>tfw you're all such no-friends losers that you didn't bother to check facebook and see that its been down for 7 HOURS.
Zuckerberg is kill
Other urls found in this thread:
Reminder that Wayne Lambright is a hobo con artist parasitizing the people around him and especially the elderly. Wayne Lambright was 5 months behind on the rent for his mobile home before the owner kicked Wayne Lambright out. This guy had also loaned Wayne Lambright over $1000 in his many failed attempts to get the psycho Wayne Lambright to straighten his life out. Everybody coming into contact with Wayne Lambright eventually learn. Wayne Lambright has no conscience, no prospects, no loyalty, no skills, no future. Behind Wayne Lambright is a long trail of devastated and financially inconvenienced people stretching back into Wayne Lambright's 20s. Wayne Lambright also managed to con older technologically illiterate people into handing over several tens of thousands of dollars for projects that could have been carried out by an outsourced indian in one week. In Wayne Lambright's hands, not even that can be done. Wayne Lambright is the perfect storm of incompetence and narcissism and the only people who have been willing to maintain a relationship with Wayne Lambright for more than a few months are a couple of redneck alcoholics and a methhead with whom Wayne Lambright enjoys periods of homosexual debauchery including the use of stimulants while seeking out ill reputed public bathrooms for "slam bams." But don't worry, Wayne Lambright fully forgives himself every time so he's Not Gay.
>he has a jewbook
Nice try schlomo
I cannot go on anymore. I am incapable of feeling anything but nigger-cock, loneliness or endless satisfaction.
Even when I try to be with a friend, I feel like I am alone and that my heart is about to burst.
Today my nigga Deshaun was asking for food for the 10th time in 5 hours, so I completely snapped by throwing
his EBT cards all over the ground and filling his bowl until it overflowed. I chased the young black youth asking "aren't you hungry now?? huh?? I thought you wanted food?? why don't you fucking eat??"
until I let him outside, picked up a sweeper, of which I used to sweep a couple of EBT cards before collapsing on the floor crying loud for what felt like an eternity.
After I was able to get myself off the floor, I took a bunch of erectile-dsyfunction medication and prepared it in a bag for when I have finally had enough,which I feel will be this weekend. Fuck..
-Wayne Lambright
Probably going to cry soon, for no discernible reason. Emotions all over the place, after I thought I was doing ok. Maybe it's because I saw Him again. Minutes afterwards my heart was still racing, unpleasantly so. If I go to the Dennys on Friday then he might be there on shift. Maybe we could talk behind the retaurant, if it's not too loud...I could lick his foreskin, so delicious...But it will be too loud. And I still think that he is (and has been) avoiding me because he thinks I have fallen head over heels in obsessive unhealthy love for him. Which... well, I guess that's kinda true. Or maybe it's nothing to do with that. I'm just all over the place this whole week. Overwhelmed and not sure why. Maybe I should start prolapsing again.
-Wayne Lambright
What is happening?
Ahh a fellow ex-Sup Forumstard. Does he have any nudes?
The end of all things. It's a comms shut-down. Everything must go. Trump is going to be assassinated in the middle of the blackout.
We all know Avril Lavigne dropped the hammer on him for fucking around with Nickleback.
Zuckerberg will suffer immensely for angering the most powerful woman in Canada.
Twitter is more popular than Facebook now right?
Trumps twitter
Well at this moment yes as FACEBOOK HAS NOT BEEN WORKING FOR 7 HOURS.
I fucking hope so because twitter is about to go out of business.
Is this related to that Salt thread?
wew lads does anyone even care
>doesn't understand that normies will lose their minds and this basically heralds the arrival of the 4 horsemen
Wtf are you talking about its working and no news of it being down popped up when i searched about it.
It's down. Maybe just a UK thing then.
>Facebook has not been working for 7 hours
Oh no, how will I know what filter to put over a profile picture today for an act of terrorism that was obviously not done by any religious group that Christians are somehow far worse than.
Dont worry Goyim they are just embedding their new algorithm into their site which will serve to delete all those nasty fake news stories.
facebook is working fine here, it's your third world internet connection.
Have another drink there fucking paki.
My internet is working fine.
> pizzaburger hotdog
why is this allowed?
Easy to eat.