Why don't we just kill all the muslims?
Why don't we just kill all the muslims?
why dont you kys yourself?
Because, according to westfags, churkas are equal to us now and not opening our anal passages to them would be racist.
First post beasty post!
What is wrong with Islam? Are You liberal scum?
I wanna make sweet love to an Eldar lady and there's nothing you can do about it
We just need to kill those close to Europe. Indonesia is far enough away to not be a problem for us
>What is wrong with Islam
I dunno, maybe the fact that THESE HALF-NIGGERS ARE INVADING US?
Chaosfags pls go.
Get in here.
>wanting to fuck pretty space elves makes you chaos
This is what inquisition fags actually believe
Speak for yourself m8
But, it's not the Muslim chinks that attack Australia, so what's the problem?
You mean saving us? We rejected God and his teachings, and thus we are living in Sodomah and Gomorah. Those who call themself Christians are Christians only in name - cultural christians. Just look what we have done to Christmass.
They are blessing, our salvation!
how? they're humans just like you. and humans are hard to kill.
>humans are hard to kill
not really
yes they are. otherwise there wont be niggers in the us.
you should already killed them all if theyre so easy to get rid of
tis the season to spread chaos tralalala la la la la
But sandnigger, niggers aren't human.
lets do it user
By what mechanism would you do that goulashnigger? Pakistan has nukes.
That's not entirely clear. Still trying to figure it out.
You're part of those that need to be killed. Don't use "our" again as if you were speaking to people in the same group as you you fucking child rapist.
Then we all die together.
Because tens of millions of Moslems live in the west.
They are scared of them ruining their precious buildings and fag parades.
then why havent you killed them yet?
i thought non humans are easy to kill. youre waiting to be killed by them or something?
Because libfags are defending them and jail,and the fact that our countries have few and non-agressive muslims,"cause we poor and no wellfare"
Just let the westfaggs deal with it,once they are a caliphate eastern-europe will start a reconquista...
>kill yourself yourself
>why haven't you killed them yet?
Because no one wants to travel to malaysia lol
i mean if it was possible, I would think about it
Why don't we just kill all the Americans?
Even though they bring all terrorism,war and cuck culture.