Black people
Black People
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It would make me so hard and get me off like nothing else could if I was allowed to eradicate the dirty coons and shitskins from the face of the Earth
Never fear, silly blacks are too dumb to notice but actual white power groups are popping up all over the place (the kind that aren't just all talk) the dirty blackbastards will get theirs and they'll get it in spades
Nobody is stopping you but your own cowardice and lack of determination.
Anyone with a brain knows /chan/ is monitored so giving details is dumb but I will say my brotherhood of Aryan warriors is making strides into making that a reality.
Every day that goes by I feel more disgust for niggers.
Not black people in general, but hood niggers like these.
Those sucker punches and gang bangs really make my blood boil.
Reported for illegal content, expect to be picked up and interrogated.
If it's true, then I apologize.
>Running vpn+proxy+tails
>Already have hdd destruct program linked to my phone so 1 text and it's all gone anyway
>If I don't text one of my fellow warriors atleast once every 8 hours they text and wipe my hdd
>Court warrants require evidence they won't get in order to even get near said hdd
>no way of proving I made that comment without hdd which we've established they wont get
not to mention that harmless comment is the least of my worries if the gov were to ever go through my hdd lalal
>tfw seen every single one of these webms multiple times
Me too, but it doesn't stop my blood pressure from rising.
pipi longstocking strikes again
Evolution at work. The weak must perish.
We're all eagerly waiting New Years Eve in Germany. I'm sure this board will have plenty of things to post.
how could anyone believe we are the same species?
You think I care. Fuck germans, fuck the white race, fuck humans. Not even trying to be edgy.
That picture is more an indictment of being cucked than being black, he just sat there and for a few moment looked content with the rush he hasn't felt from living life in a long time.
Ask yourself why there is currently a shift in political beliefs... and then you should rethink any autistic shit you are thinking of doing.
fuck poor dude :(
What's the story about this feral ape incident?
pics for you and your family
choose one my faggot son
>old man gets suckerpunched, nearly passes out.
"hurrr durrrr he is a cuck for just sitting there" - t.fuckhead from momsbasement
What can i do to help?
fucking niggers
I'm just impressed
Holy fuck that made me so fucking pissed. Fucking little pussy bitches
That little old nigga got sucka woke.
Lol you autists think this happens for no reason
90% of the time its instigated
Why do they ALL sucker punch and prey on people who can't help themselves?
stfu you fucking leaf. No one said you could speak
Jesus fuck how is it a leaf every time
>This elderly bus driver sad something mean to me
>Let me punch him in the face
Shut the fuck up you pathetic excuse for a man
here have some leaf porn
I know a black chick at my office who is named Rhodesia.
I am actually kinda confused but idk seems a little mixed up.
They are sub - human filth do not interact with them
Yeah, that old man trying to do his job definitely had it coming.
>Michael Cubie Jr said he did it because he was having a bad day
God damn leaf.
meant for
Fuck black people.
>they'll get it in spades
>Those sucker punches and gang bangs really make my blood boil
like 8 niggers jumping on one white person, then some other nigger will rush in and throw a punch to the head just so he can take part in the violence.
So the white guy is more gangsta than the nigger?
They can't even do that right.
Because they're spineless fucking vermin.
Nothing is sweeter than screams for mercy from a nigger who picked a fight he can't win. Never show them that mercy. Leave them with injuries that will follow them the rest of their worthless fucking lives, and make sure you tell them how pathetic they are before you strut the fuck away, dragging your giant white balls behind you.
Fuck. Niggers.
I think they have some pathological need for attention and so make horrid posts to get it.
Good luck senpai.
This turk gets it.
this. have you ever picked up one of those folding tables? that thing is a fucking gorilla. it's swinging it around like a baseball bat.
that white kid is strong as fuck.
Says shart boy with a double digit IQ country dont speak to me
Go call some black guy nigger and cry on pol when you get punched out
godspeed nigel
>deadly driveby
>my brotherhood of Aryan warriors
They are niggers what do you expect?
Hell they cant orchestrate anything and cant fight one on one. If there would have been at least the same number of white guys they would have been demolished, especially the smallest nigger out of the group. They should all be curbstommped and taught the lesson of white might.
>Inb4 stormfront
Spewed up on a tile floor as well which is the easiest surface to clean
i'm just telling you right now, don't fuck with a redhead
1. Go to your nearest grocery story.
2. Buy a gallon of bleach.
3. Drink it and savor it like your filthy excuse of a leaf mother should have savored your father's semen.
k thx
Low test af
>trafficking 1.4 lbs of cocaine
>tim allen
that's just a personal use amount officer
>We're all eagerly waiting New Years Eve in Germany.
so much sex to be had, so little time
chink got it right
>tfw to intelligent to unfeel
love this one
I had an incredibly tough time masturbating to this
I lived in a black neighborhood before. 99.9% of them arent like this
we aren't
kek that webm is so true, shouldn't have been given freedom, they cost the west more money in aid now they're independent. Give them freedom to starve and they starve.
fucking kek
top fucking kek
I do it all the time actually. They all really seem to walk the fuck away once they see what I have on me, as well as what my friends have on them. But you and your fucking country of leaves wouldnt understand that because, oh wait, you all are cucked bitches. How about you come down to America, preferably in the South with all your sexy girls, so I can help to make Canada great for once while stomping your asses?
that's hilarious, and sad at the same time. fucking niggers do nothing but steal all the fucking time.
ROFLMAO You heardem boys they need us for their own good
c-c-can I Join?
based leaf
Also, please consider triple IQ digits with two degrees from college. One in mechanical engineering and the other in chemistry. So where are you? Where are your pavement ape friends?
Oh that's right, not in my expensive house, or my 100+ acre property!
>They all really seem to walk the fuck away once they see what I have on me, as well as what my friends have on them
So youre saying youre no better than the niggers youre getting mad at
Look at the webms posted, replace their skin colors, and thats literally you and your inbred neo nazi LARP buddies lmao
Kill yourself hick
What is the source for this? Looking for the file name bring up some mobile game or some shit.
Why is she naked?
It is a damn shame what happened to that white boy's bicycle.