Martin shkreli wearing a pepe pin on bloomberg right now
Martin shkreli wearing a pepe pin on bloomberg right now
Is shekelri still trying to buy Sup Forums?
Love this goy
Trying the get e peen points. How desperate is this fucker?
Based pharma bro
He never was, he just enjoys shit posting irl and is rich enough to do it
What an autist. Listen to how he talks.
this, he just likes trolling.
good bloke
fuck that autistic attenton whoring faggot
>a sad pepe
what did he mean by this
Are Albanians really worse than Jews?
I remember, once on a stream he came to Sup Forums (during the time we shilled him to buy it). He was quite confused by everything here. So while I love this man and his Harambe twiting I would say that although he IS on our side he is not channer.
It's so easy to piss you faggots off
He's single
Why is it a sad pepe and not a smug pepe?
pretty sure he's on nootropics, dude is fucking zooted
>based pharma bro
>still calling someone based after 2015
>still calling him based after not leaking all his secret tracks when trump won
UnterFeldMarshal Shkreli needs a promotion..
i just know my godfather was a catholic albanian that had a jewlery
So in a sense they are similar, they help each other out and like gold way too much
Martin and friends doxed some guy a few days ago and in the process of trying to find the guy's phone number Martin decided to invest $5,000,000 at the place the dox victim used to work.
That was pretty dishonest of him, he said it was because of legal bullshit at one point but he still went back on his word.
>leaking all his secret tracks
do you think he'll drop a mixtape?
Who /cocaine/ here?
Come on guys you know he is /ourguy/
Where's my new Wu Martin?
We had a deal Martin!
He offered to when hiromoot was having "problems" raising funds for server cost.
Then Hiromoot refused Skekelri and retracted that claim
Jews > Armenians > Albanians > Turks
God I love this lad
non-white scum
Kek is with you, brother.
everytime people constantly harass him on phone, he just tweets their number asking who they are
Coked up while browsing pol
No thank you
> symbol of le ebbin hate
Topkek. Every aids infested faggot who died must be crying in hell even more.
Albanians>Armenians. Roach=Jews
God I wish I was a rich smug motherfucker like this guy so I can shitpost irl.
Why is an alt-right nazi invited on Bloomberg??? Why is he wearing the 21st century equivalent to the swastika as a pin
wtffff this is like another shoah
haahah this guy is more based every time I hear him. they tried hard to make him look bad and failed.
I saw that too, what if it was meta-trolling? Pretending to not know how to do something as simple as posting a picture while making everyone in the chat rage.
But pepe is equivalent to swastika now how is he allowed to do this
ADL seems like smoke and mirror
This guy is such an aspie its painful. There's an interview where he invites a female journalist into his apartment, challenges her to chess then mocks her when she can't win even though shes never played before. Owns $20K+ of guitar/amps/cabinets/pedals, can't get a single note out of it. He's that kid everyone knew in primary school that would go ape shit and piss himself crying if you beat him at game boy.
is he ourguy?
Impressive. Motivated. Based.
i thought shrekli was jew
what is this man thinking
He shouldn't be exposing us like this. This is treason.
He is one weird looking guy.... Albanian genes I guess.
I did too... catholic albanian/croat apparently...
Can't this scrawny dweeb just fuck off?!
>Fucks over (((Insurance companies)))
>Shitposts all day
God bless him.
> 777
This thread is officially blessed by the Dark Powers.
You realise the autistic thing is an act, right?
I don't think so. He seemed nervous as fuck. Or high.
hahahaha top damm kek
Bloody convincing act
That was on (((Vice))). The whole chess thing, he thinks he's GZA or some shit.
He has anxiety. He runs with it and pretends to be autistic.
Jesus pol, "the fed is in this van" "do you use the sicilia defense often", fucking presenting her with some $2000 wine on a segway. He's taking the piss.
Hiro doesn't want to sell. @cernovich wanted to but it, and hiro wouldn't return his calls.
> implying anyone outside of our Korean wood carving board knows what the fuck kek is
fucking incredible digits.
source on gif?
It was hilarious and the woman fucking digged him by the end
wew lad.
worls most hated man, convinces the worls he is one of the Sup Forums shit posters..
fuck this guy. he wouldnt last 2 minutes here.
HAha the absolute madman! Totally epic XD
I just love memes! This is the best timeline lads. Praise KEK xD
You expecting a link to xvideo or something?
just a name to connect to those delicious
What a god, praise kek
Fuckers wanna bring the meme war into real life? Let's start the propaganda machine
It's not an act, Shkreli has mental issues for sure, but he's /ourguy/ anyway
friendly reminder that matin scum of the earth shkreli is of croatian and albanian stock
this is what you get for bombing serbia assholes
I think he played some on livestream?
>look at me! i need people to talk about me!
he did play at least some of them on livestream.
IIRC, he bought the tracks under the condition that he wouldn't release them though so that was probably as far as he can go before he could get into legal troubles
Kek lad
Where do you get those?
where can I get those?
Day it's so slow that we have a camwhore thread.
>some poor guy had to make these
>and then user looked him in the eyes when he picked them up
>implying that cernoshit can compete with shkreli or notch a literal billionaire.
Cernoshit was just fishing for attention from us as usual.
Is he from Kazakhstan? He looks pretty Altaic to me.
Praise Kek!
He's /ourguy/
>breaking rule 1
what a normie faggot
I love the guy but he shouldnt be doing that kind of signaling