She is going to win.
Marine Le Pen
Other urls found in this thread:
pick one
i will win fpbp
i dunno... some of you guys were using memes derived from cursed shillary pepes
kek will make it so
Great. More civic nationalism.
>muh civic nationalism
>betrayed her father
>supports immigration
Marine le Pen is a traitor. Vote Fillon.
No she's not
Hello jew
She's not, actually she dances in nigger music.
2017 is looking pretty good so far
You fail even at first posting best posting. Get out Juanito.
We need to get the momentum going, and win the information war for enough of the French public, as the election approaches.
>Millions of human bombs in europe
>The attacks have started up again
Le Pen is a shoe in
It would be amazing, but it probably won't happen. Nothing short of economic collapse brought about by smaller EU nations bringing down the Bigger ones will uncuck European voters, not even a thousand terrorist attacks.
Did you just assumed xer gender ?
>vote fillon
>are you fucking serious faggot?
Antifa shill
Seems unlikely, but its still early
Im sure we will get another attack before April
It's done
I hope she win and Frexit
We must destroy EU for Evropa to raise again
Le pen is le best
>I hope she win and Frexit
>We must destroy EU for Evropa to raise again
Vive La France
EU must die
I hope so.
Is meme magic strong in France ?
Please win save europe.
We need you france
>voting for dirty statist
I'll just post once because why waste energy talking to a few dozen American stormbabbies who can't vote in our elections anyway?
For what it's worth, then: please just shut the fuck up.
You know pretty much zero about the topic you're posting on beyond "Front National = UKIP = Donald Trump", an equation which is actually as dumb and wrong as an SJW screaming "homophobe!" at a Trump rally.
There is more to being "red-pilled", I'm afraid, than just flailing around in front of a flag. Are any of you even aware that, in terms of social and economic policy, the FN platform is almost indistinguishable from that of a Sandersesque Marxist like Jean-Luc Mélenchon? The FN are trying to outflank the Socialists from the LEFT, for fuck's sake.
So please, try to wean yourself off your infantile fetish for jackboots and Roman salutes and invest a little energy into learning about the ACTUAL POLITICS of the people you start rooting for.
Or better, as I say, just shut the fuck up until you've finished middle school.
I won £800 on Trump winning. Gonna put even more on this old hag.
>being so closed minded
Le Pen is viewed worldwide as the far-right candidate.
If she win, it will be a blow for EU and the globalist scums.
As far as her policies, I have no idea and I don't care, every single politicians is a liar, what I care is that she represent the will of the French people to change.
Shut up antifa cuck
Kys CTR shill
I'm tired of wining
Kys Abdul
They are right wing so they must be based!
We save every country by voting right!
Seriously we need to purge this board from drumpftards and stormfaggots. These retards turned this place into another normie infested cesspit
Don't forget to call sexist everyone who'll be against her when we will meme her to victory
Please don't, you'll waste your money. You can bet she'll be in the second round, but there's actually no way she's gonna win the election.
Try to imagine what would have happened if in USA after Trump or in the UK after brexit people had another chance to vote against.
The only chance for right parties to win nowadays is to make a blitzkrieg kinda move and win at the first blow. Sadly, french system prevents exactly that.
Fuck our lives
Kys cuck. Stop posting your outrage in every Le Pen thread. Napoleon would be spinning in his grave right now.
Sup Forums give almost no fucks about economics. If you aren't a newfag the favour of the month here is nationalism, or populism.
>voting for an economic liberal
honestly gas yourself
Just do your part and vote for her.
The only important thing is that the globalist commies shit their pants. I don't care if she lose, civil war is coming anyway.
>She is going to win.
I'm getting such a boner thinking about Hillary's tears when Marine Le Pen become President of France!
"In a recent interview with BBC, Le Pen stated that Donald Trump's presidential victory will in fact help her in the 2016-2017 presidential race. In her opinion Mr Trump has "made possible what had previously been presented as impossible".
Fillon is Sup Forums's candidate.
No it's shills or ironic shitposters. Fillion was Sarkozy's prime minister, he had his chance. Sup Forums choice would be Marine or De Lesquen.
>supports immigration
>Vote KikeFillon.
Fuck off défaitiste cuck
Someone red pill me on Macron. Will he make it into the run off?
Macron is an ex-Rotschild, plant of Hollande to destroy Valls, married with his ex-teacher (old and not fertile anymore) and do gaysex with Mathieu Gallet.
OK, I got that the first reply was irony - and a fine example thereof, I have to say.
This one, though, I have to admit has me stumped.
Australians actually really ARE conceivably dumb, ignorant and morally void and directionless enough to think that something's being "flavour of the month" - oh, sorry, FAVOUR of the month, Jesus, he was too dumb even to get THAT right - is a GOOD thing.
To take up again the last - and the only non-ironical - remark made by the (Chinese?) poster: one step that would surely take us toward the very laudable goal of ridding this board of stormfags, retards and children would surely be just to ban all Australian IP addresses, no?
They really are remarkable in being the only white nation on earth to have failed, in two hundred years, to have ever produced any book, film, painting or other work of art or philosophy of any value whatsoever.
Iggy Azalea.
>A Fillon shill
Kill yourself kike
Make LePenist politics diamonds again.
seriously though, does she still have a shot at wining?
Nice try kike
>le penis
meme this plz
>de Lesquen
This nigga is Sup Forumstier but he will get soon jailed because he can't control his power level
>There is more to being "red-pilled", I'm afraid, than just flailing around in front of a flag.
There are more pressing issues at hand than your petty shekel policies as well, but that didn't stop you basing your whole critique based on it, did it?
You know that Fillon spokeperson literally said that terrorism had nothing to do with immigration ?
The truth is FN is led by a woman and a faggot and they won't solve our problems.
But electing them will allow more extreme parties to gain traction.
Electing Marine is not a solution at all, it's simply a step
Fillon is a massive piece of shit though
>He will never be our president
Feels bad man
she looks brianna wu, wtf
kill yourself
don't fucking surrender just yet you fucking faggot, fight for your country. Your neighbors are with you.