle east and slap them around a bit until they can't object to us claiming ownership and building a military base next to it. We don't need thousands of square miles of desert shitheap populated by millions of Pedros.
We want the desert shitheap as a barrier.
The British beat us in the war of 1812 when we tried to take Quebec.
I say we take the Phillipines back too, their new president seems a little too dangerous
You are everywhere, the level of autism must be hard to handle.
Annex us America-senpai! Mexico's Northern region is almost first-world tier; it only needs your help so it can fulfill its full potential.
>barely any indios
>no niggers
>heavily industrialized cities
>people are very religious
Oh great California 2.0... or is it Beta?
Yeah but they have a faggot running the country now, and the ukcucks are in no position to shit, too busy getting anal raped by hibab(and liking it.)
yes please annex my white mexican ass
Why stop there?
>The day is not far distant when three Stars and Stripes at three equidistant points will mark our territory: one at the North Pole, another at the. Panama Canal, and the third at the South Pole. The whole hemisphere will be ours in fact as, by virtue of our superiority of race, it already is ours morally.
- President William Howard Taft, 1912
How about no
It sucks when the whole world is US clay but it's not officially our clay so we can't fuck around everywhere.
I unironically think we should annex Mexico, and possibly even Canada for land purposes and to shit on Australia/China and India.
Witnessed, Praise KEK!
Soon indeed..
Also, apparently you're not aware of our terraforming capability, and we've been doing it for ages, the bottom tip of Texas is known as the valley, it used to all be shit brush land, than the White man came and converted it into an oasis that's now a hug food production cash cow.
>banana republics
ok wait can you go into more detail? The CIA propping up dictatorships in Honduras and Guatemala & buying Alaska from Russia makes Canada and Mexico ours? How so? There are some serious gaps but I am eager to gain your perspective on this.
Why be annexed when you can be independent?
I'm a part of what some people call the "alt-right" and it feels punk as fuck. It feels like an actual counter culture, or rebellion against the PC culture that dominates American colleges.
Yes let's get more poor beaners on welfare
Change it to Gulf of AMERICA
No, they'll get sent over the border.
>USA taking Cuba
more like
theyre taking YOU!
>all those Mexicunts being free to spread north
Would never work, we would need to purge the whole area first or it would only be detrimental to us.
Try again
>he wants millions more spics voting democrat
No thanks
Every Mexican wanted to vote Hillary because "muh vagina"
Mexico do not understand the "complex" difference between conservationism and liberalism. They just vote for the prettier face.
On the other hand I want Amazon Prime and Full tier Netflix.
>We Are Taking What Is Ours
When are you coming back home my European brothers?
>we would need to purge the whole area first
Yes, of course, this is a problem how? Where have you been the last sixteen years? We've been doing exactly that to lots of areas in the middle east.
but then Canada wins
fucking cuck
We took it, we developed it, it's ours now. Also Native Americans essentially all dead, so who fucking cares what they want.
If we actually tried to purge the middle east there would be hundreds of millions of dead sandniggers and the entire world would think we're literally Hitler. We're not actually removing kebab, it's just half-measure police action bullshit that costs a ton of money and fucks everything up even worse than it already is.
Because that's the flag of Laredo
>not wanting somebody to weaponize native Americans with nukes
> not wanting a nuclear civil war
You are all pussies no wonder black take your women. Soon blacks will force you to do MtF operations and proceed to pound your pussy.
Why are you being intentionally stupid? We've killed lots of them yes, we've also gotten them to flee, or have you not noticed all the "refugees"?
Almost all of them are "fleeing" because Merkel offered them gibsmedats, not because of some proxy war with ISIS and Assad.
And besides that most of them have stayed put, if you think the situation in the Middle East is some kind of overcomplicated ploy to chase off the population so America can steal all their shit it's failing miserably.
>that nasty straight line in Mexico
Polk had shit aesthetics.
Congratulations. You are now the proud owner of wide plots of uninhabited forest, a few beavers and moose. And maybe two interesting cities.
We'll use the moose to kill all the leaf sjws.
That's what they said about Alaska and look at all the oil and shit we found there.
>no niggers
wait for your haitian refugees, man...kek
Map could've used a bit more colours couldn't it?
Don't think I don't notice you fuckers trying to sneak off with Victoria.
And billions in shale oil deposits that cucknada wont extract.
>implying we wont fake a terrorist attack and use the war to just mass genocide and population control
cuba is part of south america though?
It's our now!
As in, empty, cold lands and some mexicans? I would say no to that deal but go ahead.
Seems like foreign fear tactic posts IDK BRUH
itt pacos who want US citizenship for their shit skins, US will NOT annex mexico.
We vacate and terminate the messcans and end up with lots of gems like cancun, along with lots of shit area for weapons testing, barrier, etc.
Lur netflix is substanciallu better than other nations netflix. We have the new Jungle Book already.
first do it at home with the niggers, then i'll believe it, otherwise just getting flooded with 200 million spics.
and labor caps to help kill the mexicans as kek sacrifices
Can't wait until we start trading more with China after trump fags up trade between us.
China isn't going to be mad at mexico having nukes, and we'll point them straight at you for added dramatic effect
NEVER piss off your biggest enemy and your neighbor at the same time
low energy, sad!
Please do so. Or at least let Texas annex the north and succede from le union
By the power of kek, Trump will make the Polk map great again.