Germany to create Ministry of Truth


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just heard it on the radio on my way to work. I'm fucking speechless. Help us Burgerland!

Working on it Deutschelander


pls hurry.

Don't worry we will have boots on the ground after Putin retakes Constantinople

I'm terrified us burgers will retake Berlin and discover death camps.

The Auschwitz memorial will probably see use in the coming years.

I'm fucking pissed.

Didn't the USA recently get a ministry of truth?

Basically the wording was gobbledygook essentially saying: "we will be funding (((Counter propaganda))) against 'fake news' "

The rise of the (((fact checkers))).

We should come up with something to rob them of their "credibility" to normies.


Our 'Ministry of Truth' is the MSM.
Which is worse.
Because if you call it out people think you're crazy.
In Germany it'll be a real tangible organization.

already been done.

People already see how it's politically motivated and entirely one sided.

We see the strings, if you will.

i found the picture of the snopes faggots with their cat was really effective since it just pulls back the curtain and steals the magic of the big fact checking website.

well it's like 71% of Americans do not believe Russia is responsible for Hillary's loss.


Germany is approaching the Big Brother state and we would be even further if not our own courts and the European Court of Justice would constrain their efforts from time to time.

The recent attack in Berlin has already been used to justify more surveillance and the ministry of truth will censor one-sided those who dare to speak up to such injustice.

What exactly will this do?

I hope they will look into more eco-friendly alternatives to memory holes. Burning that much wrongthink on a daily basis will produce a lot of harmful emissions, and the paper will be wasted instead of recycled.


You guys are literally about to go full 1984 (((they)))'ll be literally feeding you full propaganda news.

officially : find fake-news, delete them and to pursue the perpetrator.

inofficially: censorship of unwanted opionion outside of the MSM.

It's so bizarre.

So this is basically stasi tier shit. I'm sorry this is happening to your country.

You BBC news now.

and the worst thing: we are forced to pay for the propaganda.

Let me guess, it's to counter evil Russian meme warfare or something?

>tfw Sup Forums is the ministry of meme magic

..if only the stasi had the means of today.

you guessed it. Fucking fake Russians with their fake news all the thime

Yeah that's one of the main functions.

It's not right that this is happening.

We Stasi 2.0 now

Does that mean we will get a massive amount of new german shills now? They especially stated that they want to fight outside "influence" in the election because that's what supposedly memed trump into power.

If by "counter evil Russian meme warfare", you mean "help a desperate Merkel cling to power one more election", yes.

English, motherfucker, do you link it?

>find fake-news, delete them and to pursue the perpetrator.

Phew, good thing you guys no longer have to deal with Nazis and East Germany taking away your freedoms...

You people need to just, en masse, go allah huehackbar, (but without converting to the goat fucking sect). Your government had a hard time finding one guy and you know they're rusty from not doing anything about the Muslims all this time, so you'll get away with it.

Time to take care of Germany a third time

let's hope they try to shill on KC instead. That would be a spectacle.

I think I should gtfo before it's too late. We will be full soviet Union by 2020.

This whole "fake news" thing is so made up, it's ridiculous. Clinton brought it up and now its the new buzzword for leftists.

>We Stasi 2.0 now
It always cracks me up how Stasi is an example of German tendency to overdo things.

It's like they heard the meme that KGB was spying 24/7 on every citizen and kept detailed files on everyone. And then Germans went and actually did it, the absolute madmen.

>It's like they heard the meme that KGB was spying 24/7 on every citizen
You mean they weren't?

Stasi outclassed the KGB with surveilance. They were like the proto-nsa but with people instead of internet traffic.

Welp, I guess that means I know where I'll die... In a muddy field in the Alsasce.

>You mean they weren't?
No. The country was too big, and we are too lazy and disorganized for such a thing.

Germans, on the other hand...

So "Fake News" becomes a global meme rather than strictly American

This is smart. If you ever get in trouble just claim to be a Muslim and they will let you off with at most a slap on the wrist

Being Muslim in Germany basically gives you diplomatic immunity

>It's time.
Kek, what the actual fuck.

>never heard of GSG9
old world user, cmon

what does GSG9 have to do with spying on german citizens?

>muh (((fake news)))
>muh jews wanna censor me
You're right about the whole ministry thing which is scary because it can be easily manipulated, but you don't know how hard we have it here with M5S and their Orwellian doublespeak, together with lots of TRUTH pages and TV shows which are just clickbait pushers.

>elementary school
>"alright goyim, this is the prescribed list of truths that you need to memorize if you want to pass this class and not be branded for the rest of your lives"
>at least 6000 pages of jewish propaganda
>1200 pages of globalist shilling


anything this agency pushes will have opposite intended effect so the majority of its work will be in secret influencing and cooercing editorial line of established media. use of "Türkischstämmige Menschen" tells you how laughably cancerous this propaganda will be.

do not waver comrade, educate your fellow Germans, gather your brothers. we will purge the commies soon enough.
