/AfD/ General - Frühstücks EDITION

This thread is for the discussion about Alternative for Germany (AfD) and the 2017 German elections.

>Who are the Alternative for Germany (AfD)?

>AfD's Basic Program

>Petry's Interview on NATO, Refugees, Sharia, Turkey and Borders

>AfD MEP on Trump's victory

>60 Genders - AfD's Steffen Königer gives the Greens a Reality Check

>AfD pro-Syria on FB: "Merkel must go!"

>AfD's Fundriser - 2 Gazillions Needed ASAP


>Truck Plows Into Christmas Market in Berlin, Killing 12

>Berlin's Truck Terrorist on The Run - Tunisian Asylum Seeker Wanted

>100,000 euro reward offered in hunt for Berlin suspect

>Anti-refugee rally in Berlin met with protest from pro-refugee groups

>Meme Collection v1.3
postimg org/gallery/2n33gjr90/
>Video Tribute

>Find English-speaking AfD followers from twitter
>Gather lurkers
>Make memes
>Spell-check memes
>Spread memes
>Come up with new ideas
>Find or create a friendly guide for voting
>Ignore the shills

Previous Thread: ---------
OP Text: pastebin.com/m5RY2PSj

Other urls found in this thread:


bump of hope

oh well, bump

>Meme Collection v1.4
postimg org/gallery/1ytb2a1m2/

Previous Thread:

Isn't blue hair degenerate

Actually there were other threads in between, I wasn't there:
To find last thread:

Keep them coming.


I won't lurk much today but I'll try to check every now and then.

yeah i didn't bother to add them, as not really much was going on at night

glad you are here now, best ally, i can finally sleep

kek sleep tight!

Where is muslim truck hijacker arrest

That is some face this woman has...

it was arrested already? he was still on the run last I heard.

>>Who are the Alternative for Germany (AfD)?
incompetent hacks.

>>AfD's Basic Program
the very same neoliberalism that led us here.

>gay weebshit mascot
>using wrong flag



omg ... Frau Petry is so fucking kawaii...... omfg..........

AFD is the only hope for them

Hugs and kisses for Deutschland and Merry Christmas



Look at how triggered the reporter is when Petry implies Islamics are primitive savages

you guys are despicable, im literaly shaking. immigrants are just poor people that are running from the war, we as privledged people have to help them!!!
those who use violence are not real muslims, islam stand for peace.
you rasicts should really educate yourself and go to a mosque and learn the truth!!!
#immigrants_are_welcome #not_my_president

I have a good friend who lived in Germany for a few years and he told me that all of his friends are planning to vote for AfD in secret because they dont want to be judged by social justice warriors and the mainstream media.

Doesn't she have a PhD in the sciences and also denies global warming?

Silly rabbit

And the only hope.

Sophisticated people only vote AfD in secret as they want to keep social contacts.

Will this be the modern incarnation of the German Workers Party? Is there hope that Germanistan will become Germany again?

Pretty much yeah


Bernd reportiert ein. Machen Deutschland groß wieder.



no, it's a shitty alternative but there are no other

i was just thinking that the smartest move for both CSU and AfD would be to make a new "union" without CDU.
AfD would get legitimacy, CSU wouldn't have to worry about the AfD as a competitor.
Both win, and Merkel's C(uck)DU loses, which means the German people ultimately win.

That's just unbelievable stupid, The CDU just needs to get rid of Merkel. The majority of the CDU members is fairly rightwing, they just appreciate Merkel for her improvement of our economy and finances, because the most of them are people with actual jobs and money that care about the whole picture and not just immigration like 99% of the neckbeards on this siberian knitting forum


Low energy, you guys gotta meme harder



Could someone add to the OP text that most german/european activity is around 6 to 10 pm CET?

ich hätte die dreckssau gerne brennen sehen

>>just needs to get rid of Merkel
and how's that going for ya?

Even if you don't agree with what I proposed, you have to admit that my approach would basically guarantee that the CDU gets rid of Merkel.
They can reunify after, might even convince AfD to join and form a unified actually conservative party.

the members are right wing, CDU politics are left

that is the real problem here. CDU is suppsed to be mitte rechts but it turned out to be be the #1 refugee party

don't you believe in God?
he'll get what he deserves.

Who will? I can't read arabic

Just hope that The CDU will need the AfD to get in power next September, this will either lead to one of Merkels famous 180° turns or her resign and we will enjoy the combination of politicians that know shit about economics from the Union and the street swiping "Judenhammer" Gauland

>CDU/CSU/AFD coalition


yes, it's all based in Merkel's strategy to move further and further left to cover an increasing area of the voting spectrum.
In pre-AfD times, she didn't have to worry about losing the right side of the spectrum, so she kept moving further and further left. But then the CDU overstretched and ruptured.
Base still is leaning conservative, but the "elites" are leaning left.
can't be fixed. one of them has to give in. and normally it is not the base.

i don't think that is enough


Hans was saying that he'd rather have seen the filthy degerenate burn (as opposed to just shooting him).

damn, why did Merkel's 180° never enter my mind?
would honestly be best outcome for Germany.
I liked Merkel before she opened the gates.
she kept things quiet in Europe.

you need to feel God, then you'll know as sure as you can know anything in this world that justice will be served.

es gibt überhaupt keine frage was für konsequenzen das ganze haben muss:

es müssen AUSNAHMSLOS alle KRIMINELLEN asylbewerber entfernt werden. wie ist egal, einfach nur weg und dahin zurück wo sie herkommen. ohne wenn und aber, ohne die üblichen ausreden.

außerdem müssen alle, die keine ECHTEN kriegsflüchtlinge sind entfernt werden

das hat zwei effekte:

1. die gefahr wird massiv verringert

2. das volk hat eine andere haltung gegeünber diesen ECHTEN flüchtlingen, da sie wissen, dass diese leute alle geprüft wurden und (höchstwahrscheinlich) keine gefahr darstellen. stand jetzt muss man davon ausgehen dass alle dreckige sozialschmarotzer oder terroristen sind


braune haut: ausgeschafft / vernichtet

>damn, why did Merkel's 180° never enter my mind?
look through her political history she's an opportunist. All this refugee shit came when she decided to destroy the SPD

außerdem jenes, BEDINGUNGSLOS und SOFORT

ich mag dieses Wort, deutlich schöner als deportieren oder abschieben.

well yeah i'm with you

but that will not happen

listen to this twice a day and never allow yourself these cucked thoughts ever again:


hope you didn't think I was being sarcastic. I honestly just forgot what a turn-coat she can be.

>irgendwas mit CDU

>t. cdu party member

nette Verständnisgabe

no, not at all, a lot of people forget why she was elected the first two times

don't forget about this one

Tut mir leid, Hermann.
Hätte es merken sollen.

Wenigstens hastes jetz verstanden

Real talk:

AfD wird nichts zu sagen haben im BT.
Alle werden die geschlossen ignorieren, die Medien sie weiter niedermachen und die Kartoffeln werden es begrüßen.

>die kartoffeln
zurück ins ghetto achmed

leider hast du recht, wie wir bereits in den landtagen sehen in denen sie sitzen

Ich bin nicht Achmed sondern wenn dann Chang.

Ich vertraue eher einen Türken oder einen Italiener als einer Kartoffel.

Von daher ist die Implikation mit dem Namen Achmed keinesfalls von negativer Bedeutung.


I hope ur memeing m8 because that's a terrible idea

>vertraut Musselmanen

Ich glaube langsam chinas Firewall dient dazu den Rest der Welt vor so einem Bullshit von Chinks zu schützen.

>Impliziert Musselmanen sind so ehrenlose, selbsthassende Cucks wie die Kartoffeln

Schleich dich

Are there any communities we can infiltrate? Shitposting here and on twitter might be fun, but it's getting boring and repetitive and isn't very effective. Check out r/the_schulz on reddit

>vertraut kanacken
Ich habe in meinem ganzen Leben keine Volksgruppe gesehen die sich kollektiv so ehrlos und asozial verhält wie Türken. Das einzig gute was man über die sagen kann ist dass sie zusammenhalten, und das ist Teil des ganzen Schlamassels zur Zeit...

WAS meine mutter???

literally the worst person in the entire party, half the "scandals" the AfD has to answer for come from this bitch saying retarded shit

>he doesnt know China is a big country for you and has native mudshits who are migrating from China to Germany
> he doesnt know there are subverted cucks even in East and South East Asia thanks to U.S. divide and conquer tactics aka Sinaporeans or Hongkongers or Taiwancucks who are acting just as retarded as liberals in Europe

If its not that hes just pretending. Han Chinese bitchslap Mudshits who act like Turks in Germany without any remorse.

Agree the woman is just bitch tier retarded and can hardly articulate herself nor actually make some decent arguments or speech. Even I could do better and Im nowhere near good.

Antwort der Cucks:
>Refugees sind weniger kriminell als Deutsche! ((( Studien))) belegen es! Es gibt gar keine Fakten und faktische Statistiken die das belegen weil wie sie einfach nicht im Fernsehn zeigen und die Studien mit "deutschen" Osteuropäern und "deutschen" Südlandern verschleiern!
>Refugees helfen der Wirtschaft! GDP wurd schon gesteigert! Heist zwar nichts weil ihr das bezahlt und nicht die Vergewaltiger und Schmarotzer aber wie verkaufens im Fernsehn trotzdem so
>Alles echte Flüchtige! Unbewiesene Behauptungen in den Nachrichten belegen es!

>Antrag abgelehnt! Wir brauchen sehr viel mehr Kriminelle Diebe und Vergewaltiger

>IdF teutonischer autismus

also ich find's geil.

>kanacken massiv überrepräsentiert in kriminalstatistiken
>es sind dabei noch nichtmal die kanacken mit deutschem pass enthalten
just nuke us already

assalamu aleikum my muslim brothers

So when I try to convince my peers I mostly get

The poor refugees we have to take them in, how can you even think about closing the borders, would you rather they die?

How can I argue against this shit?
This sounds so fucking retarded

also if osmeone has some statistics that could help me out there it would be nice

my own brother was seriously telling me that stuff like the truck was colateral damage and we should just accept it, he was arguing that a false negative (dangerous migrant branded good) was preferable to false positive (leaving some poor refugees out).

well first and foremost alot of those people simply aren't refugees. they are wirtschaftsmigranten who illegaly come to germany from countries where there is no war. they claim to be syrians or whatnot and just want to leech off of our social system

we need borders and checks at those borders to make sure WHO comes to our country. you can't just let everybody in, because then nizza/paris/berlin happens. YES we should accept REAL refugees, but not people who just want to leech of our society and contribute nothing at all

kriminalstatistiken show a very high overrepresentation of kanacken, altho they are already fixed as fuck

can you link some of those statistics?
I was showing my brother the Einzelfall map, but it didn't quite have the effect I wanted

nice job on that Tunisian terrorist by the way, guys. luckily he only wounded the Italian officer asking for his identification, and didn't kill him, so the rule of German law doesn't have another death on its hands.

remind me why you didn't deport him while he was in custody?

didn't mean to reply to that specific post btw.

Yes the Party is not believing in it.
And its also full of scientists, Professors, Attorneys etc

he didn't have a passport

can you link his arrest?

What's AFD?

we should also really add some good statistics to the OP those can be a good tool to convince peers

read the OP

it's a german moderate rightwing party,
but it's literally Hitler, so ddon't vote for it

Get your shit together Germany, I have faith in you.

kek, selbst die URL ist inkompetent.

I sure hope we will,
if we cannot make some serious progress in this election it will become very hard, as the refugees will start to vote in 2021

Malaysia ... Muslim?

>that care about the whole picture and not just immigration like 99% of the neckbeards
Having to see Shitskins at every Corner takes a big fat dump on the average persons picture. Not to mention that some of the "higher IQ" Fugees are ruining wages for already low wage workers due to too many workers.

I hope we get atleast like 30%.
Not enough for a win but damn that would be so fucking great.

BTW I'll lfinally leave berlin in three months. Any Sup Forumslacks can tell me about oberfranken / neuburg an der donau? How is the mood? Lot of muzzies?

here is a little spreadsheet i made a while ago

it's not very mature yet but you get the idea
