Is Merry Christmas controversial in you area. In mine yes.
>Live in nu Male Oregon
>At a coffee shop lady gives me my coffee and says happy holidays
>responded with merry Christmas
>looks down doesn't respond look around
>Everyone is giving me a stink eye
>a lady with pink hair follows me tells me that oh you should be more inclusive next time
>say oh okay I'll be more inclusive in a sarcastic tone
>calls me an asshole and a racist
>get in my car and leave
War on Christmas
Other urls found in this thread:
>purchasing the retail caffeinated jew, not making your own
better not go back or expect cum and spit in your coffee next time, racist!
Live in New York I'm a Jewish Swede
Don't celebrate Christmas but still wish people a Merry Christmas and if they get triggered say I'm Jewish call them an antisemite
Feels Good
Next I'll just go to McDonalds
They skimp out on you with the creme and sugar
>Swedish Jew
Not a big deal here.
Christmas is huge money. You can't advertise a yearly shopping spree if you ban it's tittle from circulation.
Can you not watch burgers make your food in that shithole you call a nation? Over here the Kitchen is visible most of the time and you can watch the workers cook.
I went shopping today and everyone was missing everyone else merry Christmas.
You have to be some kind of retard lacking all common sense to get offended or get offended on behalf of someone else because someone says "merry Christmas" during the most prominent, over-commercialized holiday in the Western world.
This happy holiday-thing seems to be exclusive to america. Christmas is holy, it's a tradition that unites all europeans. Behead those who insult christmas!
>a lady with pink hair follows me tells me that oh you should be more inclusive
I would have asked her if she wanted me to include my fist in her face.
when the pink haired sjw gets back inside everybody stood up and started clapping
I feel sorry for you Americans. So cucked.
White suburbia ohio here, you get weird looks if you try to tip toe around saying merry christmas.
>live near King County, Washington
>say "Merry Christmas" to people
>everyone smiles and says thank you
It's really just the liberal bubbles.
kek based chosen
Calls himself swedish, dont celebrate christmas. No you are a jew, not a nord. Sry
North carolina your gonna get dirty looks if you don't say merry Christmas around here. Seen it happen at Winn Dixie.
>creme and sugar
literally pour hot coffee on your genitals
Also, Oklahoma
There's no other christmas greeting besides Merry Christmas
Do you have a sister. Can I marry her?
>start shit
>cuck out
You are not a man.
Here in Russia we wish everyone "happy holidays", but that's because we celebrate Christmas in a western sense together with the New Year.
"Merry Christmas" is reserved for a traditional Orthodox Christmas and is widely used among Christians. Rules of etiquette limit usage of such phrases between different religious groups, unless it's related to the person's religion. For example, it's okay for a Muslim to wish you a merry Christmas and for you to wish him happy allahu snackbar, but vice-versa it would seem inappropriate
If you say happy holidays instead of merry Christmas you might as well say all holidays matter.
I don't even particularly like Christmas that much but if someone says Merry Christmas I'm not going to lose my shit because I'm not a MASSIVE CUNT. Fuck those people.
I love Oregon but I really REALLY wish Portland and Eugene would just get fucking carpet bombed.
Kill EVERYONE there.
What coffee shop? I'll go in and wish everyone a merry christmas just for you and they won't do shit cause I'm a tranny.
Depends on the area in North Carolina. Don't even have Winn Dixies near me.
The only reason why I envy the kikes right now, just to fuck with libtards
Not everyone. Just advertise the more sjw/methed out bs "protest" ya can think of and get rid of that group.
Course if we get rid of em we'd have less to lol at.
Though... Them angry hate filled "respect everyone" dumbasses need a vacation in Afghanistan to see wtf real life and oppression is....
Wait, people do not say "Merry Christmas" in America because what? Here everyone says it, I never though that it could be an issue, and I don't even believe in God.
In fact, our tradition of giving presents to children is based on the tale of three magic kings who gave presents to baby Jesus the night he was born. So its even more religious in America, and nobody bats an eye.
Portlandfag reporting in. Said Merry Christmas to nu male cashier at Whole Foods and didn't seem to care. Who cares, you probably won't see them again anyways.
NOT AN ARGUMENT is my go to answer.
Honorary Aryan tier.
I say Merry Christmas. Haven't had a problem yet. If someone pipes up I'll snap and you'll be reading about me on pol
Not at all, I've been told Merry Christmas by like four different cashiers while shopping I don't think I've even heard happy holidays
Kek I do the same thing except I'm actually a practicing Catholic
t. German/Austrian Jew
I live in Oregon and we have a huge "merry christmas" banner running across the main street.
But I live in a rather small community.
>things that never happened
non issue in my glorious country
only third worlders like america have this problem
I rarely leave my room so I don't know
> Is Merry Christmas controversial in you area
Totally not, though most of Russians don't talk to cashiers or just say "thanks", unless it's a very small shop where neighbors know everyone.
I feel you OP.
>live in Muslim neighborhood
>like 75% Muslim, not exaggerating
>Started saying Merry Christmas and decorating my house with christmas themes
>mfw the city council decorated the streets aswell
>mfw other Spanish neighbors started doing the same
Its like the tolerance ended
this definitely happened
>In mine yes.
No, it isn't. You're just buying into the social media bullshit that pops up EVERY SINGLE YEAR for at least a decade on sites like MySpace and Facebook. Literally no one besides a few idiots gives a shit.
Every god damn Christmas.
>Muh merry christmas
>Muh happy holidays
>Muh fake outrage
And lets not forget Thanksgiving.
>John_Redcorn_We_Celebrated_Once.tiff.avi.exe XDDD LMAOROFAL
Hello Catalonia
No. I get "Happy Holidays" a lot but I've never seen anyone flip out over "Merry Christmas" either.
>things that never happened the post
>a lady with pink hair follows me tells me that oh you should be more inclusive next time
Am I the only one who finds this psychotic?
Let's think about this.
You say "Batman sucks!"
And my reaction is to follow you outside and tell you "Batman RULES!"
That's fucking nuts man. These people should be committed.
No war on Christmas yet it's politically incorrect to say Merry Christmas
Don't even know what your fucking country is kek
Sad! did you know
I live in the People's Democratic Republic of Maryland. I say it every chance I get. Said it to two mudslime cashiers yesterday. They frowned from behind their bedsheets.
Only Place in Spain full of Migrants
t. american education
California. Said merr y Christmas to librarian. She acted scared for her life.
Nah, you're just that irrelevant. Don't flatter yourself.
I say marry Christmas and when they say shit I call em islamaphobic since im muzzie
OP forgot this:
b-but I'm a country too
If she is anything like the pink hairs in. California she pronouncef it excloooooosive.
Noice :)
What the fuck? There's a country between France and Spain???
Bahahahaha what the fuck do you guys do there? What the fuck? Hahahahaahaha
In other w o rds he shunned you. Same at good earth.
>Saying Merry Christmas is controversial
What? Why? How is offensive?
>not using the word Yule
in my country we only say merry christmas on christmas day desu, in spain and france I think it's the same
it's perfectly fine to say happy holidays to refer to the several celebrations we do in these two weeks
there are barely muslims here anyway, but our working class is like 50% portuguese, so we do have moors :^)
In the UK we say Merry Christmas despite being a 21st century multi-kulti shitfest
People would look at you very oddly if you said Happy Holidays here because no one says it. Well we would assume you're American even if you said it with no accent. It's just not a phrase that has ever had any usage here.
I guess you just don't say Merry Christmas to someone if they look like a Muslim. Although if you worked in a shop you'd say it to everyone I guess.
It is as horrible as saying happy fourth on the fourth
No because I don't live in America. I hope it never spreads here unlike the rest of your degeneracy.
Andorra is more culturally relevant than you'll ever be Tyrone
Enjoy your niggers
>Live in a deep red state
No one here gives a fuck.
Checked and keked
Jew &&& Swede lol, why do jews always do this. Nig-nog youre not a Swede if your identify with Judaism. Furthermore you Jews always do this shit, you'll say youre Italian, German, English, Scottish blah blah blah blah when youre all strictly fucking Jews. I can't stand working with your types here in NYC that insist on this shit and then I ask you stuff about the culture and as hard as you try being white you then get butthurt and offended for being Jueden. (((gas-gas-gas)))
Live in liberal and white Vermont phrases are both used nobody cares either way.
>put christmas lights up in spain
>end tolerance
wtf it wont let me save your flag
Damn principalities like Liechtenstein, these guys are jew money havens back in the day.
Not really no.
I was doing some work at a council for our Capital City. Complete lib shit city. But everyone there wishes everyone a merry christmas. Even the muzzie Indonesians are wishing everyone they deal with a merry christmas.
Some people are just able to comprehend you can enjoy the day without actually being a Christian.
My family and I are atheist and we still celebrate Christmas, and get hyped as fuck about it.
I dont get why people get soo butthurt about it? Saying "merry christmas" to a jew is like saying "happy fourth of july" to a tourist
2 kool 4 burgers
>tfw I always preferred to say "Happy Holidays" because it sounded fancier
>sjw's and libshits ruined it for me
>Can't say Happy Holidays without appearing like one of these cunts
God damn it Sup Forums fuck these people.
I'm still waiting for something like that to happen to em and send them home crying.
>Is Merry Christmas controversial in you area?
Nope. At work even the couple of muslim guys said merry Christmas when they left
Go into Ghetto super market in bum fuck town. Guy looks me dead in the eye. Merry Fucking Chirstmas. Tells me a story bout his 2 dogs that are now kill. Say Merry Christmas you can certainly tell who is happy Trump won. Merry fuckin christmas
Someone please post this flag for me.
>say oh okay I'll be more inclusive in a sarcastic tone
>not saying "I'll include you in the explosion."
keked, well done ya jewish bastard
>portland faggots
>tfw 2017 = patrician panic
>Is Merry Christmas controversial in you area.
Shit nigger I'm Jewish and I love christmas. Have my tree up and the presents under it.
>live in Hamilton, the other terminus for immigrants in Ontario
>based Polish immigrants singing carols, playing accordians, and holding up big Merry Christmas signs in front of the ghetto welfare Walmart all evening in the cold and windy dark
>it ain't all bad
Eastern Europeans always welcome.
Didn't Obama say he would win the war on christmas?
No. Mainly because nobody says that.
>last couple jobs were filled with leftist cucks, would have gotten fired if told someone merry christmas
>new job is nothing but conservative christians who wish everyone merry christmas
>Be me, US navy seal home on Christmas
>at a restaurant with kids and 10/10 blonde wife with DD tits
>landwhale SJW waitress with Bernie sanders sticker on her shirt comes over and says happy holidays
>I respond with "merry Christmas"
>everybody in restaurant stands up and starts clapping and thanking me for my service
>waitress is visibly disturbed and shaking
>in a trembling voice she asks me for my order
>order a bud light and steak with freedom fries for myself and my whole family
>she is tearing up at this point
>tell her to put it all on the same check because I am the breadwinner in my family and would never force my wife to have a career so she can stay home and raise our children
>waitress mumbling something about oppression, she is clearly crying and shaking at this point
>we finish our meal and I pay the bill leaving a 50% tip
>standing ovation on the way out, everybody shaking my hand and thanking me for killing osama bin laden
>hand my son my AR15 that I've been open carrying all day
>get into my lifted Ford pickup truck
>son shoots 3 terrorists on the drive home
>pull up to my house where a bald eagle has nested on my porch
>he lands on my shoulder and sheds a single tear
>put kids to bed and turn on Fox News
>Donald trump says we're invading the Middle East again
>get a personal phone call from general mattis who says a chopper is en route to my house
>bang my wife goodbye, put on my uniform and MAGA hat
>get into the chopper where Donald trump himself is briefing me on my next mission
>on the way there post this on Sup Forums