White genocide

White genocide

My coursin is 28,she's a pharmacist, i introduced her to one of my good friends, he's a 29 year old black cardiologist (comes from west africa,grew up in canada,great guy)

they already have 2 children and are happy together

So how have you contributed to the " white genocide " ?

>mfw interracial couples loving eachother and leading happy lives with their children is more hateful and shocking than the holocaust in the eyes of lowlife white autists

hahahahaha,you can't make this up

REEEE ahhaha

>introduces cousin to coal-burning
>just so he can have some laughs on a Mongolian carpet weaving board
You have some serious problems.

Wasn't aware this containment for human filth existed when i introduced them to eachother

Where from West Africa?


>and are happy together
Wait until their children grow up and start going bonkers from lack of identity
Like asking mom to give them some cream to make their skin white or like that

ivory coast

autist reeing? lowlife autist reeing. I didnt even bother reading,you uneducated lowlifes are all parrots who can't generate original thoughts

whites right now are 7-8% not counting semitic shitskins as whites which your graphic surely is

>you uneducated lowlifes are all parrots who can't generate original thoughts
Yep, I actually read it on mixed race reddit.
Parents of mixed race child legitimately asked what to do when their child asked them to give them something to make his skin white because other children with dark skin acted like total retards and he didn't want to do anything with them.

>tfw mixed black/white
>tfw am a product of white genocide

Don't worry, I'll find a nice white girl to reproduce with, I won't let you down Sup Forums

I cant wait till everyone the same fucking color because of inter racial breeding. It will stop the fucking race-baiting



Try 8.2%, faggot.


better ask someone who speaks human to translate whatever you're writing before trying to send it my way cause i won't bother reading your subhuman autistic cries for attention

the funny thing about white genocide is that it is overwhelming committed by white MEN

despite the constant bombardment of race mixing propoganda white women are exposed to surprisingly they are still more race loyal than white men

makes you think doesn't it

>So how have you contributed to the " white genocide " ?

I have developed a futanari fetish and now find pussies revolting. For me a real woman isn't a woman unless she has a dick.

day of the rake soon

I don't care about the background, the ideology but as long as it results in White genocide, I am all in.

QT Middle Eastern gf reporting in. Idgaf. Fuck white girls.

op is a larping leaf who jerks off to interracial porn

>men want to fuck so bad they dont care about race
seems normal to me

>White Genocide
White genocide is like the grand replacement, fake fantasy white supremacists want to be real so they have a reason to be racist.

t. abbahjabil

keep it up
at this rate it'll be day of the autist beheading tho,watcha gonna do?, this is way more likely to happen than your weird other masochistic fantasy

it's just projection or something

they are lookiing for imaginary problems

the white genocide sure is the most peaceful and loving genocide of human history haha

>Actually trusting the words of jews
They say this because they know that every white supremacists will listen to them. Right now muslims are the only one fighting the jews.
Who will fight them if muslims disapears ? White men ? AHAHAHAHAHAHA!

Yeah it's even more stupid when you see that most european countries are still around 80% white.

Did the kids revert to the mean?

Nobody cares about your frozen wasteland shitskin.
Go be a faggot somewhere else

Without genetic engineering the brown masses will have a hard time keeping high tech civilization going ... guess the jews and chinks will have to do it.

C'est vraiment difficile de prendre ces imbéciles au sérieux

"Je suis super intelligent avec un super gros Q.I, je passe mes journees entieres à me masturber sur mon intelligence, ma supériorité,pepe et d'autres conneries qui ne font pas de sens, ai-je mentionné que je suis un etre supérieur ?"

Pourtant, ils sont extremement insécure haha. En réalité ils haissent surement leur vie et ont besoin de se créer un faux sens de supériorité pour combler l'immense vide dans leur vie

im dating an arab chick

Curious, what do your parents think? what do her parents think?

muslim arab-jew relationships are exotic as fuck man

>Israeli state for the jews
Shlomo go away.

Revert? i don't think you understand,you can't revert to something you were not in thee first place

you got this mixed up

here let me try to use and example fit for you

You live in the cuck shed, when your mistress allows you out you eventualy have to go back in the cuck shed (after cleaning a minority's sperm out of her ass with your tongue,of course)

but for normal humans, there's no shed to return to since we don't live there in the first place

>white population decline because of multiculturalism and not because of socialism, feminism, and the population control they promote in """"""""""educated"""""""""" populations

race, race, race traitor
your time will come sooner or later

When will Canada finally get the boot? Disgusting moose-fuckers.

> leaf



>Your time will come sooner or later REEEEEEEEEEEEE

hahaha i feel like petting this autist but hir hair must be greasy and smelly as fuck so nvm on that

well i'm done anyway. Enjoy spending your entire day mastubating about your so called "superiority" and your skin's pigmentation hahahaha