
I want to get back into reading, what are some redpilled books I should read?

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Fighting for The Essence- Pierre Krebs
The Way of Men-Jack Donovan
Becoming a Barbarian- Jack Donovan
Fistfights with Muslims in Europe: One Man's Journey Through Modernity- Julian Langness



The gulag archipelago

Fahrenheit 451

on Blacks and their problems.

by Jerome Witiker


Best book i've ever read.

>reading fiction

“Big Brother is Watching You.”
― George Orwell, 1984

in stahlgewittern


for the last fucking time

Psychology of the Masses by Gustave Le Bon

The Social Contract by Jean-Jacques Rousseau


Culture of Critique, You Gentiles, and The Jewish Century.

I really want to pick up this one.

Anthem- Ayn Rand
The Prince - Niccolo Machevelli
The Protocols Of The Elders Of Zion - Anonymous
Meditations - Marcus Aurelies
Beyond Good & Evil - Fredreich Neitzsche

Inb4 poor spelling i'm on my phone shorthanding it.

The Kybalion is the only book you need to read

Animal Farm is better.

>ayn rand
>the protocols of the elders of zion
this is a joke list i presume?

I am reading this currently.

Several things to point out:

We all gonna die, It doesn't matter if it happens sooner or later.

Whatever happens to you, good or bad, is the work of nature so embrace it.

Greater good is more important than individual good.

Love people that destiny bring you together.

If someone particularly angry, there is a high probability he/she is wounded.

>know thy enemy

Have you even read them?

yes, ayn rand and objectivism is terrible and the protocols of the elders of zion is written by a schizophrenic.

I haven't actually read them.

50 shades of grey

Orwell - Road To Wigan Pier.

>Anthem isn't really even about Objectivism you fag it's about surviving in a dystopian future novel

>And Protocols Of The Elders Of Zion is the crib notes version of The Dialogue in Hell between Machiavelli and Montesquieu

Netherlands in charge of being redpilled....

Mein kampf

if being red pilled means having shite taste in literature, i'd rather not be.

>Reading too many books is a bad thing


i've told you that i've read them, thus knowing that they're horrible and useless. you were the one recommending these abominations.

here you go

Let people make their own minds up autist

Hermann Hesse - Siddhartha
Alan Watts - The Book
read these and trip acid after and you'll reach enlightenment.

Infinite Jest from David Foster Wallace

not if those people are wrong or have absolute shite taste. they should be corrected.

Life & Death

In the world of MYFAROG one would expect that sorcery and the deities would lower the death rates for infants and children, and to some degree they do, but not significantly. The spirits, small and large, weak and powerful, seem to have a very well developed understanding of what is good in the long run, so even though sorcerers and bards aid sick infants and children (i. e. those not yet defined in their society as adults), the healing seems to work less efficiently than on adults. From a purely biological (i. e. natural) point of view, healing those not worthy of life is neither good nor wise, because in the long run their survival will threaten the survival of their entire species by making it weaker and less resistant to the realities of life. Some children are meant to die, for the betterment of their species, race, tribe and family. Nature is neither "good" nor "evil", but it can be very cruel and unforgiving.

The men of Thule appreciate these facts, and rather than mourn the passing of the weak and effete, they celebrate the survival of the strong.

anything with pictures?

Anything by Thomas Carlyle


which bible?

Its a great book, but far from the best. But a must-read, yeah.

Read philosophy OP

So you're against objectivism but his taste in books is objectively shit?

love letter to america
small booklet written by /ourguy/ yuri bezmenov

King James Version if you're reading it for literary reasons.

stealing america by dinesh d'souza
also i hear lauren southern's barbarians is good

Hermannn Hesse
are you retard?

They're all fucking right wing by today's standards.

Both Eric Hoffer's "True Believer" and "The Ordeal of Change".

Julius Evola - Revolt against the modern world

didn't the King James bible come out because King James wasn't having sons and wanted to divorce his wife and thats why the first english colonists were all quakers and shit?

I mean, there are quotes in this version that say divorce is adultery but I was under the impression that the first colonists to sign up for the expedition did so because their king claimed to have power over their religion and they did not like it.


Read everything, with a critical mind.

>implying these morons would make it past page 5 of an Evola book

Maybe 1 in 20 Sup Forumstards could fruitfully read Evola. Maybe.

Matveï Golovinski wrote the protocols of the elders of zion and it's maybe the worst 'book' i ever read. The fact that it's a false or not doesn't change anything
It's written by a 16yo in a full identity crisis

>retards gain nothing by being exposed to good information

ok kikelord

The original version of mein kampf.

Better try, rather than not do it at all.

No, with suspension of disbelief, until finding some contradiction is the best way.

Man-Eaters of Kumaon
Bomber Boys
The Man Who Mistook His Wife For a Hat

I'm sure there are redpills in these, but they're just darn interesting reads, too. I bought first editions of all of those because I like them so much.

If the Protocols are fake why is everything in them happening today as stated.

Always a question I ask and I never get an serious answer back if any at all.

The Brothers Karamazov
Journey to the End of the Night
Infinite Jest

Life is a meme, reading books is for fags that can't get sweet white loli pussy.

George Orwell was a socialist a sucked Trotsky's dick a lot.

Snowball = Trotsky
Gold stein = Trotsky


past master by r a lafferty

Yeah, and he understood the problems with authoritarian socialism better than most anti-socialists of his time. It's well worth a read, and so is Road to Wigan Pier, especially the second half.

reading is for retards just jerk off and edge for an hour or two instead it will feel much better

Der Einzige und sein Eigentum


If you like 1984 you should read Darkness at Noon. It's about a Party leader in Russia being imprisoned by Stalin, and it inspred 1984.



How come so many right-wingers like to quote 1984, yet George Orwell was a libertarian socialist who supported anarchist Catalonia?

Because his description of socialism in "1984" was still on point

none dare call it conspiracy is pretty good

you do relaize he was specifically talking about soviet union in that book and criticizing it's authoritarianism?
also 1984 is pretty much happening right now with the surveliance and police state in capitalist nations

Because he knew these people were fucked and what they wanted. He was our agent and he was killed for it.

Stop being such an ideologue, Srpski-kun.

"Trust a snake before a Jew, a Jew before a Greek, but never trust an Armenian." - Orwell, Down and Out in London and Paris

-brave new world
-animal farm
-farenheith 451
-I am legend

some books to start with


Nothing by ayn fucking rand
Biggest cunt in history

Brave new world
Animal farm
Fight club
Far 451
War (sun tzu, cao cao, etc)

Read those

They should cover most things

Ayn rand is dogshit bad

I assume anyone who suggest this book haven't read it. it's goddam awful

the yurope books are a fucking red pill conveyor belt

Jesus Christ I can't help but giggle like a girl when I read it.


Orwell, as a man who was desiring socialism, accurately takes apart revolutionary socialism and the inherent problems of it.

What they did of wrong?'

Yuri Bezmenov on leftists:
>They serve purpose only at the stage of destabilization of a nation. For example, your leftists in the United States, all these professors, and all these beautiful civil rights defender, they are instrumental in the process of the subversion, only to destabilize the nation. When the job is completed, they are not needed any more. They know too much. Some of them, when they get disillusioned, when they see the Marxist-Leninists come to power, obviously, they get offended. They think that they will come to power. That will never happen, of course. They will be lined up against the wall and shot. But, they may turn into the most bitter enemies of Marxist-Leninists when they come to power.

Orwell was a disillusioned leftist, that's what Animal Farm is about. We share a common enemy.

>animal farm is literally required reading but people still grow up and want extreme socialism

The Creature from Jekyll Island - G. Edward Griffen
Brave New World - Alduous Huxley
Confessions of an Economic Hitman - John Perkins

Jurassic Park

The Foundation for Exploration

V.A.L.I.S is fucking mandatory reading.