He's right, you know...
He's right, you know
>what is wrong with this country
At least 3 million illegal immigrants too many.
>3 million
>out of 300 million people
>what's wrong with this country?
So have 2 states pretty much dictate who's in charge? Fuck the rest?
>You checkmated my king but I have more pieces on the chess board so FUCK your rules I'll twist them when I please!
Wow, it's almost like the United States isn't a direct democracy. Really made me think.
>What's wrong with this country
That you're still an author having not wrote a good book since the Dark Tower.
Just proves this faggot is a high school drop out that never paid attention to US history or US civics while he was in elementary school.
Are you implying that it isn't??? My humanities professor told me it is. Checkmate bigot redneck
Obvious shill thread.
Actually Clinton lost the election with 3 million votes. You'd think an author would understand this important distinction.
Wow you sure showed us.
The only people who voted for Trump are rural and suburban retards.
City people all voted for Hillary.
Clinton won CA by 4 million votes. If we put together Los Ángeles and NYC, she won by a combined 3 million votes.
holy shit... it's almost like we are a republic instead of a democracy...
wtf i hate it now
They still cant wrap their minds around thr fact that Trump was playing 3d chess while they were playing checkers.
I love it when a good meme breaks the 4th wall and destroys reality.
>You won more games and thus won the tournament, but we scored more points overall!
What's wrong with his fucking face?
Incorrect, she lost the election by 3 million votes--that's MILLION.
King should count his blessings for being rich enough to afford not giving a shit should California and New York decide the election for him and his buttbuddies up in Maine. Elitist faggot.
Suddenly liberals hate minorities.
He expanded dong
And of course it's nothing else but a nigger on the background. I wonder why.
one election for one office of the government uses a contrived per-state point system. SOMETHING IS WRONG. i wonder what this shithead's response will be when someone tells him that the entire judicial branch of the federal government isn't directly elected by the people.
i'm noticing a pattern developing with some of these dudes
If US had a direct democracy, the campaign would have been different.
Different rules, different campaign, but not necessarily different outcome.
Many people don't think enough.
I bet he unironically thinks the 2007 Patriots should have been awarded the Lombardi trophy.
>Actually Clinton lost the election with 3 million votes. You'd think an author would understand this important distinction.
an author would
And Clinton lost by ten states and last I checked, the presidential election is determined by states, not the popular vote.
Dead and criminal votes don't count, so she lost by 10 million easy
so some votes count for more than other's?
...nothing strange to report at top of iceberg.
>clinton won
let me stop u right there
Stephen King killed John Lennon... He's also a huge pedo.
i really like some of his books but he's so cucked he even gave up drinking and doing drugs to find jesus in AA "recovery"
srsly what a brainwashed douche.. thats why all his new books suck like all the dark tower books after the 3rd one
She lost by 12 million at least. The general public overwhelmingly favor trump.
>Clinton supporter
>Many of his books have at least a paragraph each describing young boy's penises
Is this the same election the russians hacked?
>Trump is an idiot
>Said by a grown adult who doesn't understand the fundamentals of the political system of the country he lives in
Wew lad.
More like a char tar from the Shadow Over Innsmouth than he may realise
Hey now, revival was actually pretty good
Also, why the fuck does captcha keep giving me sushi?
I truly hope America fails. It would be worth it to make fun of Sup Forums
Ill be burning a flag tomorrow, stay mad
Please stop feeding our blacks, we're trying to starve them out.
OP is a fag.
>I truly hope America fails
we know, that's why you voted clinton
Minorities and immigrant centers jeez I wonder why they would vote for more illegals.
He stole most of his good works and blamed it on drugs despite none of them having any shared writing style between them.