Is it a problem, Sup Forums?
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No, not at all. Non shithole countries like US, jap, and most of europe aren't meeting replacement rate. Everyone has to have at least 3 kids to raise birthrate. Burgers are barley having 1 or 2 if any.
shithole countries where they have 10 kids all usually die fast enough.
"Yes, it's a problem. We need to selectively thin out the population. Oh, but not me, though." - Sup Forums
Yes but it's not a huge issue in most 1st world countries.
It is in some countries and that is their problem
Poor people need to be sterilized. They are the ones that shouldn't be having kids
Global forced sterilization of anyone with an IQ below 95
>problem solved
fucking globalists i swear
make it 110 and solve even more problems
That video is globalist bullshit. Population growth is a real problem and it was one that was brought up often in the mainstream until about the late 80s when environmental groups were paid large money to shut up about it because they were basically the last signifiant protest against mass-immigration. There is nothing to suggest that shit countries like Africa are going to EVER develop and lower their birth rates
Sterilize everyone and solve even more. Antinatalism ftw
The problem is that overpopulation is happening in places that don't have the resources to facilitate it. Europe isn't growing but Africa's population is going through the roof.
The would can support a population of 16 billion at US/Canada/EU levels of development and consumption.
That happens with a scaling up of production and manufacturing.
The only limit is energy, but new nuclear power can meet that requirement. Solar, wind, bio-fuel/mass, hydro can't scale to meet demand.
Gas and Coal is possible but would sharply pinch supplies and drastically drive up prices.
It would be hard to meet energy demands 8 times our current demand with natural gas and coal.
>Is it a problem, Sup Forums?
Don't worry, ((((they)))) have it figured out for us already.
Yes, stop fucking feeding all the niggers you dumb-ass white people.
Like fuck, you think these worthless pieces of shit who can't sustain society in their own countries are suddenly going to figure it out if you stop breeding as an attempt to bring equilibrium to the swelling nigger populations and by letting them all move in to your countries they'll 'figure it out?'
Pulling numbers out of your ass is not argument.
wtf no dont sterilize everyone
if we want to progress as a species we need to increase our intelligence
>solar and wind
Let these memes die already. They are unrealistic without substantial battery development
Genocide the Chinese and Indians, problem=solved.
In the first world no. In third world shitholes where populations are paradoxically exploding, yes.
That's fucking why we need abortion!
it becomes a problem the moment it's the wrong people being born
maybe in shitholes
Come home white man
Alone it isn't the problem.
it's consequences are actually fucking terrible however because of the following reasons.
>mondialisation make ressources travel to reach people
>people multiply when needs are met
>market realize it's cheaper to have everyone in one place where the current infrastructure is
>centralize everything
>Behavioral sink ensues
>Civilisation collapse,people die
And the cycle restart.
Human life isn't sustainable on it's own everywhere and dependency mean Migration flux which mean Centralization which mean Culture Shock , Urbanisation and Generally what most people here would define as degeneracy.
In India, China, some other parts of Asia and Africa? Absolutely. In Europe? Absolutely fucking not.
just use a condom
take some personal responsibility
abortion is murder
Fuck yes
if there is a problem, it will correct itself sooner or later.
Fuck off, Jewy Nate
Nuke Bengal!
They've chosen to cram a quarter of a billion people into an area the size of Romania, Ghana or Laos!
>black woman
>mixed children
ah yes
It's pretty simple 2bh.
Poor people use family as a retirement plan, then take into account mortality and child mortality rates and you see why mbutu and mclickclick need to shit out 10 kids in the hope that 1-2 survive and thrive enough to provide for them when they're elderly and can't work anymore.
In West TX we are using salt mines as giant tanks to compress air during peak production hours, then the compressed air runs generators when needed.
Being a pessimist is stagnation bro. There are all kinds of solutions.
>complain that there are too many people in the world and the population should be reduced
>complain that your country country is below replacement level and needs more babies
Certainly people understand that if there is no country in the world with negative population growth then the world population will grow forever?
Why reduction of birth rate is only acceptable way to control the population? Population growth = births - deaths
But they're not fucking dying, hence African population explosion. We need to stop feeding these damn niggers.
>le it won't be a problem in the future
>multicultural utopia incoming
At this rate, I expect a massive die off soon
That's not wind, that's something different entirely
which is why Sup Forums's official stance is a race war
95 is the magic number under which civilization cannot exist
Too many third world people while not enough first world babys to keep up
Yes, we've reached the carrying capacity of our planet.
John Calhoun and the Norway rat experiments are proof of this.
Still, they also get used as a workforce to bring money in for the family. The boom in Africa is anything but paradoxical is my point.
If you want to stop the population boom, unironically the best way to do it is concrete aid to Africa, actually sending people and money there to build better infrastructure and improve their quality of life to the point where they stop shitting out kids a la western society.
That being said right leaners don't want to help brown people and left leaners call it colonialism, so we're never going to get that option.
Population density per km2:
China: 145
Germany: 227
Belgium: 364
Netherlands: 411
Even if you take into account that half of China is desert, central Europe has extremely high population density.
Only if the west goes bankrupt and can no longer sustain our aid programs, at which point expect 1 billion nigers getting the idea that they can cram themselves into Europe.
>If you want to stop the population boom, unironically the best way to do it is concrete aid to Africa, actually sending people and money there to build better infrastructure and improve their quality of life to the point where they stop shitting out kids a la western society.
We have been sending Africa money for years doing exactly what you said.
Yeah, either that or Climate Change fucks up their Area
reminds me of HL2 and the suppression device field used by the combine.
She's fucking purple, one of the kids is fucking blue. You fucking retard
No, we've been throwing sacks of grain, hand me downs and money at warlords and corrupt NGOs.
What i'm saying is straight up mobilize hundreds of thousands of western workers and educators to completely re-engineer their entire society from the ground up. However this is never going to happen because colonialism and 'why not just spend that money in our country'.
They are clearly shown to be diverse, stop being obtuse.
>What i'm saying is straight up mobilize hundreds of thousands of western workers and educators to completely re-engineer their entire society from the ground up.
So Colonialism then?
That already happened m8, ala past Euro/African colonialism. Niggers simply can't run a functioning society and the only way they can exist in the moden world is if we hold their hands and prop them up.
It would have been far better for humanity if our ancestors had simply genocided them all or if the Japs had went there first and did it for us.
See, I don't get why we keep giving excuses for Africa when Japan is making Mechs at this point.
>Netherlands and Belgium is central Europe
Oh not THIS thread yet again.............
>Pulling numbers out of your ass is not argument.
The world is set to peak at 12 billion but if we devote a full global effort can support with conventional farming 16 billion.
The limit really only is energy.
What's the cost per kilowatt hour? If it's more than natural gas it's a waste of money.
Pretty much, only without the overtly exploitative nature.
To be fair we were there for like, less than 100 years and left them in a quasi-developed state, their own fault for throwing us out, but at this point this issue is bigger than petty "well you threw us out so we're not gonna help you."
This is a huge issue and we can either try to fix things in Africa, or get our countries swamped by niggers thanks to useful idiots and lefties crying over every drowned nigger who tries to flee to our countries.
I'm as Sup Forums as the next guy, to me, fixing things at the source seems the most pragmatic decision. We can couch it in as much leftist feel good word wank as we want, but at the end of the day my goals as a racial nationalist are the same as a leftist in terms of improving life for Africans, only the reasoning behind my goals is i don't want them swamping my nation.
overpopulation is only a thing in the third world
I don't why whites cop so much flack for colnialism. Could you imagine what would have happened if the Han dynasty chinese or imperialist Japan would have done to the existing natives in Africa or America? Safe to say there would have been a footnote in history. Fucking white mans burden screwed us over.
>only without the overtly exploitative nature.
Well what would the western nations get out of the deal then?
desu I just don't think Africa is capable of supporting any advanced civilization at the moment
>less than 100 years
By this i mean we weren't extremely technologically superior to the degree we currently are. Early colonialism did not have the capacity we currently do to revolutionize Africa, and by the time it had the ability to the tides had already turned against it (Rhodesia being a prime example of this).
Well then they're just going to wallow in their shit holes, outbreed us and be welcomed with open arms by useful idiots. Great solution.
>what would have happened
Just look at what Japan actually did.
Kind of wish the west would just tell people to fuck off like Japan does with this kind of shit
Yes it is. Japan is big as my nation and has twice the population
Pardon my shitty grammar and spelling. On my phone.
it is a problem, and the main contributors to it are niggers
>bu but you are lain americans thus you too are part of it
oh yea, pretty sure my country's birthrate of 2.0 can compete with fucking congo or other african countries that have one of 6.0 or 7.0...7.0 fucking niggers
i don't know why there's so many of them when their birthrate is of 2.5 if i recall correctly, perhaps they the change happened too late
genocide niggers in africa without having to turn it into a radioactie wasteland, it is said in 2100 a little it more than half of the population will be niggers, they pose a serious threat.
>Well what would the western nations get out of the deal then?
Niggers in niggerland and not flooding into Europe / America.
That is seriously concerning. At that point I fully expect humanity to go tits up if we haven't left this planet. There is no way in hell we can hope to sustain 7 billion room temperature IQ nigs.
>pic on the right
jesus chrsit, they arne't even pretending anymore, they're practically saying straight to your face you and those that look like you will go extinct, do euros, as smart as they are supposed to be, don't find it weird and somewhat fucking offensive? i mean, krauts have gotten axed, run over (as well as frogs), not to mention sweden cuckoldry that is bizarre as fuck
We're a dying breed m8. 500 million and falling. What will happen to humanity when the leftist utopia is finally realized and the last white person dies? What's that tipping point where sentient species either leave their planet or die off? Yeah... that's what will happen.
GE is currently researching developing products to serve to the sub $3 market. This is expected.
Niggers must be starved to death
>more people is going to mean more people are going to advance our spieces
Has this cuck looked at unemployment rates around the world?
You're a fucking retarded cuck. Think before you post ffs
It's ridiculous here in Australia, you can barely get a park in town.
India is good example of unsustainable population growth. Back in 1950 they had around 360 million people, now there's one billion on top of that.
There's massive water crisis incoming. Ground water in India keeps lowering several meters each year so they have to use more power to pump it up. Eventually wells will run dry. We can just imagine what happens when over billion indians run out of drinking water.
Both China and India want glacier waters from Himalayas and this could lead to conflict in the future. I expect resource wars and massive migrations.
People in 3rd world breed like rabbits and that's what keeps them down because there just isn't enough food/water/jobs for everybody. Middle-east crisis is also caused by overpopulation. Traditionally excessive men have been killed in tribal warfare for living space(lebensraum). Saudis and others want to dump their excessive population to western countries because their fear internal revolts when they don't have enough oil money for everybody anymore.
Some superbug killing 90% humans would be best thing what could happen for earth. Humans have fought for living space throughout whole history. Overpopulation will lead to inevitable wars.
>7 billion african nogs roaming eurabia fighting ahmed and muhammed over the last piece of bread
>haitians and other nigger "refugees" taken in by latin american "just because" run amok and try kill local cholos (it is real, mexico is now bein told to take in haitians and other poor good african boyz, they want to enrich burgerland even further i suppose)...
>chinks invade and take over straya land and canada, turning them into a polluted shithole
>meanwhile: shlomo is rotting in a bed of shekels : OY VEY GOY
seriously though, i hope to be fucking dead before we come to that shit...literally the world turned into detroit
We'll you retards would all be liquidated since you don't seem to have a grasp on how IQ is calculated. Or atleast you didn't even put in the effort to look it up before you devised a broad plan of genocide.
Fuh-king retards.
Let's see... Guangdong, Hebei, Zhejiang, Jiangsu ...
Well, of those Hebei is in the same range as the countries you've listed...
And the other three are in a level even higher!
I realised the world needs a culling after seeing this pic.
there is a queue to summit Everest.
oh yeah whitey boiz, there ain't no snow that can stops us 'cauz WE WUZ KANGZ N SHIIIEEETT, we comiin for ya
But not you, right? Or anyone you know? Or anyone you've ever met?
As long as those people are spared from the "superbug" it'd be the best thing to happen to the earth.
Your picture isn't overpopulation, that is poverty.
Hence why I've made the choice to have no children, I'll live out my life in comfort and know that I've saved my non existant offspring a life of suffering. We have long past the tipping point, communism will perform its final coup de gras and kill humanities hope for the future.
The right wing swing is too little too late. I fully blame Hitler, that fucking asshoke poisoned the well so badly that we couldn't even have common sense immigration policy due to fear of the right wing bogeyman.
>pajeet wages war on chang
that'd be interesting, it'll to get nasty if actually happens
Overpopulation is a problem in areas where they cannot meet the demands of the local population
It is the very basis for conflict in the world regardless of state. Once you limit food and people starve, they go straight back to the animalistic ways that made us the top species on the planet.
These are the main groups:
Most developed nations do not suffer these problems inherently, but they do so economically because poor people are locked out of food, which is why welfare needs to exist.
Eliminating a shitload of the cost of food, if not entirely, would make these nations far more stable. Doable. (see below)
Most mid-tier countries don't suffer these problems either because a lot of them don't deal with the issues caused by globally traded currencies or companies. (most of them rely on purely local currencies for inter-country dealings)
Most of their worth comes from exported goods, which can be used to purchase globally. (some producers do, a lot don't care)
Small economically- and resource-poor countries suffer horribly even with moderate populations.
Then you have India. They manage to take a simple 3-tier system and... shit on it.
They've outgrown what was a generally resource-rich land to the point that they are on the verge of a total meltdown of epic proportions humans haven't seen since the ice age.
I fear those poos will cause war if they are not fed when said shitstorm happens.
Aquaponics can feed 10billion+ people in the size of Wales easily.
The farms over the raw hectares from above, that is, Wales terrain is fucked.
It has become more stable as a concept and there are hundreds of companies using it now.
It is only going to increase in numbers as traditional farming is phased out.
This will help regenerate damaged environments and allow for more wildlife to return, which is a great thing.
Another huge bonus is that it will also limit damage to the atmosphere and help it regenerate too.
Thomas Robert Malthus was right.
Thats not really a queue. It's a couple of groups that have caught up with one another and stuck together. It's a good photograph but the newspapers made it kinda misleading. It's akin to those HUGE crowds of Spanish tourists you see walking through town that take up the whole sidewalk.
About 400 people climb everest every 2 weeks.
Only in3rd world shit holes.
Civilized nations need to populate and spread intellect, not vice versa
yep, that pic was taken at the hillary step, a known bottleneck. the mountains are, for a me and many other, a place of solitude and reflection. not fucking starbucks.
How's 9th grade civics class going for you sport?
We all gonna die at some point. I don't want to live to see my country overrun by millions of shitskins who have destroyed their own country by overpopulation and consuming all natural resources. Human race survives only by spreading to new areas. What happens when there's no more space to live on?
Phosphorus is needed for fertilizers but it won't last forever either. Same for many other natural resources.
Antibiotics are constantly getting less effective. It's just a matter of time when shit will hit the fan. It could be man-made bug or simply some mutated virus/super bacteria.