Arabs are good people

Why do you hate them Sup Forums?

Because they're here, in my country.

Because they have declared war on the West

I don't give a single fuck about sand-niggers as long as you are in your shitty, sandy, full of goats countries. Once you come to Europe you need to be gassed.

If you call this "good" I don't want to see your "bad"

that's racist

Fuck off

Islam and the western world are not compatible. Arabs are like a cancer slowly destroying our European continent.

Is it racist if I don't want you living in my house?

why do they praise a pedophile


Develop your own countries you faggots, not flock in europe for better life

racists too

Semitic filth like Jews only not as ugly

There was a boy on the bus
Everybody was horny
So they fucked him in the ass
He was that kind of boy anyway

Shieet, is this your first day baiting?

gosh user why are you such a racist loser

Because my country is meant to be for whites only.

Nobody would have problem with arabs if you stopped coming to our countries.

I don't hate Arabs who stay on their clay.

>all these replies
>first day

The ones that don't really give a shit about Islam are cool. Went to Dubai and the ones I met/worked with only cared about money and family.

good post

bad posts

Is Israel starting with some slow acting nerve gas or something.

They're hideous savages who somehow succeed in making Northern Ireland even more ugly and ghetto-like.


This is proxy baiting, sage and never reply

Is this a bad post too, sandbro?

What could he do? They invited him.

You unironically believe a pedophile warlord was a perfect person. You also desire to be exactly like this person. I wish you'd find a way to wipe yourselves out along with the Jews in a "one hit" attack.

good post

bad post

racist post

that's racist user

Islam isn't a race, but a retarded ideology invented by a man who liked to have sex with small children and annex kingdoms, forcing them to submit to said ideology.

How many children have you had sex with?

I hate the ones that hurt people

Because their ideology is incompatible with Western social norms and relatively few assimilate well while relatively many go full Snackbar

Only Christian ones are


good post

>Why do you hate them ?

Because they are bringing crime,islam and terrorism in Europe


racism: the post


good post

bad post

Are u a bot or just mentally challenged?

Do you like melon?

Yeah, no, go fuck yourself. Nice proxy, though.

In all honesty, we hate whoever doesn't assimilate and anglicize because even if you discount the shit that happens when significant portions of the population are culturally incompatible, the West is and has been on top for a reason: our shit fucking works.

Your "holy book" is a fucking joke, most of your people can't even read, and almost all of you have values and beliefs which are fundamentally incompatible with our way of life...but you expect us to bend over backwards to not only accommodate you, but recreate the conditions you fled after handing out enough gibs for you to crank out way more children than you can actually raise properly, let alone support.

This, of course, without bringing up terrorism and your religion encouraging you to lie to, kill, cuck, and forcefully convert anyone who isn't exactly like you.

So, that's why I hate them. It's not personal--we just think having you around would drastically impact the general quality of life in our area for the worse, and that sucks. If you're not part of the solution, proxy-user, you're part of the problem.

because my country has brainwashed me into thinking they are the problem and that Jews are the loving, peaceful people.

He's a white kid with a proxy trolling Sup Forums to see how long he can keep this b8 thread alive.

bad posts

I do user-sama

Because they hate me.

that's racist

I don't

I like you, you get to live.

>not an argument

Nothing wrong with sandmonkeys in some islamic rat hole country, they simply don't belong in advanced 1st world nations.

excuse me. I work in insurance and they are not good people.

bad posts

good posts

Maybe is really a bot, an AI trying to learn.

Hitler did nothing wrong.
Niggers are monkey.
Jews are devils.
Mohammad was a pedophile.

Italians aren't white.


Perfectly good post, everybody knows islam has no place in the West and it's adherents have nothing to offer 1st world civilised countries, simply a fact.

good post

>a non existent country

bad post

anti semitic

TAY? What the fuck happened to you?

Jews are actually space raptors disguised as vaguely human looking creatures. They have no soul and are partially cyborgized, their mission is to destroy civilization, amass wealth and terraform the Earth.

>Imaginary country
>Arabs are good
Fuck off , only the Christian arabs are okay and the drus. In your villages you only fight each other like retarted children.
>Get free stuff from israel then attack israel
>"Why you carpet bomb us kikes , we dindu nuthing"

bad posts

good post

>Das racisss

Hey guess what Mohammed,I have arab friends.But the truth is : most of arabs immigrants bring crime and their cancerous religion,and don't even try to integrate.They have to go back.

really bad posts


>steal land
>kill innocents
>burn bibles
>world chucks a fit
>h-h-here have some food we good now

Your waifu is shit

Replying to:

>Get free stuff from israel

>Settle land bought by rich jews like rotchild's
>Arabs buttmad start attacking settlements
>Lose a war
>Muh land muh land
Its Ottomans and british fault for selling those lands and not giving a fuck
Not free , its OUR tax money so fuck them dindus

They are good people who can't seem to form a government with religious and civil liberties to the degree found in the West. The corruption is horrible and that Arian heresy keeps your civilization down. Please stay put and make your own country great.

Because their culture is islamic and islam is degenerate

OP, your one word epithets to the posts are quite shallow. I agree some have been outright silly but your frequent dismissal is childish. Your definition of 'racism' is the broadest I've encountered in the past couple weeks but is quite entertaining.

bad posts

Just for you OP




lolol nice try OP we all know people in palestine dont have internet. you fucking jew

Sup Forumstards will never admit this, but they hate them because they're fat autistic beta virgins and arabs are taking all their women.

bad post

good post

Arabs are subhuman, turks are roaches.

I don't hate Arabs and it's important to distinguish the people who were decent and courageous enough to drop Islam from the ones that are just pretending to be cool because of tequila or whatever.

There's not many of them, though. Most are Muslim, so most are cancer.


Yall are too inbred.

>to be cool because of tequila or whatever.
The fat has consumed the brain

bad post

its a joke retard

>the poo has consumed the brain

stfu faggot. I hate the other abrahamic faiths too. Islam is just the worst one.

arabs (includes jews) are worse than central africans


Sorry there

