Polish lorry driver who fought for his life as fanatic shot him dead then hijacked truck in Berlin massacre was returning to his wife to prepare Christmas presents.
truly the savior of white race.
thank you, Poland!
Polish lorry driver who fought for his life as fanatic shot him dead then hijacked truck in Berlin massacre was returning to his wife to prepare Christmas presents.
truly the savior of white race.
thank you, Poland!
poles saving europe from asiatic invaders once again
>Pole fights back
>Italian fights back
Hey, they tried. They did catch a mudperson, it just wasn't the terrorist they were looking for.
>truly the savior of white race.
but he dinndo nuffin' just like our police
Heh. They're just Northern Arabs. Caucus filth.
>man tries to stop himself from being killed
Yes.. very based.
The real question here is did he manage to make it to sports direct to get his family a new tracksuit? Or was he going via the local pond to steal a nice tasty carp
And German state television tried to cover the mudslime by stating "the trace leads to Poland" or "Polish truck driver crashes people".
He fought back and he was killed,read the source.
If he hadn't done anything, there would have been another dozens of casualties.
are we sure he was muslim?
i mean asians are terrible drivers
How rude...also how nice to muslims German is.
really makes me sad
>The 37-year-old driver disappeared after parking his lorry at a depot in Friedrich-Krauze-Ufer and going for a kebab.
looks like he got more then he bargained for
>polak fights
>polak gets killed
>muslime hijacks truck
>mudslime crashes in a Christmas market
>kills a dozen people
>polak gets killed in his sleep
>muslime hijacks truck
>mudslime crashes in a Christmas market
>kills a dozen people
Why are Germans so butthurt against Poles?
Did they do you any harm?
not butthurt at all, besides that you gave them our clay after '45. I'm just saying that the pole didn't save anyone
Your police concluded that he was highlighting until his death to save your people, yet you come here and shit on his bravery. Typical German butthurt.
Something something untermenschen
He did absolutely nothing but get hijacked by a scrawny guy with a knife.
His cousin's wife is hot though
He pulled the wheel to the left saving half of the people there you moron. STALIN took your clay, not Poles, not anyone. After Red Army was there who could tell them to fuck off back to Asia? Stalin moved Poland to the West, not Poles, not USA, not UK, read a book from time to time.
thank you poland
Sad part is, this polish family is now screwed that their primary income earner was killed by a muslim.
meanwhile germany is giving billions of euros to freeloading muslims that get to come over and fuck up europe.
Stop being so racist to be muslim bl9oke.
He was a good boy, he dindu nuffin, about to get his life back on truck.
WTF I hate pooland now
>our clay
It was theirs before you stole it in the partitions ahmed.
Polish death camps all over again
>be Polish soldier in 1939
>charge German tanks with your horses
>70 years later, your great grandson charges trucks with his body to save fucking Germans
fighting for your own life doesn't mean he was fighting to save anyone, making everyone a martyr is mudslime tier logic.
If the pole was still alive when the crash happened and tried to stop the truck or anything I'd agree.
He was already dead when the crash happened, the police already corrected that yesterday
>Stalin moved Poland to the West, not Poles, not USA, not UK, read a book from time to time.
You guys gave Stalin whatever he wanted, but I guess reality doesn't matter for the Eternal Anglos history book
And not that many months ago leftists were shitting on Mariusz Pudzianowski (polish strongmen, MMA fighter and owner of transport company) for wanting to arm his truck drivers with baseball bats.
>>If he hadn't done anything, there would have been another dozens of casualties.
how did it make any difference
>t. I don't know the whole story
The last thing He did was steer the truck away from the actual target, he saved a shit ton of lives, just not all of them
>He put a fight so lets call him hero or saviour of the white race
Stop the gloria victis meme. We could call him a hero if he stopped the shitskin BEFORE he drove over all those people
What a typical German prick lol.
>You guys gave Stalin whatever he wanted,
Build a time machine, go to 1945 and tell Stalin to Go Back To Soviet Union!!! Great plan Hans, You could not stop him, but UK would, sure. Be happy that you lost only half the country.
I found a good news
>The cousin of the Polish driver whose truck was hijacked for Monday’s terrorist attack on a Berlin Christmas market said his family had been inundated with offers of financial support, as a campaign to award him with Germany’s order of merit gathered pace.
>the savior of white race.
If he just wanted to save himself he could have jumped out instead of grabbing the wheel, must be hard to read with the sounds of your wife/daughter/mother getting enriched in the background
>Łukasz Urban was found shot dead in the cabin of the truck after the attack, which killed another 11 people and left dozens more injured. Investigators who have analysed the wounds on Urban’s body believe he must have fought with the hijacked vehicle’s driver until the moment the juggernaut ploughed into the busy Christmas market in Breitscheidplatz, possibly in an attempt to change the truck’s course and avoid further loss of life.
>After initially heading straight down a busy lane on the northern edge of the Christmas market by the Kaiser Wilhelm memorial church, the truck took a left turn and came to a standstill outside the market.
I don't question there are plenty of good people who will help his family. But it is sad the government ignores them while enabling the muslims to leech in germany.
>fanatic shot him dead
>returning to his wife to prepare Christmas presents
So his ghost is going to celebrate Christmas?
Yeah i know, but you write like a retard.
Would you explain how he grabbed the fucking wheel when he was dead for half a day?
>was returning
meaning he was before he was shot
don't chat shit when you can't even read the sentence properly m8
So it takes at least 2 or more Poles to take out one shitskin, this would equal to 4 Germans or 12 Swedes.
>He pulled the wheel to the left
wait I thought he had been deded way earlier than when the truck was run onto people?
Toppest retard.
It was the soviet union that fucking did this you cunt.
They also raped your women and your granddaddy watched your granny getting fucked.
Just die you German piece of shit.
I don't have much against normal levels of immigration but I think we should ban Germany immigration to Ireland completely.
can you explain why you put so much effort into arguing about this while your country is being raped by muslims?
He died during the attack retard
If I'm not mistaken, the son is 17 now. State also offered to cover funeral costs so at least that's going to be some financial relief.
how did he save anyone?
Every Polack celebrates Christmas, that's hardly important. What i would really want to know why they kill every one of 1000 terrorists so far, because we could really really need info on that, not some fucking gay shitmas bullshit.
>Polish lorry driver saved dozens of Germans at the cost of his life.
He was stabbed with knife multiple times m8. No matter how badass you are. A knife is a knife.
T. John Wotjek
>So it takes at least 2 or more Poles to take out one shitskin
Not really.
His boss said in an interview that the GPS data showed the attacked was doing test drives during the night and our police said yesterday that the driver was dead for half a day
I'm white I don't go and kill people on the streets I shitpost on the internet, just like everyone else here
>Silesia was polish
Strange times, isn't it ?
Although historicaly it was even more czech than german or polish
>our clay
Yup must be a German. Truly the European leaves.
>lose world war
>get butthurt for losing clay
you retard
Why do they even try to do this? Everyone knows it was a mudshit.
we dont speak slav
there was a battle in 2004 in Iraq where 16 polish and some bulgarian and iraqi soldiers fought overwhelming militia forces at the karbala town hall. The rebels lost around 80 people while poles and their allies had no casualties.
>truck crashes in market
>polish number plate
>make up some story to be the first one reporting
These were also our medias initial reports, although as soon as they got word the driver had been killed or was "missing" they simply stopped mentioning the driver at all.
In fact they then backtracked and perpetuated the idea that it could have been an accident, and that "we shouldn't jump to conclusions".
It's a joke that they follow the same exact pattern every time there is an attack.
Dinko's father was amongst them, that's why they won.
The British literally wouldn't be able to do shit
>no blood on the front of the truck
Seems legit. It's not like the media stage terror hoaxes all the time.
an (((israeli))) died there, too
Either or he owed too many shekels to fellow God's chosen and was thus ''''arranged'''' for insurance money.
It was arranged for Merkel as an excuse to do one of her 180° turns in politics
Same thing, lad.
it's common knowledge that she's a kryptojew
Kill yourself
Funny how they have absolutely no problems stating that the driver could be polish, but the moment it turns out that it was a muddy for the 5728th time this year they all speak of 'a truck that plowed into a Christmas market.'
Hang these people.
They shoot the sandnigger in Milano today
Mario did, my friend, not Hans.
Yeah but at least finally has his 72 wow neckbeard virgins
Pic releated was taken by a Hungarian driver on Austrian autobahn. He was a hero, no matter what butthurt germans say, if not for him, many more people would've died.
You fucked with the wrong countries, Stalin was an ally out of conveniance, and later an enemy. Had you just settled your score with Russia no one wouldve fucking helped them. Instead you invaded every country, and enacted every military pact against you. Not only that but hitler coulrnt ev3n take fucking moscow before winter, he went against his generals. You really only have yourselves to blame. Im glad that whole total war thing worked out though you cuck. Sending old men, and children to their deaths against seasoned soldiers, youre the jews.
>if not for him, many more people would've died.
how so?
It just never ends.
He tries to take the wheel from the terrorist, and managed to turn the teuck a bit, so it didn't went through the entire christmas markt like it did in Nizza, but stopped after a few meters.
Keep in mind that he was stabbed multiple times and bleeding, so he couldn't do much more, yet he struggled.
He was long dead before? they found him in the driver´s sleep cabin and the alleged terrorist had driven around the town as shown in GPS and even went to eat kebab before he drove it to the masses
also he was found shot
what is it with muslims and sacrificing their lives for political agendas?
they're so passionate in their fight. kudos
Thank you Lucasz
>Polish lorry driver who fought for his life as fanatic shot him dead then hijacked truck in Berlin massacre was returning to his wife to prepare Christmas presents.
Donate money to his family and give them your prayers.Working man murdered by an armed muslim his wife and child deserve a Christmas present.
There is an appeal on gofundme and it's easy to give a couple of quid/dollars/euros. His wife is now a window with a young child.
For The Family Of Lukasz Urban
"For the wife and family of Polish truck driver Lukasz Urban, murdered in Germany 19th December 2016
My name is David Duncan and I have set up this gofundme page to raise some money to help the family of Lukasz Urban.
Although I did not know Lukasz, the story of his untimely departure shocked and disgusted me, and I cannot comprehend how his family feel at this awful time. So, as a fellow trucker, I decided ro reach out to the trucking community and beyond to help in some small way.
No amount of money will bring Lukasz back, but hopefully it will help his family do what ever they need to do.
I am working closely with gofundme support to make sure all funds reach Lukasz's family
One of Lukasz Urban’s colleagues said he was so dedicated to his work that he probably defended the vehicle ‘to the end’.
RIP Lukasz.....from The Truckers of The UK and beyond
His name was Lukasz Urban.
His name was Lukasz Urban.
Join in guys.
His name was Lukasz Urban.
They're ultimate betas, doing it for imaginary pussy in afterlife.
>falling for fake news
the shitheads that are telling you the pole struggled with the muslim are fooling you to donate to their charity accounts. and no, they don't represent the family of the driver, just some nigerian and gypsy fucks that want to take advantage of the situation
The last news here were, that he was shot after the attack, and he managed to wound the muzzie when he struggled with him.
you have to admit they have more balls to hurt than anyone else
its like their lives are meaningless, like bees protecting a hive.
One thing I learnt about Islam is that suicide is apparently considered a major "sin".
So anyone who's inclined towards suicide has no option to do that, UNLESS they decide to martyr themselves. That's then a reversal, it becomes a 'great' thing.
Think about the possibile unconscious processing going on in a depressed wojak-mentality muslim.
>the shitheads that are telling you the pole struggled with the muslim are fooling you to donate to their charity accounts. and no, they don't represent the family of the driver, just some nigerian and gypsy fucks that want to take advantage of the situation
You piece o shit. That fund has donations from all over the world and is being watched like a hawk.
Kill yourself you mudslime piece of filth.