>Sup Forumsack goes on supposedly rightwing swedish plebbit
>posts nigger photo with swe passport and the text "finally I am swedish"
>everyone is sucking his dick in the thread and congratulating him
>the most downvoted post is saying that he isn't swedish - replies = everyone agrees that anyone living in sweden is swedish
The majority of the people on that leddit supports the Sweden Democrats and they are still dickriding this nigger
Other urls found in this thread:
literally cannot make this shit up
Oy vey
stop bullying us norgay
>everyone agrees that anyone living in sweden is swedish
>this girl
Tensing Norgay, I presume?
What do you expect after decades of brainwashing?
At this point, Europe is dead.
where does these non-niggerlooking niggers come from?
your mom
neger snälla
Get back to work. Restaurant service quality isn't what it used to be.
Hey dudes, I'm the guy who posted the thread, just wanted to see how cucked swedes really are.
top kucker
Horn of Africa, West Africans are the American flared nostril baboon looking blacks
Actually was in a relationship with an Ethiopian girl for a month or so (christian)
>going to reddit at any point in your lifetime
>horn of africa
Literally the worst kind of nigger.
Do you really have monkey paws?
Can't we raid the fucker?
I agree, Somalis (and Moroccans) are by far our worst immigrants here, there are some very cute exotic girls from that region though
What's wrong with his nails?
>Slav thumbs
No I got the pic from another Pol thread yesterday
He probably bites them/clips them. I do too and mine look like that. I'm trying to stop but it's a stress thing and I caved in a few days ago after they had significantly grown out.
>expecting anything except leftist circlejerk
i do to and they look nothing like that. thats just a very deformed and freaky thumb. thumblet scum dont blame it on the biting! buy yourself a good set of mittens and dont ever show your bare digits in public again!
>2 geh PAZH
did she pay ur debts?
He's right, they are badly bitten
I bite mine and they don't look as bad but that's because I don't bite them as far as some people
i don't speak arabic
her vangila is for manshallah only?
>Don't listen to the idiots. You are so fucking, disgustingly swedish that I could puke. Welcome Many friendly thanks
Scuzi, Babadibupi?
Looks like this
please end us already
I'm keking so hard
Tell him that you are far more Swedish than him because religious tolerance is a Swedish value or something like that
The Swedendemocrats are moderates that want as much immigration as the other Scandi countries. They are literally just a mix between the Socialist Party, the Moderate party and some common sense; Which the others lack. Other than that they're cucks.
Can you spell it for me? I'm using translators
>the German understands Arabic
"Don't listen to the idiots, you're so disgustingly (positive) fucking swedish that I throw up. Welcome!
I used translators in everything
No I mean spell what he wrote, that Iam more swedish than him because tolerance is a swedish value.
It's to hard to say it with a translator
>Islam does not offer religious freedom, which is one of Swedens constitutions, therefore you cannot be Swedish and muslim.
Islam erbjuder inte religiös frihet, vilket är en av Sveriges grundlagar, därför kan du inte vara svensk och muslim.
yes, good eye. lol @ these fucking mutants blaming the biting. sad!
Wouldn't you do the same thing as Kurtz if you had great combat skills and you were this brawny tall white guy among pygmies? Got yourself a great army there, he was doing real work on those red commie bastards. Too bad that is fiction and probably not possible.
I mean a troll text, I'm pretending to be the muslim
what is this?
There was a thread 1-2 days ago on Sup Forums as an AMA with that picture, so this is very believable.
Pls translate : I'm far more Swedish than you because religious tolerance and acceptance is a Swedish value
they are blacks from Sudan and other Eastern African countries that don't have Arab admixture
Source pls
jesus man
Jag är mycket svenskare än dig på grund av min religiösa tolerans och min acceptans av svenska värderingar.
could you drop subtle hints that you are a fundamentalist?
Jag är bra mycket svenskare än dig då religiös tolerans och acceptans är en svensk värdering.
This is prolly not gonna sound right to the native swede but you're pretending to be a muzzie anyway
>I am more Swedish than you since tolerance is a swedish value you don't have
Jag är mer svensk än dig eftersom tolerans är en svensk värdering som du saknar
He has toes on his hands and fingers on his feet. It's 2016.
It's from a movie called Apocalypse Now. It's a fiction movie made by Coppola, so don't let any propaganda influence your view on actual reality and just enjoy the movie. It's okay, it's entertainment. Not the kind of art that I care for, because it's fucking Coppola and he would rather hire his daughter than make the best movie. Someone like Stanley Kubrick made some real art, I don't re watch entertainment but I sure revisit art, and Stanley Kubrick never had conflicts of interest that got in the way of making the best possible movie. More intelligent too. Check him out instead.
I wish you a good bait hunt.
also add that you already date a swedish girl and will celebrate whatever christmas knockoff swedes have with her family
thanks senpai
oh, ive seen it actually. its just OK. been meaning to watch eyes wide shut and that space movie kubrick did.
It's left wing hell hole. Go on flashback.org instead.
Nice one
truly post-ironic times
>shitposting instinguishable from mainstream leftism
I'm happy because I know what comes AFTER Weimar
You should watch those ones for sure, and I really can't think of any directors who consistently put out great movies, that are really pieces of art as opposed to simple shallow entertainment. We are really diluted with incompetent directors and it is so hard to find a competent one. It was probably easier to find before the 50's or so.
The most astounding thing about this is that the thread has over 1000 upboats and is heading straight to the frontpage of plebbit
what to reply
Reply that you are Svenskare and that your many children will be more Svenskare than that racists children.
Accepterar du inte min religion strider du själv mot den svenska värderingen religiös frihet. Osvensk religion? ca 10% av den svenska befolkningen är muslimer. Osvensk kultur? Sverige är ett fantastiskt multi-kulturellt samhälle, det finns ingenting som heter "svensk kultur".
be obnoxious and undankbar
the pseudo redpilled must be made not pnly hating muslims but hating the black skin in general
this but the bit about the children too, what I wrote here
no bully
Förövrigt kommer alla mina barn även vara svenskare än dig och dina då de inte kommer uppfostras till att bli rasister.
>Islam is not unswedish, actually Islam is more Swedish than Christianity because there are Islamic coins in Sweden that are older than christianity in the area
Islam är inte osvensk, Islam är faktiskt mer svenskt än kristendomen eftersom det finns islamiska mynt i Sverige som är äldre än kristendomen i området
fucking kek
saving that for another reply
Seems like a troll having a discussion with another troll. Master baiting together is fun, I guess.
Someone posted this thread in the comments but it looks like it was removed by mods
I'm gonna delete my posts soon the swedes are catching up
There's always one white knight nigger
Don't want to be exposed so soon
is that pulp.alpaca?
They are worn from scraping the chamber walls.
I was watching family feud last night and one of the women in the black family was cute.
Are the Jews getting to me through game shows?
Delete this one, its out of place
>Jag har ett svenskt flickvän, du låter mycket rasistiska
Also delete this part of your latest post, it's too hardcpre over the top
>det finns ingenting som heter "svensk kultur". Förövrigt kommer alla mina barn även vara svenskare än dig och dina då de inte kommer uppfostras till att bli rasister
>saves cuck shit to his PC
i cant believe youvd done this
Sweden is so cucked they had the best quality of life in the world, literally god tier living conditions for even the poorest Swede, and they import niggers until almost crashing their welfare state.
They are defeatist cucks and has always been so
Its over bois