I'm tired of people telling me how to live my life. Leave me the fuck alone. Now I got people who make content I enjoy starting to do it too. Pic super related.
I'm tired of people telling me how to live my life. Leave me the fuck alone...
Other urls found in this thread:
stop watching porn
Wrong flag, larper
Listen to Varg.
>No porn (it's the work of the Jew)
>No soda (it's the work of the Jew)
t. libertarian who will eventually lose all his rights
The only people who voted for Trump are rural and suburban retards.
City people all voted for Hillary.
What if I only watch porn I made with my gf?
You must think of yourself as really stupid that you can be so easily duped by a jewish person.
>Fucking your own brain up with dopamine since Shlomo Shekelsberg paid some coked out slut to fuck on camera.
>Fucking your own body up with ridiculous amounts of sugar and chemicals that is proven to rot your tooth enamel and causes weight gain and diabetes.
Will you be ready for the race war?
>implying that people from all over the world from all periods of time weren't fucking up their bodies with junk food
sit down....and think about things before you type them
The jig is up, JIDF.
BPS lives in Japan
thats hardly surprising
most of these "youtubers" think way too highly of themselves and think that because theyre against sjws theyre automatically better and right, because muh logic and muh atheism
but this YouTuber is a Christian and in the video I was referencing, he is telling me to not watch porn because muh christianity will be damaged
>Find ah traditional wife (by unmarried bisexual neet in his mid 30s)
lol if thats his argument then thats a poor one
watching too much porn prolly is bad, but not because of christianity
unless hes specifically talkin to other christians? even then it sounds pretty dumb, I dont think watching porn makes you a bad christian, I dont remember Jesus talkin specifically forbidding it
A lot of his critics pointed out what you pointed out. That his video which was meant to address all his viewers, only connects with people who are already christians
Just be a vegan bro lol.
Surprised me to be honest, I have no remorse for animals, whatsoever, though maybe that comes from having hunted myself. I think if we expected kids to skin a goat or squirrel a few times there would be a lot less pussyfooting around the "ethics of meat". It is brutal, and the world is a fuck ugly place. How anyone comes here or talks about the stuff BPS talks about, and then not understand the necessity of force and the presence of nature's inherent brutality, now with industrialization, is beyond me.
Still he can practice any religion he wants, but that's really what veganism is.
he sounds like a catholic or like some conservative whose mindset comes from a few centuries ago
maybe he should read the book again and think for himself for once, not just base his opinion on what his church says
le find out man