Berlin Terrorist killed in Milan

We got him bois.

Italian police based as fuck

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>gets rekt before he can talk

Normally I'm all for shooting muslims and asking questions later, but there's too much "left id at the scene, gets rekt days after" shit for me to believe it these days.

mossad patsy, dumb goy.

>left id at the scene


yeah i never understood this part lol
why would a terrorist do that? makes no sense


wait did they actually say he left his id at the scene?

How did he even fucking get to Italy
Man fuck those retarded politicians

you evil bastards, he was just a traumatized refugee that didn't know better.

Through France apparently, they found a train ticket from Chambery to Turin and then Milan

They claim his papers were on the truck. Same thing happened with the Nice truck guy.

Probably took the train and went through that one tunnel that goes under the alps.

it's an honor for them

i thought he hijacked the truck from some polish driver, why would they even be in there?

kike false flag to justify another war t b h

What a shame
How many more deads will it take for those absolute idiots to finally agree that schengen is a mistake

schengen isn't really a mistake. Importing millions of shitskins is tho

As I understood his residency papers or whatfuck were found in the cabin.

probably would have killed the german police tbqh

way to go mario


German police wouldn't have ammunition

dunno man maybe its cause of that passport free, no borders travel arrangement you eurocucks have??? just a thought

He was innocent. Just a poor confused refugee who couldn't deal with the cultural differences.

May he rest in peace, inshallah.

> Spiegel Online reports that the man killed in Milan shouted “Allahu Akbar” when police in the north of the city asked for him to show his id.

What could he possibly have meant by that ?

With all kind of strong interrogation being banned? Even pressuring him to answer is forbidden.

Isn't that what they do on purpose to let his buddy/family know he an hero and got his 72 lolis ?

in the trunk of a mossad agents car

What's this article say?

A lot.

> For Europe’s sake, Angela Merkel must hold the centre ground
> Timothy Garton Ash

>"he was working for IRA"
>"intelligence expert says potato niggers have increased the frequency of terrorist attacks"

He protested against generalization of muslims and was killed by the italian police while performing his art to express his feelings

Yeah but that's the guardian, a Muslim could kill all their staff and they'd still say it was racists fault

He fired before the police did

Yeah and that's the problem

Media still holds a lot of power over the retarded

Meanwhile here in south our policemen are a bunch of pussies and it is us citizens that must protect them.
Why cant we be like americans and just shoot them up? Fucking politicians.

Mate the guardian is dying, it has a few thousand papers in circulation, the daily mail (quite right wing) is the most circulated newspaper (millions I'm sure) and is the most read online paper in the UK

good job spaghetti for now you are no longer the niggers of europe :3


base Italy saving the day

give us more power, we will clean this world from the sandniggers

shieeeeet nigga so we wuz not italianz n shieeet?

Apparently he took a train from Paris to Milan


Yeah, I really don't get that. Would it be hard to at least have a sort of toolboth checking the IDs of people?
I have no problem with europeans coming from other countries freely, but at least we should know they are really from EU.

auguri spaghetii

Now that the terrorist is dead, did he win?

Sent ;)

we dont need borders goys heu guys i swear !

So it was a secret service op.

Hey goys the suspected terrorist is dead.
Great news. Yeah, we can't question him, but whatever.

And as always - we found his passport right at the scene of the crime. LIKE A CLOCKWORK.

what's the point of making terror attacks without signing them ?

Here in Sardinia we have ARST driver scared shitless by immigrants who smoke and do drugs on the bus.
They asked for armed police on the bus, but so far no help for them.

TFW i used to work in that ghetto shit city called S.S. Giovanni.
>take the train twice a day
i could've met this guy on the train

>Duce advertising free ride helicopters


How did he manage to get through France safely? Are there no police controls in France, even after all the terrorist attacks?

RIP in pieces.

well he escaped from germany first

>What could he possibly have meant by that ?

That his name is: Alla Snackbar
obviously. Racist cops.

you have to consider the amount of sanniggers in eu, Mario

Literally thousands of possible suspects

DESU we got lucky,
if digits italy is next on the terrorists list

>id and borders are fascist

Fuck the south.

probably on his way to get a FIAT truck.


Thanks italy love you brahs

He's no future anyway. Might as well help officers to get his identity and get an entry forever in wikipedia.

MSM articles being shared around Facebook about how he wasn't a refugee so it wasn't Merkels fault

If MSM are beginning to hammer that message, makes me suspect that this guy had nothing to do with it, but was a terrorist anyway so they made him the public perpetrator while silently disposing of the real guy (hopefully)

This is in order to save Merkel - people like Soros have a lot invested in her winning another term in office

any police officer involved in killing this man is a racist.

how are you kill and innocent man

Self defense fucker.

The police officer asked a dark Islamic man roaming around at 3 AM for his ID. And he pulled his gun and started shooting.

Better question: if he was going to 72 virgins anyway, why the fuck run to Italy? Why not just blow himself up or something?

Doesn't make sense

stop the fucking boat


Fucking racist cops.

>managed to flee Germany in a "HIGHLY" alerted state
>managed to get through swiss / austria without anyone noticing
>was probably on his way back to Tunis or some French Muslim City

Holy fuck, our police is such a fucking joke.

can't see shit

Would kill for that Alfa in the states.

where as if he was anywhere else in the world he wouldn't simply be able to walk a few miles away from the border checkpoint on the road and cross unhindered by just going across some farmers fields.

International borders are useless for keeping people out, they're just lines on a map to say where you pay your taxes too and what laws you are following, neither of which would matter to a criminal.

you are such a sheep...that is what "fake news" does to you.

They want to be martyrs.

You're still back stabbing motherfuckers.

If they Germans had annexed Italy in WWII, they would have caught him in 18 hours.

Germany did occupy Italy in WWII.

INB4 police guy gets accused of RACISM " HE DINDDU NUFFIN HE WUZ A GOOD BOY "

If Italy had annexed Germany, Germans are a bunch of pussies now.

the nordcucks will manage to find some way to sanction us for this

this austrofag is right

>If Italy had annexed Germany, Germans are a bunch of pussies now.

just like you when Roman Emperor Adriano raped your land

He actually went through France per train, so the way was even longer than it would have been if he went straight through us

Really says a lot about how we have absolutely no clue about who the fuck is in our countries anymore

He was correcting the previous poster, stating that that "If Italy had annexed Germany (not vice-versa) they would have caught him in 18 hours", because "Germans are a bunch of pussies now."


then enjoy having him out in 10 years.

It's better to kill those rats.

I traveled many times by train between Berlin and Paris, I don't remember ever seeing a cop on the train or at the station. Remember the Arabs that gan raped a girl next to the Eiffel tower, they were "refugees" living in Germany.

You can pretty much travel all over Europe without showing your ID once (except to and from the UK). Even then, when I forgot my passport home, I still managed to talk my way through the Eurostar customs.

these guys have nothing to tell you, you dont already know :
on the terrorist list
the jihadist mosque he was usually praying

That's typical for Berlin. They had the wrong guy and realized it after a day. Then the pressure grew so they "found" a Tunesian criminal's passport in the truck.

exept the Nice guy (lul) died in his truck totaly different

So they just denounced a random terrorist on their "7000 terrorits watch list "instead of focusing on the real one?

così di punto in bianco? s-senza neancheun invito a cena?

Give the lads a medal. And a promotion.

Amri shot first. They risked their lives to protect us.

Must a country be as plagued with mafia as this one is, in order to have an even remotely attentive law enforcement?

And now we have to worry about terrorists wanting to avenge him.

>comes as a "child" refugee to italy when he is 20
>immediately burns down a building
>gets jailed
>after he is out of jail instead of being deported he makes his way to germany
Fucking europe. Anyhow the italian police did well.

Well done Italy.
Cremate him with pig's fat.

Retarded Italian cops couldn't recognize the guy from his face alone