Why do white men bend over and let black men take their women?
Why do white men bend over and let black men take their women?
Because the current orthodoxy makes it impossible to object to without being immoral.
But most white parents would still not be ok with their daughter being a black man.
And what do you propose we do to remove this accepted dogma from our society?
>being a black man.
being with a black man* lol
you know what
It's already removing itself, as we become a smaller percentage of the population racial thinking is inevitable.
>Implying most of them don't do it to spite their parents.
It's sad to see really, it's become some sort of way to rebel against their parents.
Also if you want some lels look up on google 'family disowned for with black man'.
B-better her than me..
Check this story out lol
the parents literally beat up their daughter for being with a black man lol
I think it's really a weird fetish thing. They like the idea of a strong man with dark skin, but most have no interest in a relationship with one. It's disgusting, but I think a lot of the issue has to do with society perpetuating the idea that black men aren't usually disastrous to the women they date or impregnate. It's blatant too. You see black men dating white women all the time on television, in movies, etc. yet it's rare to see a white man colonizing a black woman. Unfortunately, any mention of the media propagating this idealized black man is followed immediately by accusations of racism and thus completely ignored.
Black men have the Federal Government protecting them. If that protection was lifted niggers would be in trouble.
a fair amount of women even fuck dogs lol, they just keep it secret because it isn't socially acceptable. if bestiality was more socially acceptable i reckon you would see a similar amount of white women that fuck dogs as do fuck black men, is quite likely also that the white women who fuck black guys are also the ones that fuck dogs
What are you talking about? White women are those who least racemix.
Whites are only declining because non whites breed more.
If you want to do your part, convince your wife to have at least three children.
Parents arent ok with either.
>Why do white men bend over and let black men take their women?
your saying that like its something wrong with it
WE GET IT, You are Swedish.
Almost all white women who sleep with black guys are low quality. I have only met one white woman whom I would consider respectable that was with a black man. Her husband was a great guy and "whitewashed." The rest were whores with no father or a very bad father.
>I have only met one white woman whom I would consider respectable that was with a black man. Her husband was a great guy and "whitewashed."
still vermin though
Because cucks accept that their girl has had black history in her. Me personally have said no thanks, done a 360 and walked away many times.
If these sluts you're talking about want a nigger they aren't our women and we don't want them.
Nice try though.
I don't like it but who am I to say? They're both good people. Better than most. I can't talk much I've got a Mexican gf.
>many times.
dam, that prevalent in sweden ay? what was their responses to you rejecting them for being with blacks lol?
they need to fuck off out of white man countries
>I can't talk much I've got a Mexican gf.
??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Is she hot at least? No big nose or weird features?
never had a woman so thats probably why
Sure it happens, but they rarely stay in a relationshit. Often one nights in their teens, exploring and rebelling against their family.
First they were pissed off, it shouldn't matter, they said. But I could tell, they themselves knew it mattered. Not everyone, but most of them. Then they got really desperate and pretty much threw their pussy at any general direction to try and bait me.
Son, if you can't live side by side with niggers and not feel superior, that's your problem.
No big nose. She's cute and light skinned. I'm assuming she has some Spaniard in her. She's actually pretty smart and a hard worker. I'll probably marry her. Her only physical flaw is that she's very short.
Think of those women more like offcuts or expired meat...
lol not bad, the only problem is they will prob lie about being with blacks before and get some cucked white guy. if you can, anonymously tell their future partners that she has been with a black
>feel superior
You are gaming yourself retard. Everyone who lives side by side with blacks feels superior, most of all leftists. The only reason leftists are ok with all of this and are ok with being hit over the head with white privilege is that they feel superior to blacks.
the fact is that having all these blacks moving in and decreasing our percentage of the population is objectively bad for whites. it is you who is actually insecure ironically, you have to base your self esteem on being superior to blacks because you can't feel superior to other whites. you may think that you are above the game, but there is no wiggle room, you are objectively cucking yourself to feel superior.
if you are anything other than an insecure nihilist, you will not want blacks moving into your countries, and you will certainly not want your descendants marrying them.
I don't keep tabs on them. Every man for themselves, but I warn my friends.
good luck to the cucks who end up with them then i guess lol
White women, particularly Western women are way too over-rated. They make shit wives as they are too busy pursuing masculine careers and are almost as promiscuous as their male counterparts and even more in countries like Britain and divorce rates in the west have gone through the roof.
I would be more angry at the woman.
So in your mind all whites are even regardless?
>virtue signalling
The reality is you're the one who's insecure. Rather than face up to the fact you could be seen as a lower person than your average nigger you'd rather there weren't any at all that you would have to compete with.
I bet you've never fucked a woman, have you.
>So in your mind all whites are even regardless?
>The reality is you're the one who's insecure. Rather than face up to the fact you could be seen as a lower person than your average nigger you'd rather there weren't any at all that you would have to compete with.
>I bet you've never fucked a woman, have you.
have been with tonnes of women and have even turned down a couple of requests for sex
>mfw my wife is just as racist as me and finds blacks disgusting
You are playing a game with yourself. It is easy to sit back and get off feeling superior to blacks, but your country is literally being taken from beneath your feet. Imagine if your daughter went with a black man, is the superiority complex still worth it?
Your feel insecure about being lower than your average white male so you feel the need to import blacks into your society to feel superior?
t. every leftist numale
look nigger lover, black men don't take shit. white women give it away. because they suck the jew media cock. when a girl cheats on a guy, no matter who with, its her fault always. she's the one that lets it happen. fortunately, not all white women suck nigger/jew media cocks. if a woman fucks a nigger, do not fuck her. its simple.