If Germans don't either elect AfD or revolt en masse against the Grand Coalition they deserve everything they fucking get.
If Germans don't either elect AfD or revolt en masse against the Grand Coalition they deserve everything they fucking...
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Wir schaffen das.
Vergiss es Achmed, die Deutschen werden aus dem Tiefschlaf nicht mehr aufwachen.
i just came to say that she is a total qt.
the resistance is rising.
I love the see also many girls joning the resistance
I wish she would hold me with her muscular arms and peg me while barking Nazi slogans.
On Christmas Eve.
Agree. Same applies to Russians
Sad to see. Putin and Merkel ensured that there are no alternatives to them and now they try to replace us.
>no alternatives to them
Literally any average guy with ethnonationalist isolationaist convictions can, and in fact should, replace them. As long as they stick to controlling "no foreign intervention, no ethnics in my country policy" and leave other areas to competent people - everything will be smooth.
But wouldn't it be next to impossible to win against putin?
wow she's kinda hot
wtf i want to learn German now
>Russian elections
"At the first free and honest elections they'll vote for the nationalists and hang us all" - Armenian Jew Margarita Simonyan, RT director
Elections will not change anything here either. The only alternative will be blocked by all the other parties. I guess we can only hope that something way bigger then the Berlin attack will happen to both of us.
The sooner the race war comes the better. Elections in Russia are guaranteed to be won by the nationalists,if held honestly
Godspeed then Russiabro!
She reminds me of the woman who leaked all of my goddamned emails.
Mit der Kanzlerschaft Petry wird das alles in Ordnung kommen.
This chick looks very Russian
Damn low energy
Kazmierzak already praised Germans for being good goyhim because there was no reaction.
Wie können die Deutsche die AFD wählen wenn 50% der Wähler Muslime sind, und nicht zu vergessen die starke liberale Seite ,Deutschlands wird nie die AFD wahlen.
How can Germany vote for the AFD if 50% of voters are Mudslimes.
And not to forget the strong Liberal side of Germany, that will never vote for AFD.
Pic. Unrelated.
Educate yourself on the German political system and the political landscape throughout the past 70 years. It's basically like a two-party system with a couple of smaller parties thrown in.
It's like saying
>If the Americans don't elect the libertarian party against a grand coalition of democrats and republicans, they deserve everything they fucking get.
Best case scenario they get 15%, which would prompt changes in the CDU/CSU and hopefully a shift to the right and EVENTUALLY maybe a coalition with the AFD in the future or sth. etc. etc.
For now just get through your head that "electing the AfD :D" is impossible. The party is not even 10 years old and filled with amateurs for fuck's sake. They have little connections and leverage and Germany and Germans are incredibly inert and careful and deliberate when it comes to big changes.
This can be said of pretty much any western country though.
>elect AfD
are you on glue? I'd rather have another 10 million refugees than vote those sell outs into power.
why cant there be a non retard right wing german party?
actually, fuck right wing, fuck all you nazi dumbfucks. I just want the arabs out (and turks too if we have time). why is this so hard to get mainstream?
They will probably get 20 or even 30%, won't matter much though.
Because of the shitty election system they would need 50%.
>ywn caress that face and make sweet love to her
Anyways I will always love Germany even to the bitter end for the rest of my life, guess I was born with this "curse" for lack of a better term.
>saving Germany
Choose one.
I would rather see the CDU remove Merkel themselves.
This is an accurate prediction. I think they get, if it goes all out, max 25% or so. Which would be a lot, perhaps even second strongest party. But all other Parties would form a coalition against them in no Time.
are you high?
20 would be absolutely groundbreaking. I think it's going to be around 15% or less.
Didn't Frauke Petry cheat on her husband and divorce him to be with her current partner? Pretty fucking degenerate.
Why should I punish a perfectly salvageable conservative party that Merkel hijacked with foreign help?
It's clear with Trump in power that we need the CDU. They're the only ones who will work together with him. The AfD doesn't stand a chance.
> partner
You mean husband, they just got married.
>punishing the only party that can actually safe Germany when we got rid of Merkel
this, Petry don't even care about her own children, we can't trust her our country
Absolutely disgusting.
I hope it wasn't in a church, at least.
He husband was a cuck, and it less degenerate than being a childless Polish excommie whore
Based cuckoldress, didnu nuffin
I call 25-35%. People are tired of that bullshit
Same CDU that went after Sarrazin? CDU shouldn't be a party
CDU are racially and ethnically blind cucks. AfD calls out ethnocide of German people and Perty named German genocide several times
Fuck you guys. When the EU falls, Poland will build a wall around Germany and Germans will pay for it. All other countries will send their migrants there to culturally enrich your pathetic asses
>less degenerate
There is no lesser or greater degeneracy.
And the fact that you're so pathetic to defend someone like this, just because her current politics suit you, is also pretty telling of what kind of a person you are.
Don't like your spouse? Divorce them.
t. polak
Sup Forums will defend this. I mean what is in pic.Putin is biggest cuck.
why is she so cute?
I can respect Poland. You, I cannot
I don't believe in Christian version of degeneracy. I believe in Darwinistic one - being asexual and lacking instinct of survival (that includes ethnic loyalty) are the only degenerate behaviours, if we don't include examples of mental disturbance. Dindu nuffin
Why is it any nationalist in Russia thinks they can have the power while there are living soviet people and it is majority? Are you delusional or just retarded? No significant force in Russia will side with you, imbeciles. You can only have a shot if there will be a FUCKTON 'UGE international intervention.
Go play World of Tanks or something, like suck your cock, for now, maybe 50-60 years later your kids will have better chances, idjit
>Christian version of degeneracy
This has nothing to do with Christianity.
Pre-Christian tribes of Slavs lived as monogamous people for the most part, where people were faithful to their spouses/partners/whatever they were called back then and if one of them was unfaithful, they were killed. Plain and simple.
do not fear, nationalist socialist underground shall return
>soviet people
You are a fucking retard
the world may never know
its to late for germany. at best they pick the spd instead of the cdu
>t. cummunist
Get back to cutting dicks and adopting niggers
>52% """"white""""(20-35% real European)
>white kids are already a minority in their age group
>quarter of said whites has injun, polish semite or negro blood
>media/education/banks all run by the jews
>fight wars for the jews on the other side of the planet
>mutilate their sons genitals cause mr rosenberg said so
>white guilt over slavery worse than nazi guilt
>worships niggers one month every year
>adopting niggers and chinks is a normal american practice
>elected nigger twice over white guilt
>normalized coalburning
>normalized homosexuality
>in the process of normalizing trans shit
>home of radical feminism
>ground zero for all modern degenerate anti-white propaganda
>at the front of pushing the islamophobia shit
>clockboy gets a free scholarship to top universities and white house for bringing a old clock to school despite the family being on record for race baiting
>biggest shooting ever gets ignored because the shooter was a mudslim
>tolerates a black domestic terrorist group
>almost all food is unnatural shit created by monsanto
And yes, the Germans will deserve their fate unless they change their ways.
70% """"white""""(40% real European without injun blood)
>huge VAT
>affirmative actions
>biggest rapefugee recipient
>biggest immigrant recipient
>huge turkanian and polshit diaspora
>Vanc is bought by the chinks
>breeding ground for Sikh terrorism since 1920s
>PARLIAMENT was SIEGED by the mudshits
>virtually no party to speak agianst ethnic replacement of the real Canadians
>changed glorious Ensign for a FUCKING LEAF in the 60s
Germany is forever lost to muh WW2 guilt and the religion of multikulti.
>no guns and self defence laws
>political correct speech policing
>only 82% European and 73% native
>highest racemixing rate in Europe
>no party to speak against the displacement of the British people(RIP BNP)
>London is 35% English
>London mayor is a mudshit
>recently made it illegal to criticise Israel and Jews
>spying police state, snoopers charter
Pretty much t b h desu.
Anglos, Italians, French and Russians are cucked the most
Just expect more Breivik like attacks in the future
It's not going to happen.
CDU will lose numbers and the red-red-green alliance will happen.
I think you ryssä have nothing to say with your 15% mudslime population. Talk about multiculture.
Best friend we ever had
Say it with me Bundeskanzler Martin Schulz!
she makes my dick diamond hard.
Pls no Hans. Schultz is a disgrace, a mess. Schultz is a big fat mistake.
I'm sorry Massimo but I think it will get even worse.
Even worse than Merkel
Not like I've being objective thru and thru, right?
Thanks (((commies))) for fucking up the longest European friendship there is
I don't blame them if they don't, like most (including us) they're demoralised, and they lack weapons.
yup me too, i have a weakness for short haired woman
Because dumbass germans call people who want mudslimes out nazis.
>get hired as snitch by intelligence service
>do whatever u want with your time the state pays you
>remove some kebabs and get paid by the state for it
these guys trolled everyone
Whenever are the elections exactly?
NSU were not government shills
Just nuke this shithole, please. My fellow countrymen are buttfucking retarded.
Met so many people who follow this pattern:
>hates immigration
>hates islam
>hates muslims
>hates Merkel
>wont vote AfD
>will vote CDU/Merkel again next year
I shit you not, this is how bad it's gotten.
I find it so ironic that the policies of the bleeding heart leftists will ultimately be the cause of the rise of reactionaries in Germany. Throughout history, the left always goes too far and eventually implodes on itself.
Merkel will be the mother of rebirth of Nazism. It's just too funny.
>I'd rather have another 10 million refugees than vote those sell outs into power.
Bring dich um Gustav
> Voting AfD
>Merkel will be the mother of rebirth of Nazism.
Its just fucking germans, they are extremists, got to take everything way too far, either left or right.
>CDU saving Germany
are you on drugs you fucking cuck?
In short, germans deserve everything they get. Get ready for a left/green coalition goys.
Christian "They have to go back" Lindner
>fdp literally is son of a bitch in french
What are the chances of Merkel getting reelected?
B-But /deutsch/ hates the FDP.
Not even worth shilling there (not like it is any different here, but at least its more fun to do it here).
FDP won't go "0 Wirtschaftsflüchtlinge" like Perty promised.
Petry also promised she will stay with her husband till death does them part.
Spendet für Deutschland !
i would say at the moment there is a 60% chance merkel gets reelected. we need a few more happenings to change that.
also no matter what, AFD isnt going to win. but it donst need to. 20+% is enough, being the second or third strongest party will already change alot, and after 4 years it is very likely to actually win.
Perty's husband was a cuck.he was a heretic LARPing as Lutheran and preaching tolerance. He wasn't true to Luther, why should his wife be true to him?
I got you covered germany
They're already at 15% in the (((polls))) right now and we all know how accurate those are after Brexit and Trump, and many more terrorist attacks and mass rapes will happen before September.