Hi Sup Forums

hi Sup Forums.
What does cultural marxism consist in? What does it stand for? Some people say it was fabricated by the conservatism right. I don't know much about this matter.

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there is realy no link between Marx and the so-called Frankfurt school.

Does that change anything?

Although sometimes only loosely affiliated, Frankfurt School theorists spoke with a common paradigm in mind; they shared the Marxist Hegelian premises and were preoccupied with similar questions.[2

From Wikipedia.

Cultural Marxism is to take Marx ideas about economics and apply them to cultural situations. Instead of worker and capitalist class you have white and black male and female etc etc. you view them through the lens of Marxism and say one is exploiting the other and something needs to be done about it.

jesus was a commie

So when they say white people exploit minorities, it's cultural marxism?

cultural Marxism essentially just refers to critical theory which was popular with Theodor Adorno and other professors at the Frankfurt school. Critical theory isn't really "applied Marxism" but rather an interpretation. Critical theorists borrowed a good deal from Marxism but also rejected some its tenets as well.

Look at youtube, there is plenty of information.

my favorite


It was another Jewish think tank used to change Western civilization through subversive intellectualism. Most of them were commie Jews, they had already tried the same thing in Germany before they were forced to move to the US after the Nazis came to power. Read the Culture of Critique. This chapter addresses it.



He was an anarchist. Man's laws are always going to fail. The Lord is the only one trustworthy enough. Render unto Caesar was put into place to protect Christians from governments. Communism takes the most government. It always fails. Gee, I fucking wonder why. There is a reason commie fucks are atheists.


Adorno, Horkheimer, Benjamin, etc. DID NOTHING WRONG

(((Marcuse))) is the problem.


>Marcuse also analyzes the integration of the industrial working class into capitalist society and new forms of capitalist stabilization, thus questioning the Marxian postulates of the revolutionary proletariat and the inevitability of capitalist crisis. In contrast to orthodox Marxism, Marcuse champions non-integrated forces of minorities, outsiders, and radical intelligentsia, attempting to nourish oppositional thought and behavior through promoting radical thinking and opposition. He considers the trends towards bureaucracy in supposedly Marxist countries to be as oppositional to freedom as those in the capitalist West.

No source on quote, looked it up and all I could find were right-wing websites.

Its a blanket term for anything that is against traditional values and degenerate.

Sup Forums memes are bullshit
All your shitty infographics ignore Antonio Gramsci, the real forefather of cultural Marxist analysis, because he is not Jewish, so it doesnt fit your antisemitic narrative. For the same reason Friedrich Engels is ignored, coming from a Protestant background. Go eat a dick.


Found this in 2 click. Don't seem a right-wing site to me.

People think it's the antithesis of capitalism; conversely, I think it's the natural progression of capitalism.

Farmer asks baker for bread, and in turn the baker gets grain; both profit.

Farmer asks baker for bread, and in turn exchanges it for gold. The goldsmith, the baker, and the farmer profit.

The goldsmith mints coins into his own pocket.
The farmer trades with the baker.. The goldsmith is the one who really profits. The government or some agency steps in and forces the goldsmith to give more money to the farmer so he wont starve.
The farmer thinks he's profiting, and the baker thinks he's profiting, and other businesses call it fair.

But it's not.

azquotes is just a site that inputs random shit and generates images of quotes and so on. i don't think it has a very uh, stringent approach to filtering out fake quotes
not a source

Takes classic Marxist class-power politics (bourgeoise vs proletariat) and applies it to aspects of identity and culture in order to attack white people and western civilization. For example, the narratives of white oppressor vs black victim, patriarchal male oppressors vs female victims, etc

Gramsci is included in most Frankfurt School memes you retarded Serb turknigger

your IQ is too low due to all the Turkish inbreeding, please find a Turkish forum for you to post on you roach.

Read the communist manifesto pleb.

Know thine enemy

>thine enemy

libertarian kids from the soviet lager are the second worst, preceded only by deluded stormfaggots from the soviet lager. (because how dumb can you be to defend an ideology that wants you dead, slavs = jews = subhumans in hitlers ideology)
You were born in 2000s, you have no idea what opportunities were created by socialism transforming a country that was 90% rural (Russian Empire) to an industralized economy in 30 years.

show me one faggot
and where is Engels? He never even gets mentioned here? Even Lenin is not mentioned because he is at best a mischling of the second degree

communist manifesto is basically just a leaflet written for the common plebs, everyone should have read it by now
at least a secondary source overview of marx's philosophy and some choice excerpts or essays is obligatory reading

I've just recently learned about cultural marxism and I am taken aback by how much of our culture has been corrupted by this way of thinking.
What are some steps you have taken since you learned about this think-tank?
I'm lucky enough to have some friends who are aware of the Rothschilds and are open to conspiracy theories, so I've tried to teach them about this horrible way of thinking and how it's ruining western civilization. But I believe we need to spread this to a bigger audience since the world still seem to be going towards a downward spiral and it pains me to see the world as it is, now that I have finally been able to put the pieces together for the forming on NWO.

I was born in the 70s. My grandparents were worked to death in Gulags in the 50s. I'm not a Nazi, or form Stormfront. Frankly, fuck you and your assumptions.


see critical theory

Not the fault of right-wing sites that most other sites are owned by Jews and/or lean left and will never actually address what Jews and communists said and did. For the same reason, we'll forever hear about the 6 gorillions, but almost never about the tens of millions of Russians who were killed in the Soviet Union, largely by Jews (they made up more than 90% of the commanders of Gulags).


If you think that quote is far-fetched, you should read Rules of Radicals by Saul Alinsky, another Jew. That's how Jews think.

Gramsci was a Marxist and part of the Communist Party in Italy, funded by Jews. Even the idea of "cultural hegemony" which he popularized was derived from Marxist concepts used by Lenin (another Jew), most of the Communist Leaders and Intellectuals were Jews. Communism was quite literally created by Jews, so non-Jews like Gramsci or Karl Liebkecht were just useful idiots for them, like many people were throughout history. It is all the same stream of Jewish influence.

>Gramsci set up the weekly newspaper L'Ordine Nuovo (The New Order). In October the same year, despite being divided into various hostile factions, the Socialist Party moved by a large majority to join the Third International. The L'Ordine Nuovo group was seen by Vladimir Lenin as closest in orientation to the Bolsheviks, and it received his backing against the anti-parliamentary programme of the left communist Amadeo Bordiga.

Or a libertarian for that mater.


I've been around here long enough to not consider that sort of thinking far-fetched. But its another thing to attribute a quote like that to a prominent public intellectual with no source. Especially since there are many fake quotes like that attributed to various historical figures, like that fake Lenin quote about "how to destroy the West" or something. The supposed Horkheimer quote raises red flags because its so politically convenient to the anti-Jewish right in such a succint way.

Every communists believes in every cultural marxist tenet and promote them.

One of Lenin's grandfathers was a Jewish convert to Christanity. His mother (whose father that was) was a practicing Lutheran, born from a Lutheran mother. According to Nueremberg racial laws, which you Nazis promulgated, that would make him 2-nd degree mischling at best. He had zero contact with Judaism as a religion or culture.

Thinking that "cultural marxisim" is somehow a unified doctrine is basically just antisemitic bullshit. You are either a deluded stormweenie or a teenage edgelord.

i was born in the 80s and I am not a communist or a marxist. I just acknowledge the reality of transformation of dominantly rural economies, in Yugoslavia and the Soviet Union.

Read this shit and stop wasting everyone's time.

>Thinking that "cultural marxisim" is somehow a unified doctrine is basically just antisemitic bullshit. You are either a deluded stormweenie or a teenage edgelord.
It doesn't need to be to exist

Jesus is king

>One of Lenin's grandfathers was a Jewish convert to Christanity

Lurk more faggot
race is important

>One of Lenin's grandfathers was a Jewish convert to Christanity.

So he was ethnically Jewish, was educated and heavily influenced by European Jews which has been thoroughly documented, and was surrounded by Jews in the Soviet government. Judaism as a religion is not what we're talking about, most Jewish communists were always ostensibly atheists and in fact killed millions of people because of that.


Redistribution of wealth along cultural identity. If you're a white male, you need to pay up to the black disabled transwoman.