>be europoor
>get run over by a truck
Be europoor
Other urls found in this thread:
Yes, we have trucks.
No terrorists in "europoor" countries though, they prefer the first world. At least we have that going for us - about the only thing.
What's your point, poo?
India is much more based when dealing with mudslimes than the west is.
But you still shit in the streets.
>be indian
>no traffick signals
>get run over by a full truck carrying tons of shit
He is too stupid to realize Europoor is referring to Balkan and Eastern Europe.
>be indian
>get raped on the bus and run over by a fucking wagon wheel on the deignated shitting streets
>be kiwi
>be Poonjab
>catch cholera
The shit got to his head.
>be Lithuanian
Sorry I don't know enough about your Literally Who country.
>be indian
>get shat on by a plane
They're fucking great at basketball.
>first world
Great at tying nooses too
We like to kill ourselves
>be indian
>run over poo
>Be Poo
>Snake springs up from toilet and bite your ass while you're taking a loo
>be indian
>worship cows
that's not how you spell designated shitting street
>be from uk
>worship allah
Wtf is Guyanas problem though?
>be poojeet
> wake up
>drink cow piss
>take a shit on street
>rape a girl while shitting
>go to job
>call people and offer them tech services
>scam some people
>get home
>shit on street again
>be poo in a loo
>can't even cross road in one piece
>be pajeet
>poo rains from the sky and splatters all over my house
>Be Indian
>"Bathe" in a brown river of excretion and corpses
Oh fuck I love when Pajeets start threads and get bullied.
>be chinese
>die in a Michael Bay movie
>be muhammed al akbari
>wake up
>take a dump and not wash hands
>rape goats and cousins
>goto job
>no job
>get home
>shitpost on Sup Forums
>be user
>start worshipping and suckling on a cows udders
>realise its just your mum
>>take a dump and not wash hands
Do you people seriously wipe your ass with your hands and not toilette paper?
I thought that was a meme, for fucks sake.
Yeah, right coming from a paki raghead, asshole of the world.
>be poojeet
>wake up
>greet Designated Street Hogs
>get in bus
>grope some grills
>get to work
>go home
>realize u will always be poojeet
>make INDIA SUPERPOWER 2020 and INDIANS ARE ARYANS threads on Sup Forums
>get bullied
Thats possible. Indians believe cows host the spirits of the dead or somesuch
>be Shitalian
Pakis don't wash hands after taking a dump and that has caused mass stunting in Pakistan so Unicef is now issuing warnings to them
I think even some chef was caught putting poo in food in UK
Trying too hard
I am asking if you use toilette paper to wipe your ass or hands?
Answer me.
This is now a Paki vs Poo thread! Let the nukes fly boys.
>we wash our hands,faggot. In islam , it is compulsory to wash. Hindus, on the other hand, don't wash and eat with their hands.
I use a bidet
LOL keep telling yourself that
if you would allow us to use nukes, maybe we would.
I think the poo chef is indian
Is the name Mahbub Chowdhury Indian?
>I use a bidet
What about those who shit in the street? How do they wipe their asses?
Any weird death is buried under the guise of suicide, if I had to guess.
they rub their asses with each other.
I don't know I haven't seen anyone shit in the streets
>However, since 1990, access has improved by 22.8 percentage points, putting India at seventh out of eight countries for improvement in South Asia.
Paki is bringing the hard bantz. What do poo in loo?
Is that what you do before raping your cousins?
>shit on street
You don't really need to wash your hands
at leas not POO IN THE LOO
I'm going to bed now. Leaving you guys with this ieet.org
Sweet dreams Sup Forums! I'll sleep happily knowing that I won't get shot, trucked or be a paki