>Dude, if someone talked to me in a rude way we'd be settling it outside racist or not. It's just common respect.
What would your response be to this retarded-ass post
Dude, if someone talked to me in a rude way we'd be settling it outside racist or not. It's just common respect
Other urls found in this thread:
Why don't Americans respect their elders?
>Settling it outside
Raised scandi here, having a very hard time to comprehend this. I agree there are times where settling it outside is a good idea but after watching worldstar nignogs it seems bumping into someone has to be settled outside.
because they had life on easy mode and fucked everything up immeasurably for everyone after them
What the fuck are you talking about
Why do you have a pic of a lady waiting in line to buy a Christmas gift ?
thisthey literally had every chance to have it made in the sun but blew all their money on cheap chinese shit and drugs and now complain that the 1% isnt paying their fair share for muh social security
I carry a gun and refuse to have a brawl.
I don't shit talk people in real life because it's not constructive.
spic cut in line, old lady goes batshit
You forget that silly immigrant butted in line. USA checkmate rules dictate old lady yells unkind words with demented irrationality
>spic crosses border without asking
>whites tell him to follow rules
You didn't break into someone else's country and charter on in Spanish.
maybe the fag hog should learn spanish?
It isn't even the cheap Chinese shit.
The money was straight up wasted, a lot of the time on convenience products and food.
McDonald's manages to sell a dime's worth of potatoes for $3, yet people will rarely bake potatoes at home. People will pay out the ass for things they don't even like that much.
What is all the more surreal is that companies used to compete on price and offering. They all assumed that the consumer wasn't a total idiot. The boomers benefitted from an economy that had this kind of price competition.
They still wasted it all.
legal american beaner here im sick and tired of these illegal taco spics in my country
I wish i could carry a gun. In the UK we have some genetic throwbacks who think violence is a laff innit, so they start a fight and sometimes it escalates and people die. (whoda thunk) UK needs a few good men to have guns, and pay them to just sit on a park bench for 8 hours a day, and kill every cunt that starts on you.
Within 10 years, we would only have decent people left. Or those smart enough to know when to pick their fights.
You fuck with me once, I'mma put yo ass through a motherfuckin wall. You fuck with me twice, I'mma start screamin
lmao its really telling that boomers grew up in such good economic times and yet they are the longest working generation. they simply wont retire because they were too greedy in their working years to start retirement accounts
Read black red necks and white liberals by Thomas Sowell. It's a cultural remnant from uncivilized societies in northern Britain, Scotland, and Ulster. Because they had no laws and so no reasonable way to settle disputes, they created a system where being a tough man seen as willing to fight was the way to have stability. This also meant that people needed to fight when disrespected to reassert their intimidation.
The thing is, this culture is not compatible with civilization, and so every group that ever adopted it has since given it up. Except for one. Niggers.
Looking at most of the guys who say that, I reckon it would be an easy win for the old lady.
I wouldn't say just boomers, it is all people. People will always manage to blow their paychecks.
They will blow their checks on things they don't even like. Things that if they wold buy daily and for cheap if they were a true fan.
You can buy the same coffee Starbucks uses. You can buy the same syrups on their website. You can make it at home for 20% of the cost but NOBODY does it. People who will call themselves Starbucks addicts won't so much as go out and seek more.
It is weird. It isn't even greed, it is laziness.
what an old cunt lmao, not realizing how much white trash is on welfare
at least she isn't afraid to speak her mind
Yeah sadly that's a result of liberalism and lack of armed individuals. If you even push me that's serious shit, because you might have a knife, gun, etc.
There's no way I can know that you won't curbstomp someone to death after a small bar brawl.
Sadly here people are starting to go to jail for shooting people that punch them. Now if you talk shit, then get punched, it's a little different, but still, I believe any initiation of force like that should be responded to with firearms.
I didn't ask the cunt to punch me, so why do I need any more justification to shoot?
Most welfare recipients are niggers and immigrants