What goes on here?
What goes on here?
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pls help. Is it full of gypsies or waifu material?
I think you should go to your nearest walmart.Go to their men's restroom (assuming your gender). Look promptly at the Urinal. See that round mint floating there in what looks like residue piss? Go ahead and grab that and place it directly under your tongue. Its the latest progressive trend and everyone is doing it! The real high doesn't kick in until you go look in the mirror. Go ahead take a nice long look. After you have fulfilled your homosexual desires fucking bash your god damn head into the sink repeatedly until the mint under your tongue begins to taste like a black-cock foreskin.
Probably Pirate Bay server host, unless they moved it.
Town rapists
Cat People...
Aren't town rapists common in East Europe
A lot of inbreds and mongolian rape-babies.
Everything there is dirt cheap,though.
How are grills?
You mean dirt-cheap to a 1st world country or dirt cheap to a Romanian?
Town rapist.
Whelp...if you watch LiveLeak, it's mostly drunks driving around crashing into each other.
And women who look like Peg Bundy.
I've been to western Ukraine, I actually lived in the city Rivne, a little of the map. I also visited Chernivitsi which is on your map.
It's hilly country (Chernivitsi I mean not where I was staying) and quite beautiful. As far as I'm concerned, the people were great, they could seem dour if you didn't know them, but once you made a friend they were loyal and would do anything for you. This didn't stop them punching you when drunk lol it was a good time. I still keep in touch with them.
There was a very rustic element to a lot of the men... Many were basically drunken buffoons. You never knew that they might do.
One thing I liked is the tradition. They know their local history even if it's buried under two centuries of nation building propaganda and they virtually all knew folk songs and maintained old rituals for virtually any part of life. This what I found from otherwise cosmopolitan 20 somethings the I hung out with.
Sometimes you would meet people nostalgic for the USSR, oddly they were the most ardent Ukrainians you would meet (they would tell you to say "tak" when you said "da" for example, even though everyone said da).
The women were either perfect or shit tier. I'd say 50/50 divide there.
Basically not much happens but it's worth visiting. Really puts you in touch with the weight of European history in a way that visiting the superficial EU doesn't.
1/3 of moldova is russian supported breakaway state transnistria, still soviet
rest is just real poor agriculture, lots of farms still reliant on horses because tractors are too expensive
sex trafficing was a big problem, but it's gotten bigger, israel was one of the biggest markets for moldovan women
romania is in eu and 5 times richer, moldova is africa tier in terms of cash wealth
Either total whores or traditionalist. Watch out for them gyppos if you go there,though.
transnistria #1 exporter of optical fiber cable
all other countries have
inferior optical fiber cable
It would be even cheaper to a first world country,in that case.
>romania is in eu and 5 times richer, moldova is africa tier in terms of cash wealth
Romania is still africa tier to any country in West Europe or the Anglo-sphere
At the moment,Western Europe looks more like Africa than us,with all the refugees they've been getting lately.
We only have 3% gypsies here,and everyone treats them like shit(which explains why they leave for gibsmedats in western countries).
portugal is only twice as cash rich, with much worse debts
Why does everyone hate gypsies so much in Romania? Aren't they the most traditional Romanians?
>West Europe
They don't count.
Not very funny or original,and no,they are an indian tribe that migrated to the balkans(mostly) and the rest of europe in the middle ages.
They're scum that steal,smell and beg. They're even worse than your abos.
Fair play. So who are the real Romanians?
Be quiet German clay.
The real Romanians are the white ones,of course.
Our culture and traditions are mostly Orthodoxic and influenced by Bulgaria and other slavic countries,to some extent.
What was Romania before Christianity?
Well,a lot of migrations happened in the carpatian basin at that time. It wasn't really a sovereign state in the early middle ages. The only people settled there were Vlach farmers,some germanic migrants and some slavs,as well(hence the similar traditions romanians have).
Christianity came to this region with Byzantine influence,but even if some churches were built and the people indoctrinated,the region was more of a place where nomadic hordes(cumans,mongols,pechengs) passed through to fight with the more important medieval states(however,vlachs didn't mix with the nomads).
Frozen civil war