Is this the best Europe has to offer?
Is this the best Europe has to offer?
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France and Italy made a ton of scientific discoveries. Spain has never been a technological powerhouse.
Lolno, all 3 are shit tier nowadays.
Europe lost its time in the spotlight after World war 2 cucked us out of being relevant
Basque? Catalan? Portuguese?
If you like stealth niggers with manãna mentality
France and Italy, yes.
I don't consider Spain an european country though.
>World War 2 cucked us out of being relevant
You mispelled Spanish Sucession War
Yes. It unfortunately isn't what it used to be
>he really thinks spain is the best europe has to offer and comparable to france or italy
ayyy there's no doubt you are spanish
Italy and France have some cultural achievements to speak of. Spain is a poor Moorish shithole
you are forgetting portugal, spain are niggers
Stop talking bullshit about Europe guys, if you want to see real shit look Africa or latin America.
Spain is a north african country though
Always by our side, Oldest Ally
Why ?
>said by an actual african
Proud to be latin
Not a single drop of moor blood
None of those.
The Habsburgs made us relevant the Bourbons irrelevant.
no, scandinavia is
This is not true, Spain is a Christian country, very religious, I've been there several times, look how many peoples participate in "semana santa" in Spain. Some of them are brown, because of Sun tan, this is normal for every south European country.
>2.1 %
23andme Iberian haplogroup on the test includes moorish and MENA pollution already
Huh, sorry Poortugal but you are not invited.
I just been working in Spain for a month. You don't imagine how butt-hurt the Spanish are about our alliance.
The amount of butthurt from Gibraltar football team having Algarve stadium as the home turf is just too good.
Invited to what? African Union?
Noice. France is not only latin tho.
Nice. Reconquista great success.
Sad thing is, without all those civil wars during the industrial revolution, you'd be another power on par with germany, france and italy. Now though, you'll lag behind for eternity - especially since now ((the EU)) doesn't even want you to have industry anymore.
Spain and Italy our cool. Take out France though, Paris sucks.
Yes we are dumfuck. Our language is latin too
>not only
When you think about it all of Europe is fucking shit nowdays.
Looks like you're missing someone ;^)
why so many people coming then?
source ?
Certainly in the food department.
This is the best Europe has to offer.
Germanic countries have the best food
Because it's even worse in their countries.
What? That's a big lie!
Fuck, the Spanish girl on the far left is the best looking one there.
Based Britain does it again.
>t. pablo
Source: his ass.
The same test on I can admit north african blood, which doesnt mean it's the same as nowadays moroccans or algerians.
But nigger blood? Not a single drop.
>knowing anything about good food.
>snails, frogs and horses considered food
>North African
Fuck off and go back to Morocco, nigger
>But nigger blood? Not a single drop.
Good for you. Most of you have it. Try AncestryDNA for the most accurate result. Proven my people who sent their samples to 5 companies
23andMe lists Ashkenazi as European and makes Iberian and Balkan samples post-ethnogenesis of the said regions without singling out North African, West Asian and Sub-Saharan extraction of already existing group
That girl?
She is dead, killed by his father ;_;
Yes it is
Kike >:D
>three countries
>zero functioning economies
I never understood why horses shouldn't be eaten, they are livestock...
which dna company is best to use?
Careful lad France's GDP per capita is often higher than ours
Because of the particular bond with humans and it's disrespectful, you mongrel.
Would you eat a dog?
> "Italy and France have some cultural achievements"
WTF are you drinking Britanon?
>Italy and France have some cultural achivements
More only in the Renaissance than your shit country in all it's history.
Spain's most important attraction is the "Sun".
>implying baguette and white flag exports count
And the Spanish pussy.
Nah, many here are fat and ugly. Specially in the cities.
AncestryDNA and
t. Pollino cateto probably living in a shithole in Extremadura
Bullshit. now tell me where I can find an Aura Garrido-type.
I'm guessing Barcelona since pretty much the only hot people in your country are Catalans.
Situation is changing lad. Last time I was in Barcelona, I saw people becoming obese... and years of make-up abuse really shows when they take a dip in the sea....
Also the fact that Barcelona is now the New Pakistan of Europe....
was in valencia an year ago, very disappointed. only below average trash. how come? thought spain was very loaded with high quality poosies
Lad, Barcelona has changed. Don't set your bars high...
It's Pakistalona now...
Really? Oh well... We will improve Barcelona with our superior Argie genes like Messi is doing right now.
Once upon a time it was true lad, once upon a time....
Itlaian mademoiselles, on the other hand, are incredible. Uhh, it gives me sweet shivers....
>A country which, literally, has more niggers and moors than a lot of countries in fucking Africa
Are you retarded or something?
Yeah I went in China and tasted dog meat. Was alright, nothing particular t.b.h.
>Would you eat a dog?
Because it's a carnivora, and thus not profitable (5 years of expensive feeding for 10 kg of meat at best...).
And do you think there's no particular bound with sheeps, cows etc? Do you think they always have been industrial objects? Fucking fast food culture...
>The romanian girl is stealing the camera
needs greese
the rest are fairly irrelevant civilizationally., you could pretty much obliterate belarus or denmark and western civilization would not suffer much. germany is useless civilizationally, no one is talking about muh shekels here.
No thanks they might hack my DNA and make my clone the president
Not at all. Italy has true quality pussies. Hot girls are a minority in the cities here.
a-are you serious?
>tfw living in the only european country that isn't piss poor like poland, cucked like germany, the UK and sweden, or non white like spain
>Living in a country that has more niggers and muslims that every country together mentioned before
why the fuck not
Also, snails are very tasty
We have less non-whites than the UK, germany or spain, user.
niggers playing a nigger sport.
How very surprising.
Amen to that mon ami.
>no jobs
>getting nigger'd
Yeah, no. Even the nordic cucks are better.
Lol why do english posters always hate spain so much?
Its weird because lots of english people come here when they retire.
>>Because it's a carnivora, and thus not profitable (5 years of expensive feeding for 10 kg of meat at best...).
I know I'm talking in a MUH FEELINGS way, but dogs have been there for humans for millennia. In today's society, it actually is profitable to breed dogs for food because one's able to mark the price. Still wouldn't do it.
>And do you think there's no particular bound with sheeps, cows etc? Do you think they always have been industrial objects? Fucking fast food culture...
Did you know that money was named after cattle in Rome?
Yeah, cattle and sheep were tamed and raised specifically for eating purposes.
Your post make obvious a fact that you're either a woman or a leftist.
Why though, when there's an ample supply of better food?
I have nothing against eating snails.
Dude it's in some metro stations and RER lines... not all...
But yes, you have a point. Paris is very "multicultural"
Paris is like 70% nigger right now.
> After spending much of the life hating Spain, when Brits realize the daily life in Spain is actually better than the UK.
Said Algeria 2.0
Because of the bubble of memes overrating Mediterranean women
Armada and stealin wiminz