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what's a jew doing at a christmas event
Someone mustve been hit hard enough for his wallet to come out of his pocket
Probably just enjoying Berlin. My condolences, Israel.
>jewish cockroaches
>at a CHRISTMAS market
Omg, Israeli women killed. Such travesty. I really hope the middle east kills each other
kek, I love how they place special attention on the Israeli woman instead of all the victims as a whole.
>one dead mossad agent in the scene of a terrorist attack
pure coincidence
Since all the Islamist terror is rising in Europa I understand what Israel has endured since its existence.
I'm radically pro-israel nowadays, Israel is the bastion of the European civilization against Islam.
>one jew dies
>this completely invalidates the idea that the jewish state is unwilling to use islam to destroy western culture
nice try shlomo
Also original truck driver was an Ashkenazi Jew.
>A Kike gets caught in the crossfire of a kike plot
Silver lining for the goyim in this tragedy. Every time a kike dies Jesus Christ laughs
they expect one of us in the wreckage brother
1 kike down. 15 million to go. Only 2 and a half holocausts
>Mossad did this to frame Muslims
>Muslims dindu nuffins, refugees welcome
at least try next time shill
Thanks German bros.
You are slays welcome here.
I meet Germans reguralry, either students or tourists. All good people!
>tfw smart enough to know that being pro Israel means you are anti international jewry
Just wish Sup Forums would learn that the top globalist kikes hate the idea that jews have their own state.
The Nazi Elite also gave a shit when one of its lower subject died
>a pawn sacrifice
Fuck off Shlomo.
If it wasn't for the kikes and amerilards fucking up the middle east there would be not terrorist attacks in europe.None.
>implying intensifies
Did you know that henry ford was uneducated as fuck?
One day a newspaper said that he was Ignorant and Ford trial them for that.
At the trial they asked him what was the year of the independance of USA and he didn't know
it was a market. that's basically their holy ground.
I used to be like that too before I did my research on who actually runs the media in the west etc.
I hope you grow out of it. Go read some Counter-Currents and Occidental Observer instead of pi-news and Bild.
>being retarded on purpose
rothschilds created israel
its normal for foreign countries to be like
>in this happening outside our country ONE OF OUR COUNTRYMAN DIED
every country does this. dont act like it's a jew thing only
Whats with the whole Zionists are plotting against the world? I thought zionism was like israeli patriotism? Is Soros a Zionist? Because he funds anti-Israel initiatives all the time.
Was Karl Marx a Zionist? Because he wrote a book about jews, and he wasn't exactly fond of jews.
Are left wing jews Zionists?
Learn how two use these newfag
>believing in staged jewish hoaxes
Nice try Shlomo, we all know who is really behind these supposed truck (((attacks))). This shit is about as convincing as Sandy Hooknose!
>nobody died
>nobody got hurt
Ensuring that it was a safe space for money changers.
and i thought jews were smart!
one czech died, thats worse then 200000000000000 germans or 20000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 kikes. fuck off. u r enemy now
>IDF kills one of it own in friendly fire
thats your kike logic
as we all learned from Nolan's classic, they expect one of us to be in the wreckage.
freudian slip, germans will be slayed by kikes if they are dumb enough to stay in Israel too long
That's so sad... RIP
I dont personally think jews are the problem. I just think most of the people with problems are jews.
golly gee
she was bad goy. she wouldnt do what the faggy cabal said she had to do. she wouldnt adopt chilrens for the pleasure of old geezers to diddle
if angelina joile cant avoid having to do it then some nobody even if she is a jew cant avoid it
Haaretz is hated by most Israelis FYI
Do you really think the zionist overlords give a shit about breaking a few WASP eggs? Think before you post, dumbshit.
Lol, she was too low on the food chain, practically goyim to the elite jews.
Not an argument Shlomo plenty of mudslimes were killed in Nice
The truck won't sort it's victims
>(left wing) mainstream media is pro islam
you learn something everyday
Man i hate jews. After EVERY terror attack there is a spike in these threads trying to astroturk pity/sympathy for israel. can you guys just fuck off?
This. The higher kikes don't care if a few lower Jews die in the process. It's all for the "greater good".
because jews are pro-islam (in the West at least)
Lol stupid kike
Initially I wrote 2 thats why
Weird, this guy called David Horowitz is plenty anti-Islam. Isn't Richard Spencer jewish too?
Wait are they pretending to combat Islam for controlled opposition?
That is correct. We live with terror since 1948 and our economy is thriving
pls no terror in here, we helped you back then, member?
Get out of here shill kyke
Zionism used to be the re-establishment of a Jewish homeland in Israel. Now that they have it, it's basically uber-ethnonationalism and the expansion and defense of Israel.
Moses Hess, Marx's mentor, was one of the leading ideologues of Zionism. Until the fall of Lavrenti Beria (Stalin's right-hand man, and convicted Zionist) the USSR strongly supported the Zionist project.
There's a split between Zionist Jews and Globalist/Leftist Jews, but it's mostly recent, and a lot of them support both.
and why aren't they conquering the arabs already? They have military supremacy, and have defeated the surrounding enemies multiple times already, they nearly got to Damascus
Why did they give the Sinai back to Egypt if they want to expand Israel so bad?
Why Karl Marx wrote a book openly declaring some nasty shit about jews if he was some sort of jewish ethnonationalist/centrism or whatever? False flag?
Who are Globalist Jews? Is George Soros one of them? because he funds movements that are openly anti-Israel, this shit is not adding up.
>and why aren't they conquering the arabs already?
They still need them to use as a biological weapon against Europeans. Destabilizing Muslim countries and White countries is advantageous to them, they can't just wipe it all out. They also failed with Lebanon, they can't get everything in one go, it has to be done incrementally.
>Why did they give the Sinai back to Egypt if they want to expand Israel so bad?
Dunno. I think it might have been as a strategic decision for a promise that Egypt wouldn't fuck with them.
>False flag?
Probably, there was a lot of anti-semitism around that time, so it might've been a way to cater to that. He was from a long line of Rabbis and Bolshevism was all about Jewish supremacy, so it's obvious that he was very ethnocentric.
>Who are Globalist Jews? Is George Soros one of them?
Yes, he's essentially the definition of globalist. International banker, supports mass immigration, supports EU, NWO, etc.
>Soros admits creating the European migrant crisis:
>Soros tells Europe to take in 'at least a MILLION' refugees every year:
>Soros finances 'Handbooks' to spur EU-bound immigration:
>Soros urges giving Ukraine $50 billion of aid to foil Russia:
> because he funds movements that are openly anti-Israel, this shit is not adding up.
Because of the stated Zionist Jews / Globalist/Leftist Jews divide. Soros is more on the NWO/Globalist/Leftist end. But they both work toward different Jewish interests. Also Israel is a democracy, so some people like Soros might disagree with the Israeli right-wing, while still being Zionist.
Seeing how they are both seen as fringe lunatics, yes controlled opposition is a reasonable conclusion.
(((Monitoring the event)))
top kek now german authorities HAVE to act.
It seems that it's actually worth it to fill your country with jews, so that when terrorists strike they're more likely to hit jews and actually get rich people to give a shit.
People get sacrificed by trusted allies all the time.
Can't make an omelette without cracking a few eggs chaim, you of all people know that.
Haaretz shilled for Hillary and cried about Trump election if I remember correctly.
fucking kek
The stormfront meme needs to die.
I've rarely seen a more based documentary on Europe's immigration than this one made by an israeli:
>Jews going to Germany
They will never learn
ahahhahah now germs are forced to act on behalf on jewsrael.. topfuckingcuck!
>muh controlled opposition
Go back to plebbit, kike.
Good to hear that, i will make a call to usa and tell them to cut all handouts, you don't need them right?
Its a pro for them though.
Every terrorist attack on Europe makes Israels PR men spam shit like Europe is more dangerous than Israel(lol).
The womans death can make them go "This is what happens to Jews who leave Motherland"
It also creates more anti-Muslim sentiment, which will later be used to justify attacking Israel's enemies in the Middle-East.
All you do is bring terror. I was born in FrankfurtMain - if I could go back to 1744 I would slaughter the Rothschilds. Maybe I wouldn't be alive today, but there wouldn't be any terror and people could live in peace.
They expect to find one of us in the wreckage
There is jews, and there is ((((((jews)))))). Ironically, you don't have to be jewish to be a ((((((jew))))))
Terrorism in Europe is good for Israel because scared European jews will flee the continent and move to Israel. Israel needs more jews.
isn't that good for europe since jews r bad? everyone wins
Don't you know that we Gentiles caused these attacks by not being more accommodating towards Muslims? Unless Israel opens its borders and stops being racist against Muslims, the same thing is bound to happen. Stop the cycle of hate.
It's supposed to be (((left wing))), newfriend.
Are the welcome there though? Can they become citizens as they are, or would they have to become Jews? Israel must open itself to diversity.
christmas market = open air booze-event
>Giving condolences to someone using manipulative debate tactics to divert your attention from the misdeeds of their ethnic group, a major source of your current predicament.
Big goy cock.
Oy vey, that's the real tragedy
What's goin on in there?
Yes, Schlomo, the one Jewish life was the real tragedy.
I'll remember to forget the stance every major Jewish organisation takes on immigration to the West vs Israel.