Officials saying it was gas
Does look like gas... explosives cause more dust less flames.
Thanks, now Im relieved. Its much better to die in a gas explosion than in explosive explosion.
I really don't think the type of explosion matters. Unless the air is mixed with vodka because you could have drunk it and not feel a thing...
What was that building?
Worker fuck up, it happejs
Metro station.
Yesterdays explosion in Moscow metro. Officials as usual downplaying the thing, claiming it has nothing to do with terrorism. Khm khm.
Anyone die?
what type of building was it?
nevermind I see answer
just swamp gas, nothing to see here
Nothing to see here Goyim
OP want to explain more
Well, here is OFFICIAL press release:
moscow's metro stations are so comfy, all the long escalator rides and beautiful women
take me back...
looks like gas to me bro.
Since when there is gas in a metro station?
Electricity is too expensive