Getting along with people

I'm not a conservative, so I really want to know...
Why is it so hard to get along with liberals?
I don't want to dislike these people, I generally have no reason to. It seems like, in real life or common online situations, the people you meet that are the most divisive and aggressive aren't Sup Forums-tards.

In almost every situation I can think of, I've had to remain quiet while left-leaning people are allowed to freely speak their mind with no ramifications. It's not even a matter of arguing, it's like it's impossible for these people to do anything without dragging politics into it. And now with Trump's win, everyone I know has buckled down even harder on it. They're rude and aggressive, and on one hand I can sympathize with people being scared. When you've had the media blitz mixed with his outspoken and brash comments I can't blame them for being worried. But worrying is just one thing, I've seen a surge in leftist supportive rhetoric, and it winds up leaning over into being vitriol more often than not now.
I know going by history that trends change, I know that in the past more conservative attitudes were propagated and allowed the "free pass" that liberals are allowed today, but is there any chance in the future that instead of swinging back to that we'll reach a point where people don't need to be so opposed?

I've worked on a few artistic endeavors where I tried exploring things that would be considered more right leaning, but I tried to do so with tact, because people and conflicts in general, I feel, are often complex. This is what I want to do with my life, yet I've received far more hatred and people jumping the gun or misunderstanding what my work is about than mere criticism (and I keep in mind maybe them misunderstanding may be a failure on my part).
I know i'm going to be unable to pursue a career in certain fields i'd like to simply because I don't tow a party line, and it seems like following this election it's only going to get harder.

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I think the world just needs to be cleansed with hellfire.

Everything has become a moral issue with leftists. That is the reason religious extremists are so dangerous.

You can't talk about the socioeconomic long term effects of welfare on a community because it has been turned into a moral issue and you'll get called racist.

They're just a miserable chore to be around.

If you don't cater to them perfectly you're thrown out like a sack of garbage for violating their own set of progressive sins.

They value kindness over the truth and have relationships which model a mother/offspring relationship rather than a cooperative relationship. They regard everyone who agrees with them (i.e shares the same mindset/values) to be kin while everyone else is then considered an enemy. To a mother, on a basic level, every outsider/non-kin is considered an enemy and is then dealt with in a hostile manner. This is why leftists, in general, are extremely supportive with one another and extremely hostile with those that they disagree with. I kinda just copied Jordan Peterson's argument, but it seems to make sense when you start to observe.

It's an ego thing, they don't really care about other.

I asked a self proclaimed feminist here what she's fighting for and she said the wage gap. I asked her what about all the suffering women in the Middle East countries and she told me she doesn't care and that it's not her problem.

I lost so much respect for her and feminism that day.

It's not even like it's impossible to be kind or mindful WHILE being truthful.

And in many situations it winds up being that we either don't know the whole truth behind something but they'll make it hard to have a differing opinion or thoughts on whatever matter it may be anyway.

I know by truth you're likely referring to times when there is hard data or evidence but in most common instances of talking with people there tend to be multiple ways to view a situation, but (at least where I live) left-leaning people make that not the case.

You're on a right-wing circle-jerk asking why "leftists" are so bad.

Honestly OP, what kind of answers do you expect to get?

Your OP makes vague assertions that a group you haven't really defined does things you aren't specific about because you feel it represents something popular, and proclaimed yourself oppressed by your own angst.

Your either drunk and stupid or whiny and lacking social skills. It's not polite to fart in public, either. Do you fart sometimes? Do you feel oppressed when you're in public because you're expected not to fart loudly?

Right? Why would anyone care about politics that are local, and not politics that have no impact on their life in any way?

You're a moron. Ever voted in an election for something you believe in. Well how come you aren't going to China to join a rebellion about it? Lol hypocrite. It's total nonsense. Your friend cared about issues that affect her. Like everyone else in the world.

liberals are intolerant, militant, uncompromising. and above all they feel the need to project their world view onto you, and if you dont accept it they label you a bigot. its hilarious really. leftism is like a 3 year old. contrary, throws tantrums, destroys shit without realizing it then cries and blames you

Fellow creative here, but unlike you, I'm a dyed in the wool conservative.

I work in the toy modeling industry and my boss, my supervisor, my friend who got me the job, and the other couple doods who work there are all Trump bashing leftists. I've had to hold my tongue because even though I'm close friends with a few of them and they certainly know my politics, I've never felt secure enough in my job to even devils advocate for the president-elect.
The fact of the matter is that I've never felt tolerated or understood by fellow creatives who lean left, or frankly Leftists in general. The closed-mindedness and unwillingness to "tolerate intolerance" (I.e. Conservatism) that everyone is finally catching onto, is something middle aged conservatives like myself have been privy to for decades and is especially strong in the arts.
The myth is that the Left is the party of tolerance, but the ones who just want everyone to be left the fuck alone and allowed to say what they want freely, has always been Conservatives. Hell, my best friend is a /r/libertarian Berniebro turned /r/the_donald supporter who I can make insider jokes about Pizzagate with and autistically make Sup Forums references off Sup Forums with. Among Right leaning people, there's just not the strict lock on speech, in my experience, that there always has been from the Left.

I know it's anecdotal, but I know it rings true with how your experience of the two parties, ostensibly, has been too.

We live in the most privileged country in the world, no woman here is oppressed and yet she claiming to stand up for women while ignoring the women that need the most help.

She doesn't even fucking vote, as I said before it's all about the ego.

I do try and help even when the issues don't concern me at all. I've donated and given support.

Also kill yourself

Yes, this is the correct answer.

Look, Original Poster, there are many people out there that will be, as puts it, intolerant, militant and uncompromising. On either side of the political spectrum! These people will never engage in dialogue. Moderates, of which there are more than enough, can and will engage in dialogue and will try to improve any one country with others.

Extremism of either side is just very loud noise and Sup Forums is one of those loud places. You will see anyone who thinks differently get shut down quickly.

There are many people out there, and do not try to engage political discussion in a group. People in groups can lean quicker to one side to appease the others. One on one discussion would be the most sensible with people you care about, however much or little.

I don't think "leftists" are bad, however I think they're more relevant to modern society (at least western society) than your more extreme examples of right-wing people (rednecks, bigots, etc.)

Whether people like the term or not, the whole "alt-right" stick is a response to the attitudes and power the left has had, and while people can argue on what constitutes being "alt-right", the more extreme and hateful attitudes that can grow from it are just as difficult to deal with when talking to people (although aside from Sup Forums, the ONE person i've talked to irl that would constitute a modern conservative was less quick to anger than most liberals i've dealt with)

Also you're making an assumption that any point I'd have to argue about can be equated to a "fart" without knowing anything other than that my positions could be opposite of yours. Kind of explains why I made this thread. And I'm not trying to be vague, it's just that at this point it's literally any and all issues are met with the same dismissive or more often aggressive attitude.

>You can't REALLY believe in what you say you do unless you strive constantly to apply it to 4 billion people. And based on our conversation, I have decided that you don't care enough about this ten million over here, and care too much about that ten million over there. So lol ur hypocrite.

Come on. You're just pretending to be retarded, right?

You asked her one question about why she isn't fighting a guerilla war in Saudia Arabia, so therefore you're righteous and pure?

Shut up

>Also you're making an assumption that any point I'd have to argue about can be equated to a "fart" without knowing anything other than that my positions could be opposite of yours.
Right? I made the assumption that the things you said could be addressed and the things you have not said could not be. Weird: it's almost as if I responded to your comment, or something.

>And I'm not trying to be vague, it's just that at this point it's literally any and all issues are met with the same dismissive or more often aggressive attitude.
So you're not being vague. It's just that your assertions apply to everything, but not particular things that you can point to, or anything.

Yea you pretty much understand exactly where i'm coming from.

Your art form can flourish and be great without needing to deal with modern issues (aside from innovations in manufacturing or trends i'm sure), mine can as well however it's more interesting for me to try and explore situations people find themselves in.

That's a cool job btw

>artistic endeavors
They have to be left wing or you'll never make it user. Arts are dominated by leftists. Don't forget to love refugees.

white race has never existed. Right and left exists to hide the truth that all humans are related. Whites and europeans are ashamed to descend from indian albinos.

White ppl come from albinism.

>artistic endeavors.
What form?

Now you're being retarded, can you only think in extremes?

If you are incapable of understanding my point then there is no reason to continue arguing.

Fighting an imaginary pay gap (I got paid less and had higher taxes than her) vs disdain to women who are suffering.

Please do us all a favor and kill yourself

>imaginary pay gap
Really though? Perhaps in your exact case it was not, but it is a pretty big issue. Global even. Also ending everything with "kill yourself" really helps.

>Right? Why would anyone care about politics that are local, and not politics that have no impact on their life in any way?

You have a point - Switzerland has managed to avoid the ME issue completely while US/EU feminists have to juggle between defending traditional Islam (read: Shariah Law which prevents Muslim womens' suffrage) due to the latent immigrant populations as well as their own Hodge-podge of values which under close scrutiny is almost completely incompatible with the former from a philosophical prespective. If Swiss dude think the feminist he met is crazy, watch how ours will support the suppression of their fellow countrywomen to get brownie points with their overlords. That's selfish.

>believing in feminist fantasies

No, really you should kill yourself, your exist brings nothing of value.

Germany is bring disgrace to Europe

Germany, you really shouldn't be allowed on this board, some of the things you read here you might find shocking, like opening your eyes and seeing what's happening right in front of you, or having pride in your nation, etc. Vote out Merkel, then all your friends on Sup Forums will be waiting for you. Good luck!

>work in graphic design
>fags beg me to make refugees matter bullshit
>keep denying them despite them raising what they'll pay
Come join the uncucked creative career track. I made my own book filled with illustrations, writings and photography and am due to print. The industry is so broad you can just specialise and do whatever the hell you want on your off time

lol ok

Luck will be needed for sure, danke

>I've worked on a few artistic endeavors where I tried exploring things that would be considered more right leaning, but I tried to do so with tact, because people and conflicts in general, I feel, are often complex.

I relate to this as an aspiring artist in a pop culture medium. Young people, who tend to be liberal, are the most plugged-in to pop culture and my goal for my work is to plant small seeds of truth. I believe that the purpose of art is not just to express yourself but to inspire humanity to seek and love the truth. I am constsntly seeking feedback from my liberal friends and if an idea that I present in my work is so unpalatable that it is outright rejected I go back to the drawing board and think of a new way to create something they will find themselves enjoying. In the same way that memes are powerful because they make you laugh and enjoy yourself while propagandizing those who encounter them, artists are magicians who manipulate the minds of their audience when they find themselves loving their stories and characters.

What originally led me to becoming redpilled was being friends with these types of people. I honestly now believe that leftism really is a mentally illness, it's people who have deep rooted problems and have a need to project their misery on other people and the world. The freedom I felt when I just stopped giving a fuck was amazing.

Are you honestly trying to suggest that there is nothing wrong of false about current politics as if that is just the secret to life and happiness? You think you are some kind of genius? Do you truly and honestly believe that leftism and leftism alone is the answer to all of lifes problems? You sound like a fascist.

Watch an interview with any pop artist.. Its clear that none of them are "plugged-in". They do not live their life as they claim in their art. They just want money, they are burnt out but very, very few actually have any love for what they are doing or saying.

OP is a sincere moderate just like most people, nothing he's concerned about is ridiculous, people like you are a very real problem to leftism. Thanks for getting Trump elected and helping push the alt reich agenda

They lack self awareness

I don't have a problem with normal reasonable liberals, just like they usually don't have a problem with normal reasonable conservatives. It's the extremists on both sides that fuck everything up

I am aware, low-brow forms of pop art in the West are dominated by Jews who create degenerate works to poison the minds of children. That's why I dream of bringing a bit of light to this avenue, even if it is only a small candle in a dark, dank cavern of filth.

I can sympathize with that, nothing i've worked on is hateful and at most just explores concerns with what a society can handle.

Personally I feel the people i've met want to do what benefits them without hurting others, but they just take that leap into being part of a group and start tuning out things.

The things I make aren't flawless, I'm expressing a thought, if it's wrong then that's fair but I don't need hate for it, especially not when in my field other viewpoints flourish .

Jesus, that picture in the OP! I had the same AK-47 when I was a kid!

sums it up perfectly

Because they are liberals only by name. They want you to submit.

omg why are people discussing politics on a politics board REEEEEEEEe