States Won by Trump Have Highest 'Obamacare' Enrollment

>States Won by Trump Have Highest 'Obamacare' Enrollment

>Sup Forums will defend this

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>states filled with niggers and spics have lots of welfare leeches
rale mate mi ting

>Forced at gunpoint, by democrats, to buy an unusable product with a price that doubles every fiscal quarter
>Vote for guy that wants to fix that

What's your point?

I wonder why

Rates were skyrocketing. Not shocked he won then

It's because they realize all the problems with Obama care.

and that's probably why they voted for him, the US no matter how much propaganda and appeals to emotions they make knows that Obamacare is trash and was one of the policies shoehorn into the American people's faces so that Obama could have a legacy. Heck if Trump is egotistical than Obama is 10x worse.


Everyone needs insurance or they'll get fined,
They literally have no choice but to get free insurance if they're unemployed.

It makes sense that the most unemployed/extremely poor states(at least the people in the states) would vote Trump since he has an entire platform that benefits them.

This data would only show a hypocritical people if the insurance was optional, which it isn't.


>Create a law mandating people buy something
>People obey the law for fear of punishment/taxation
>People don't like being forced to make said choice
>People vote to get rid of shitty choice inducing scum party.

I don't understand what this stellar piece of journalism is trying to purport other than "Ignorant rednecks vote against their own interests", when it's obvious the exact opposite is true.

Not our fault the blacks in those states didnt vote

of course they didnt, its illegal to vote if your a felon.

Not in every state. In some states you just can't vote until you finish your sentence and in others it's a lifetime ban.

>People that were tired of the high premiums wanted to see it repealed

>the people most familiar with how shitty obamacare voted for the man avowed to destroying obamacare

surely that tells you something?

>Be unemployed.
>Still haven't signed up for Obamacare.
See you in Guantanamo.

Unlike the niggers, right wing white trash know that such programs are garbage stealing and are not selfish gibs me dats.

hmm makes you think

So basically people getting fucked, got tired of being fucked

OP is a special kind of retard

so what you're saying is that people with the most experience with obamacare want it repealed?


>signed up for Obamacare = likes Obamacare

I dont get it
>states most negatively effected by obamacare vote for someone who will repeal obamacare
makes sense to me you fucking idiot