Moving to Sweden

Memes aside, how is it to live in Stockholm?
I might have a job opportunity there.

I know Sweden gets a bad rep around here, but I also know many Sup Forumsacks are virgin neckbeards who confuse reality with their own projections.

How is life in Stockholm for a 30 single guy?

Twist: I'm mixed (basically I'm slightly brown, people can't guess where I'm from, some think I'm from french islands, other from morroco, some think i'm from south america. Basically I'm what our NWO overlords want people to become).

Other urls found in this thread:

the french are almost arrogant as swedes. you will feel like home.

Taxes are ball bursters....

Oh you're French? You should be okay.


Worthless nigger.

You will feel like in the middle of a jungle, so you will love it.

All women are whores so good I guess? If you are black you might get more bottom feeders with mental problems.
Nip thought she knew her geography and that Sweden was in europe. Poor girl.

Friends moved there not too long ago.

If you like to drink, it fucking sucks. Alcohol is stupidly expensive. A beer can cost 7-10 euros.

The cold is like nothing you have ever experienced.

You are taxed even higher than France.

If you don't have kids it's kind of not worth it. However if you move there with a wife and have kids you get long maternity leaves and cool stuff so that helps.

Are Swedeish girls really that whorish? Or just like in any other big city?

Good to know


He just said he looks brown so he's welcome, and you know that.

2 People were killed today

i guess it depends on how long you plan to stay there

What the fuck am I seeing and why does it seem like a complete abomination?


It's expensive and you will not find an apartment. Shitskins aren't exotic anymore so don't expect grills to go crazy. The nightlife kinda sucks if you're into that. Beggars everywhere, outside every food store and metro. Immigrants everywhere.

But it's a beautiful city, people are kind, Swedish summer is the best.


Stockholm is currently filled with gypsies and refugees. There's one sitting in almost every crevice.

If you have a job when you come you're more than welcome.

>Swedish summer
>the best

This is a fact.

What is objectively the best Swedish city for culture/nightlife/outdoor comfy food and drinking?



>25% VAT
>56% highest marginal income tax bracket for anything over 88K USD

holy shit, get fucked.

First: get the fuck out of Europe you fucking nigger.

Not sure desu senpai. In my experience it's worse in any other country cuz then sober girls approach me. I think it's due to some
>muh exotic
effect. Or people just asume I'm rich, not quite sure.

Tons of coalburners and SJWs, so if you are into that you will like it

No police and soon the gibs will run out however

Non exsistant
Any city I guess, Göteborg has alot of festivals and stuff.
>Comfy food
Same there larger selection in big cities and if you are in a costal city more seafood, west coast has better seafood.
Any big city I guess, might be hard to get in a good club in Stockholm.