Sup Forums, meet James Charles from New York, the face of a new generation of men who will help make america great again.
Sup Forums, meet James Charles from New York...
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bringing HIV back
They air this fucker ad for Covergirl everyday before the most popular show on a kids tv channel where i live.
Indoctrination at it's finest.
Looks like he nailed the Sims look
Cuba should have dropped the bomb.
We have the best sexually transmittable diseases, believe me!
>tfw this thing has the same rights as you
who the fuck thought this was a good idea
fucking boomers
can someone tell me how men raise their boys to become this?
james charles is a faggot who probably shrieks like a constant autist and smells like farts and cum.
I have never felt more disgusted as a human until I found out about this. I legit done know what the fuck went so wrong that we got to this point.
He makes gays look bad.
raised by a single mom most likely
most degenerates come from broken homes but oddly enough its very rare if the child only has single father as a parent.
really makes you think
I remember seeing this and being kinda shocked.
Its called "covergirl" and this was the first guy promoting it.
I get, its edgy and they get credit for being first to do it... but jesus christ, maybe tone it down? Davey havok from afi does eyeliner/eyeshadow ok for a male, not like a hooker from 5th element holy shit, wtf is wrong with our culture.
I went to sephora to get my little sister some makeup for christmas. I go int here, just a bunch of mudfaces, clogged pores, crunchbar skin, foundation that doesnt even match the neck color mother fuckers.
Fuck ok, just had to get that out
Feel better biatch? Either you are a man or a woman. You appropriate traits for those that work and those that pretend to do so. Gender is irrespective of this. Think about that and the small town tomboys hauling hay into a truck bed and femmy twink idiots like this useless tool in OP's pic.
Did she just assume her sons gender?
He's horrifying.
His face looks like a made up corpse. Truly terrifying.
I'm not complaining about gender roles, I'm complaining that if you're a guy and going to wear makeup, try to make it look less tacky?
Same with women, my other complaint is that too much makeup cant be good for skin and this weird culture we live in where painting your face is necessary for cultivating beauty is strange. Have fun with makeup, just don't have too much fun.
Its your goddamn face, not a canvas board.
Yeah, by being converted into fuel
Thats why you need bullying in school.
Yes, and it's the choice of a new generation.
I'm looking forward to adding boi pucci to my menu. Loving my future. So many nuts
holy mother of kek