Please yes.
Let's pray Kek to end the 2016 with a nice bang.
Supervolcano under Naples shows signs of awakening
Other urls found in this thread:
Naples will die soon
>Capable of producing a VEI-7 eruption
>The same size as Tambora which did pic related from the other side of the planet
Spaghettis and migrants absolutely BTFO, Winter Chan will strike
haha wow holy shit if that blows.
I wouldn't mind 3 degrees cooler right about now.
Wouldn't that also depend on air currents and where they'd move the ashes cloud?
Voulcanic winter could as weel affect more russia and china.
I like how you think, but the most important part is removing Naples from the maps.
Kill us all, praise kek
>tfw Naples' traditional tourist slogan is literally "see the Bay of Naples and die"
It will explode 2019. Check my id.
what if Volcanic Winter happens at the same time as an economic recession?
we're fucked
Harden up cunt
>could as weel affect more russia and china
>killing chinks
>what if Volcanic Winter happens at the same time as an economic recession?
Even better.
Well, I don't know if it would be much worse than the pollution they already have t.b.h.
The Independent has become clickbait tier in the last few years because it is dying. They've stopped their print edition and replaced it with "The i", which is literally a 5-page newspaper with tweets as stories.
Their website is disgusting, littered with obnoxious ads that make it a nightmare to read and navigate.
As a result they've deduced that their best course of action is to reduce themselves to buzzfeed/snopes tier headlines and articles to get people sharing them on facebook. That's why you may have noticed more and more independent links being shared with ridiculous clickbait headlines.
Ignore. Block. Let die.
It's "See Naples and die", because Naples is so beatiful that you can die happily after you saw it, at least according to whoever came up with this slogan.
Just googling there is a list of sources. Which one would have been better?
Fixed: "See Naples and then die"
Oh no friend so long as the Russians get on side
Some rind mod should Reeeboot this
look at me... we pompeii now
Definitely none of them. Guardian is the most "reputable" of them and they've gone full clickbait SJW alarmist in the last few years as well
>All hearts think of only self preservation
>Winterchan kills all interlopers
A long-quiet yet huge supervolcano that lies under 500,000 people in Italy may be waking up and approaching a "critical state," scientists report this week in the journal Nature Communications.
Based on physical measurements and computer modeling, "we propose that magma could be approaching the CDP [critical degassing pressure] at Campi Flegrei, a volcano in the metropolitan area of Naples, one of the most densely inhabited areas in the world, and where accelerating deformation and heating are currently being observed," wrote the scientists—who are led by Giovanni Chiodini of the Italian National Institute of Geophysics in Rome.
A sudden release of hot magmatic gasses is possible in the near future, which could trigger a large eruption, the scientists warn. Yet the timing of any possible eruption is unknown and is currently not possible to predict.
sounds like a great prank for new years eve, but i was expecting the Argentina to receive this smiting for the pope's transgressions.
O well. If it goes boom hard enough, maybe we get a south Germany sea border.
>Nat geo
OK I'm a little bit more concerned. But they're going a little SJW recently as well ("The New Europeans" etc).
Used to be subscribed until a few years ago, so to be honest I haven't seen their more recent mags so can't really say myself.
My concern level has risen from 2/10 to 5/10 as a result
This is the only chance we get to get rid of those leeches
Please make it happen
It doesn't say when it's due to, though. Like, more or less when. If it's 5,000 years I wouldn't care less
not "if", "when".
Look around you, see all those fucking mountains and foot hills and valleys and basins and all that other shit? you think that got there slow and calmly?
Fuck, all it would take is the right series of events and you're looking at a new Siberian Traps scenario. They don't even know what the fuck triggered it and it went on for a few hundred thousand years without end, killing off almost all life on earth.
>In response to the news, Italy's government has raised the volcano's threat level from green to yellow, or from quiet to requires scientific monitoring.
Campi Flegrei is thought to have formed hundreds of thousands of years ago. A massive eruption 200,000 years ago spewed so much ash that it darkened the skies around the planet, triggering a "volcanic winter." That event is thought to have been the largest volcanic episode in the history of Europe over that time.
The volcano erupted again 35,000 and 12,000 years ago. An eruption about 40,000 years ago might have contributed to the extinction of the Neanderthals, a 2010 study suggested, although that report has been debated. The volcanic area was also known by the ancient Greeks. (See pictures of another supervolcano.)
A smaller but still sizable eruption was observed at the supervolcano in 1538. That event lasted eight days and created the mountain Monte Nuovo. But since then, the volcano has been quiet, slumbering for more than 500 years.
>killing off almost all life on earth
How can we make it happen?
We get them in the mail for poop time reading, and half the time the cover leaves me with a scowl.
I wonder if this has anything to do with:
>meet cute girl who actually likes me
>she has just gone back to Italy to visit family for christmas
God fucking damn it
If she's from Campania you most likely dodged a bullet.
If not it shouldn't be a huge problem.
You have to choose
We can either have RWDS and global genocide
Or we can have natural disasters that end all life on earth.
Oh wow.
a literal bullet.
>We can either have RWDS and global genocide
Why not both? I'm sure there would be a few surviving groups - RWDS need to make sure that the shitskins amongst those groups find their proper fate.
Would the original research increase that?
>similar calculations yield a failure time of 5,670±735 days from the beginning of the anomaly (that is, 2005)
This thing is predicted to go by 2023 at the latest.
Way to waste it you fucking cuck
Kek confirms
no survivors
We have all seen the projected blast and smoke range charts for Yellowstone, does anyone have similar information for Europe if this one blows?
>nation jewgraphic.
kek wills it. Check 'em
Give Naples all your kebabs!
I love this sense of humour. However, if you live in europe this fact might be slightly less funny.
Not yet.
I'm actually pretty interestes.
I live almost as far as you can from Naples while still being in Italy, I'd love to know id it would be enough.
As for yellowstone, what would be the range?
MIles? Tens of miles? More?
You surely meant "give the volcano all your keks", right?
I found this
Oh fuck.
\o/ kek wills it \o/
That (your comment) was pretty funny.
All of us neapolitan refugees of peace will culturally enrich you northcucks if that shit blows up.
I really like what I am seeing.
I really do.
The vulcanologist in charge of the study, this Chiodini guy, predicts that, should an eruption really happen (a fact that cannot predicted itself, right now), it the situation would be "very dangerous" for 500,000 people.
This doesn't sound Naples going full Pompeii even in the worst case scenario.
Greece, full of rapefugees and Turkey. Let it happen.
>implying you would survive
Will Rome be alright?
Plenty of early warning signals before the eruption.
Bullet with a name on it
rome fell like 1500 years ago dumb ass
This Italian seismologist scholar is right.
I don't know about the necessity to somehow prepare your rectum for this event but this gentleman knows his shit.
putting all my magicks into this thing blowing.
Borderline safe if that's accurate.
Also I just realized my city is in my ID. What did kek mean by that?
Good luck, Campi Flegrei-chan!
>implying they won't be too lazy to act on it beside praying san gennaro
If digits repeat it explodes very soon
If not then no or minor happening
>that hideous architecture
i guess theyre not planning for the long run
It will happen
Fire will destroy this world and from the ashes a new world will born
Check these doubles
terrone btfo
That would be the most sweet christmas present.
>anglo playing a greek
It triggers me exactly like pic related, if not more
I'm dreaming of a white christmas....
hate to tell u this but the greeks were actually germanic and they didnt look like the moor rape babies that live there today
Jesus, is it one of those
>once every 200,000 years
>tfw you live in aus
>no volcanos or earthquakes, only shitty cyclones that always veer off at the last second and hit the town next to you
that's because there is a little village called Mori (muori - "die")
vedi Napoli e poi Mori :DDDD
A supervolcano in Australia would just be a cherry on top of a sundae.
>literally moors
I wonder why
romans were germanic retard that's why it is the first reich
Every year, I say the same damn thing to Californians:
>if you build in fire country, your house WILL burn down
>stop acting so fucking shocked
Apparently I can now say the same thing about building on a volcanic caldera...
>we wuz
Let the hot happenings pour.
ur the one whos we wuzing, moor
They built an entire fucking street on a floodplain where I am
Guess what
It flooded
Why do they have a garbage bin?
How can you be so anti-flood, man? Jesus...