Libertarian dream state

Explain to me why Mexico is not the place Libertarian flock to they got super low taxes dirt roads zero welfare programs privatized everything even cops

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because its mexico

So.....racism is the only reason lmfao

well yea.

whites are capable of building a utopia, niggers are not.

put it this way.

hundreds of years ago white communities with ZERO government interference functioned perfectly fine with minimal problems.

people had a fair bit of freedom and it was the closest to real libertarianism we ever got.
and those villages developed into awesome countries.

meanwhile in africa....leave a village on it's own and it turns to complete fucking shit.

i wonder why.

Who mentioned niggers?

are you saying mexicans are not basically niggers?

i'm saying that whites are capable of building a utopia with several libertarian ideas borrowed and implemented.

>Guns for everyone
>No need for a big police force
>Low taxes

Whites have proven themselves historically responsible, unlike niggers.

Mexico is ranked 62nd on the Heritage Index of Economic Freedom.

Why would libertarians move there when Australia ranks 5th and the United States ranks 11th?

mexicans have an average iq of 81
african americans are 87

Sounds like Mexico to me

To save shekels thats the main reason libertarians are libertarians

There are hidden taxes such as thr cartell get 10% of the top. Aslo they have financial regulations out the ass.

Also you need to pay everyone off all the time

A car that costs you 30000$ in mcallen costs over 100000$ in mexico after hidden costs.

Paying people off equals privatized

Guns are illegal.

Lol ok dude so are drugs and yet libertarians live here and besides they got guns for days trust ke easy and cheap to get

>hundreds of years ago white communities with ZERO government interference functioned perfectly fine with minimal problems.

Salem witch trials. The Scarlet Letter. Yea, perfectly fine.

Libertarian paradises are fine until the population reaches two.

It's hard to save shekels with widespread corruption and difficult regulations.

that's religion, not white people.

hell, white people on religion gives us just a few witch hunts.

niggers on religion gives us ISLAM

you're only arguing yourself deeper into a hole, admit whites are superior to niggers

Mexico hardly has regulation and its not like they are more corrupt then America

Why do you use the lowest commen denominator?

>Whole thread
>ctrl+f cartels
>zero results

I'll admit asians are pretty good, even comparable to whites (they differ in a few ways including empathy, which may or may not be a good thing).

They could also create a utopia.

Niggers cannot until they evolve some more.

The United States ranks better than Mexico in all corruption and regulatory metrics apart from monetary freedom though.

Property rights: 80 (US) > 50 (Mex)
Freedom from corruption: 74 > 35
Business freedom: 84.7 > 70.7
Labor freedom: 91.4 > 58.2
Monetary freedom: 77 < 77.4

Shekels are more importent than freedoms to most libertarians

>Shekels are more importent than freedoms to most libertarians

You don't make shekels without freedoms anyway though. Unless you have regulatory capture, which isn't very libertarian.

Mexico makes money look at the drug trade do you realize how much America spends on drugs?

Why are most asian contries 3rd world shit holes, but every white country has high wealth and high quality of life.

If you average out asians GDP per capita you get african levels.

What's wrong with privately owned business ventures? They provide a highly desired product for a price the market is willing to pay, you're not a commie are you?

Every? Lol

It's high risk business, you can either make a lot or die trying.

Plus libertarians aren't pro-violence.

Do you even know what a libertarian is?

its filled with chalupaniggers

Yes its someone who hates taxes

> but every white country has high wealth and high quality of life.

What is eastern Europe?


funny thing is that libertarians consider themselves smarter then socialists when in fact they are borderline retards who have never read a book past ayn rand social theories and econ 101.

>American education
What makes it worse is that libertarianism is an American term in the right-wing sense, and you still don't know what it means.

Not filled with shitskins fucking their women, they're tomorrows rich fuckers.

slavs don't count, they are whites mixed with mongols

Oh, sure. It's all fun and games until peoples' heads start getting lopped off or their face gets peeled with a box cutter.

>there are no libertarian books to read but The Fountainhead, Atlas Shrugged and an economics textbook
Have you even studied econ 101?

It's not libertarian much at all.

USA was designed to be libertarian

Alright Sup Forums,

>they're tomorrows rich fuckers.

Nah, western Europe is going down the drain but the eastern part isn't going anywhere.

They have drug laws, a very fertile soil to grow drugs on, and a gargantuan market next door to sell drugs in. They have very little reason to follow laws in such an environment.

>Niggers cannot until they evolve some more.
Niggers have already evolved. They're called whites and Asians. Now we only need to get rid of the niggers.

libertarians don't like statism

if you don't have huge statism in X and Z it doesn't mean it also doesn't have statism in the rest of letters of the alfabet.

The most important things where small levels of statism matters most for quality of living are regulations on the job market, trade/income tax or regulations, gov corruption, literally what minarchist aim for.

Minarchists are looking to make a min-max character with their state as they would do in a video game. Literally. How close is Mexico to that? Let's check it out

100% Libertarians (anacaps) want even more freedom than hongkong/singapore/switzerland

the whole internet.jpg

because Mexico is a meme desu...a corrupt meme. who you gonna call when the mestizo drug lords are fuckin you're shit up? the cops? the cops on their payroll? are you stupid?

there is lawless and then there is fucking Mexishit

libertarians love privatized everything its a rich mans position to begain with you will have to hire body guards or cops of your own

We are 50% white and 50% native American, we have sprawling city's all over the country and most of it is very developed, it's not exactly 1st world tier but definitely not nigger tier.
Your cherry picked google images don't mean shit, you dirty abbo cunt, only 10% of your country is developed.

All wealth is relative, they'll be rich compared to you and you'll probably be buying everything from them once your workforce is mostly unskilled.

I see you didn't contest the first statement.

How can you compare Afro American's to Mexican's living in Mexico?
Malnutrition and bad education add to the equation, a less retarded way of doing it would be Africa and Mexico,
Africa being 70 & Mexico being 88% while meztizos had a 94% average (70% of the population)
These misinformation tactics are sneaky as fuck, you are acting like the fucking democrats.
All in all the Mexican mestizo IQ of 94.3 is higher than the average of 10 European countries and higher than all Latin American countries.

To get my boaters licence I had to pay 65$ USD my friend went on a different day and had to pay 480$ USD the state fee is 120 pessos or like 7$

My dad had to make a 50,000$ "donation" just to get this guy to take his application for a project that used water from the Rio grande and we're on the American side.

Everything in Mexico that is not made in mexico has a 100% VAT

my mom pays 80,000$ a year in security fees for her employees

Who the fuck need a building full of paper ?

That's easy to say. You have obviously never been there.

The libertarian no-government paradise already exists
It's called most of Africa
With the infrastructure to match

>the cops on their payroll

You just need to buy your own superior cops to protect you.

most people here are arguing about a much more extreme version of libertarianism than what styx proposes